About some inquiries about amazon refund


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I have an idea that I can use FULLZ to buy something on Amazon and then apply for refund and ask the customer service to refundthe Amazon gift card to me. Is this method feasible? I hope someone can give me advice.


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On the verge of deception: how to make money on refund
The idea to make money on refund (from the English refund - "return") in online stores arose, probably, with the emergence of these very shop platforms. The algorithm of actions is simple: you order the product, receive it and then use any arguments to convince the seller of the fake / inadequate quality / damage of the product. The goal is to return the amount paid for the product, leaving it to yourself.

Refund can be of several types:
  • reimbursement of the value of the goods without returning it to the seller (refund), that is, money plus goods;
  • replacement with a similar product (replace), that is, two goods;
  • monetary compensation and goods (refund & replace), that is, two goods plus money.
Initially, the refund was envisaged as a way to protect buyers from unscrupulous sellers. However, lovers of easy money saw it as an additional way to make money, which they have used quite successfully in recent years. True, the largest trading platforms have recently tightened return and compensation rules to protect sellers from unscrupulous buyers. Nevertheless, the refund is still one of the moneymaker's tools.
The most popular online stores in the post-soviet space are AliExpress and Amazon.
To become a customer, you need to create an account. During registration, you indicate your real data, including name, surname and payment card details. Only after complete registration can you shop.

1 rule: of competent refunding is to make 4-5 real purchases per return. This will not give an opportunity to doubt that you are a real buyer who simply makes high demands on the proper quality of the product.

2 rule: before buying a refundable item, make sure it is subject to refund. This is always indicated on the product page.
To make a return from Aliexpress, you need to open a dispute with the seller. You will have to prove very convincingly, using all the techniques: indignation, blackmail with bad reviews, etc. Many resort to using video, demonstrating the opening of the parcel and subsequent disappointment with the purchase. However, before that, the package is carefully opened and the device is "disabled". For example, one refander shared on the forum how he once acquired 10 Xiaomi smartphones, removed the chargers from the boxes and packed the gadgets back. After that, he filmed a video of how he opens the parcels and "discovers" the incompleteness. As a result, the "argument" worked, and the seller returned 100% of the cost of the goods - the profit was double the cost of smartphones.
For some time, the argument for the dispute and, accordingly, the refund was the accusation of the seller in the sale of fakes. In recent years, this no longer works, as sellers indicate that the product is not original, but "corresponds to the original."
Another, probably the easiest way to refund, is the absence of a track for the package. In this case, it is trivial to return money for the goods: the buyer simply informs the seller that the package has not arrived. Now such situations have practically sunk into oblivion: retailers are carefully monitoring the tracking of tracks, creating an additional free service on their sites.

3 rule: of professional refunders: make refunds from more than one account and in different stores. Of course, this requires an initial budget. For example, make real purchases up to $ 10 for a product from AliExpress and $ 20-50 from Amazon, and only then order an expensive product in order to return.
To avoid being suspected of dishonesty, you need to behave like a conscientious buyer. In case of controversial situations, when the seller insists that he fulfilled the obligations, you can put forward the argument that everything was fine with the purchases before, but suddenly such a nuisance happened. If the store finds you trying to make money on the refund, then your account will simply be banned.

4 rule: be active in your account. In any store, except for the "Basket", there are sections "Favorites" and "Wishlist". Use these services, add and remove what you want, read special offers - in general, "plan" purchases.
Such actions also create the appearance of a real buyer and will give additional bonuses in a dispute with the seller.

5 rule: study the psychology of relationships. Put yourself in the shoes of a salesperson. How will you react to an open dispute, how will you behave with the buyer, what arguments will you give in defense of your reputation? This is a very important point, because often the argument is won not by the rules, but by persistence and persistence. It is sometimes easier for the seller to yield and return part of the funds in order to maintain the rating and nerves.

6 rule: don't ask for a 100% refund, especially if you're new to refund. Often, the seller is ready to issue a partial refund without additional checks and requirements. However, if you get a full refund, he can fundamentally insist on his innocence, and very often, especially recently, the same AliExpress takes the side of the seller or requires serious arguments. In this situation, the store may close the dispute against you.

7 rule: close the dispute only after making sure that the money is returned to the card or wallet. The seller can promise anything, ask to close the dispute before he returns the money or goods. However, if you fall for his promises, you yourself may become a victim. After the dispute is closed, the seller does not owe you anything. The dispute opens and closes once. Remember this.

An important point: the choice of goods for the refund. The most popular topic is gadgets. They can always "fail", turn out to be fakes, and so on. In addition to gadgets, you can use clothes or shoes. Many users track negative reviews for products that do not correspond to the description / size chart / color, etc., and order them in order to then present the seller with legal claims for a refund for a low-quality item.
To buy goods from Amazon in Russia, you will have to use the services of intermediaries, which automatically excludes the possibility of a refund. As a rule, in terms of cooperation, intermediaries immediately stipulate that they do not deal with returns and do not accept claims. When ordering goods from them, you act at your own peril and risk.

There is a chance to make money on a refund at Amazon only if you have friends or relatives in Europe who are ready to become free intermediaries for you. Amazon very often takes the side of the buyer, and given the turnover of this online trading giant, returning several hundred dollars is not a problem for him. However, weigh the pros and cons. Should we involve other people in such a dubious undertaking?
As making money from a refund is gaining momentum every year, stores began to improve their refund policy for low-quality or allegedly low-quality goods.
So, almost every major online store has a refander database, and if you get into it, then any request for a return will end in your favor. Changing the wallet or spelling of the last name also does not always work: in the account you register real payment data.

The stumbling block for many buyers was the condition of returning goods of inadequate quality at their own expense. It was this point that at some point equated real buyers with refanders. To somehow remedy the situation, the same Amazon, for example, has introduced new return rules since 2017. According to them, the buyer can return most of the goods within 30 days from the date of receipt and the cost of return shipping is borne by the store. Despite the seemingly positive trend, the new rules drew a storm of criticism. Nevertheless, they remain in force, thus weeding out the petty refander fraudsters.
As for the big "players", they will act under any circumstances, bypassing both new rules and toughened requirements. As a rule, such moneymakers create their own communities, for example, on VKontakte, where they offer to make a return from the largest retailers for a certain percentage. These people act according to their refund schemes, which, of course, they are not going to share with anyone. Tens of thousands of dollars are earned on this, but playing on such a large field is not for beginners.
It is difficult to make money by refunding money for a “low-quality” or “damaged” product, but it is possible. However, when trying to get rich in this way, remember that you are not making a deal with the seller, but with your conscience.

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My idea is that it is feasible to pay with the stolen credit card, purchase goods on Amazon, and then apply for return of goods, so that Amazon will refund the balance to a gift card, so as to realize the purpose of cashing out of the stolen credit card


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Yes, it’s quite possible.
When you request a refund, Amazon can provide a balance in an e-Gift card, which is easy to cash out.

As a result, you receive the goods on a drop + e-Gift card for further use.

But to do this, make an account video of the opening of the parcel (first, take the parcels through a thin section of the box and take it out, then glue the cut), and declare to Amazon that you sent an empty box or threw in another or trivial product and show the video as evidence.