About non-cash money and banks


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Today in Russia there is a completely normal system of non-cash payments. Of course, the concept of "non-cash" has many synonyms, such as "by bank", etc., but all this is the same essence.

In the first part of the article, I will talk a little about the essence of money (what if someone learns something new?) and I'll try to tell you about bank accounts, payments, and so on. In the second part, we will talk about specific types of documents and what they mean.

0. The essence of Money​

This entire introduction is dedicated to explaining what money is in our society. You can skip it if you don't feel like reading it.

I have a 10-ruble bill in my pocket. We are used to thinking that Bank of Russia bank notes are money. In fact, it's a bit different.

Previously, coins were themselves made of precious metals, so there was no such "separation" of value as there is today. Judge for yourself — the bill is worth exactly the money that was spent on its production, i.e. it can cost much less than its face value.

Now the practice of making money from precious metals is no longer used, since the Central Bank of any country issues tickets, i.e. banknotes and coins. Of course, silver and gold coins are issued, but this is done only to indulge numismatists :)

Banknotes or coins represent a debt obligation assumed by a bank (in our case, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation). Of course, in the history of money there are a lot of examples of real provision of money with gold, relatively speaking, the bank was always ready to provide the client with the amount of gold that corresponded to the denomination of the bill. True, today the rule of securing obligations with gold is already a thing of the past.

1. Banks​

It is clear that for quite some time now, storing a large amount of money has become a problem. Well, then thieves, then a fire, then something else. Therefore, it became convenient to store money in the bank, since it was responsible for the safety of the money.

However, before the advent of non-cash operations, there was a problem — money from the bank must be withdrawn and transferred. Inconvenient.

Also, the problem of Russia was that the existence of non-state banks, and even more so, private business, was simply impossible in our country before 1990.

However, since 1990, we have been "doing well" with the banking system and there is such a player as the Central Bank (CBR).

If anyone didn't know, the banking system in Russia is two-tiered. At the first level, we have a Central Bank that gives permission (licenses) to other banks to perform any specific operations. At the second level are such monsters as Sberbank of Russia (most of it is owned by the Central Bank), VTB (most of it is owned by the Government of the Russian Federation) and other commercial banks that already work with the population and legal entities.

The Central Bank does not work with individuals and legal entities! Only with banks.

So, going back to our starting point, it should be mentioned that before the advent of the Central Bank, transfers between banks were complicated, even if they would have been possible. Today, the process of operation of any commercial bank looks like this: it has a correspondent account with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, from which the bank makes transfers to the correspondent account of another bank with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. And money can easily (or rather, quickly) move between different organizations, even if they are served in different banks.
Correspondent accounts, of course, can be of different types — nostro, loro, vostro). Again, I won't go into too much detail.

But! It should be understood that real money for banks looks like an obligation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to them. That is, when a payment is made, the real money does not move anywhere. We will need to be aware of this fact in the future.

If you want to open your own bank, it's true, but why not? To be honest, there is only one small bummer here — the minimum authorized capital for opening a bank is 5 million euros. Unfortunately. But on the other hand, if you look at the possible volume of customer transactions, this amount will seem ridiculous.

2. Invoices​

The chapter is sponsored by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:)

2.1. Order of invoice appearance​

So, we have already understood what our banks do — they work through their correspondent account. But what about the rest of my accounts, so if I have a savings book — it's also an account?

Remember that the first point of contact between the bank and the client is the contract. It is the contract that specifies the set and list of services that the bank provides to you, how much those services cost, and in what order they are provided.

In fact, you should not think that banks are very free in their decisions. Since the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is quick to punish and harsh to punish, it sets certain requirements that are mandatory for all banks. And they can already bring these requirements to the point of absurdity (like Sberbank of Russia) or not. But the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will be vigilant over their compliance, regardless of the size of the bank.

So, next comes the following situation. In general, within the framework of a single bank agreement with a client, a whole bunch of accounts can be opened for each situation. However, depending on the person and the nature of the relationship with the bank, the types of accounts may change.

Within the framework of the Civil Code, there are two types of accounts. So far, this is the only centralized explanation of what accounts can be — there is a bank deposit and a bank account.
The difference between them is simple — the deposit is intended for storage, and not for paying anywhere from this account. A bank account implies any operations, that is, payments somewhere.

Once again, in the legal language, a payment from a bank account is an assignment of the right of claim. By depositing 100 rubles in your current account as an individual entrepreneur, you have the right to demand 100 rubles back from the bank. However, when you pay by "bank transfer", you transfer this right of claim to another person.

The bank can keep an account in any currency convenient for the client, as well as in the currency with which the bank operates. These are mostly rubles, dollars, and euros. Accounts in other currencies may simply not be maintained by the bank.

2.2. Types of accounts​

Of course, there are a large number of sub-types of accounts, for example, an account (in the case of a bank deposit) can be called a "personal account". And the account from which the bank debits money on a loan is often called a "loan account". If you try to classify such names, you can talk for a very long time and not really tell anything, so for more details-in the comments :)

Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Opening a bank deposit may or may not be accompanied by issuing a savings book. If the bank deposit agreement does not specify its absence separately, it must be issued without fail.

And finally, there may be metal accounts (namely deposits). There, everything is accounted for in grams of precious metals, and an individual cannot pay anywhere from such accounts.

3. Money Management​

The chapter is sponsored by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

3.1. Bank deposit​

In relation to an individual, everything is quite simple. A person came, showed a savings book, if there is one, and then does what they think is necessary, that is, replenishes the deposit, pays it wherever they want, or simply withdraws money.

If the deposit is opened in favor of a legal entity, it can either top it up or withdraw money from it. And nothing more, for everything else there is a regular bank account, not a deposit.

3.2. Bank account​

It's already more interesting here. Both individuals and legal entities can open bank accounts. And they can dispose of them in exactly the same way.

Operations are performed using the following documents::
  • payment order (in jargon — "payment card")
    letter of credit
    payment request
The second part of a two-story article. It tells you about specific documents, their purpose, and so on, all sorts of little things.

4. Documents and their purpose​

Before discussing documents, you should be reminded of such a concept as authentication of securities for the bank. At the moment when you enter into an agreement with the bank, you prepare a card with samples of signatures and a seal impression (if there is one, an individual may not have it).

There can be from one to two signatures on any document to be recognized as valid. The first signature and the second signature, respectively. In addition, the first signatures can be two, and the second signatures can also be two.

This mode is designed to make it easier to control the account. For example, the director and his deputy have the first signature, and the chief accountant and his deputy have the second, respectively. Any first and any second signature is sufficient for the document to be recognized by the bank.

Of course, at the same time, if the deputy director and deputy chief accountant are in cahoots, then they will be able to warm up the company perfectly:)

The document itself is checked for correctness of filling in and matching signatures by a bank employee (usually an operator assigned to you). If she has doubts, she can take out a sample card and check.

Please note that receiving any documents from the bank may require a power of attorney, however, a power of attorney is not necessary in order to include them there. For example, if a payment order is filled in correctly, the signatures match and the seal is correct, then the bank employee does not have the right to refuse to accept it.

4.1. Payment order (payment card)​

A payment order is used to transfer non-cash money (i.e., a bank's obligation to one customer) from one person to another. The form of a payment order has not changed for quite a long time, and to an untrained person it may seem like Chinese literacy.

4.2. Letter of Credit​

I will immediately make a reservation that I will not consider all types of letters of credit here, the task is to explain what they are. For more details, you can use search.

So, I have a deal coming up with my supplier. I want to buy a product for a certain amount, and I have it in my account. I go to the bank, take a piece of paper of the established form (it is called a letter of credit), which indicates to whom the money will be transferred (i.e., the details of my supplier) and what are the conditions (for example, payment will only be made if documents confirming delivery are provided).

The bank accepts the letter of credit and charges me a commission, after which it notifies the bank of the payee that the letter of credit has been accepted and the bank confirms my intention to pay.

As soon as the delivery invoice is signed by both parties and submitted to the bank, the payment is made.

Today, a letter of credit is rarely used. Rather, it is almost not applied due to its complexity for understanding a Russian person, as well as due to the fact that the bank may ask a small percentage (from 1 to 8) for carrying out such a transaction. However, it is quite common abroad and is a good insurance of the transaction.

It should be understood that a letter of credit is also a sub-type of payment order, only in this case the bank is the certifying party.

4.3. Receipt​

We've all watched American movies where the main character receives or issues a check. I will honestly say that I once really liked it and wanted to try it myself :)

First, let's understand what a receipt is. A check is an instruction to the bank to pay an amount in cash from the bank account to a certain person. And only to him, no one else.

If I have a bank account and want to be able to write checks, I need to purchase a checkbook from the bank. It contains 50 checks that already contain my banking details. It usually costs from 25 to 50 rubles.

After I have received the book, I can fill out the receipt. In it, I specify the person to whom the amount is issued, what specific amount and on what basis the amount is withdrawn. For example, if I withdraw money for employees ' salaries, or for "other expenses", I indicate this in the receipt. The reason for this statement is simple — the bank charges a different percentage for withdrawing money for different needs. The lowest percentage is on salary.

The sweet process of filling out the receipt begins. It has a few subtleties.

First, in the fields where the amount and recipient are indicated, after the amount is written there, dashes are put so that nothing can be added.
Secondly, no (absolutely no) corrections are allowed in the receipt.
Third, one bank may require you to write a round amount without kopecks, and another may require you to add "00 kopecks".

After the check is filled out to the fullest extent, the person who is entered there with passport data is sent to the bank and receives the money. Cheers :)

4.4. Payment request​

As the name implies, this document is used when you need to request a payment. Everything is simple here.

For example, I rent premises from the city administration. The contract stipulates that I must grant the administration the right to charge me the amount of rent if I delay it for more than 10 days. I submit a copy of the contract to the bank and the bank makes it possible.

Now, let's say I'm late on a payment. The administration takes the "Payment request" document to the bank, which clearly indicates how much to withdraw from me and on what grounds. When my bank receives such a request, it debits the required amount from my account.

The payment request I have reviewed is called non-accepted, i.e. it does not require my consent (I was required to do so by the agreement). In real life, there is also an accepted payment request, in which everything looks exactly as I described, only for debiting I must also express my consent :)

4.5. Collection services​

Under collection, the bank can receive money from a third party for me, for example, from my buyer, and then transfer it to my account. In fact, this is a payment request that is only executed by the bank instead of me.

However, in the practice of Russian collection, the most common situation is different. The tax inspectorate has the right to use the collection to the current account of any enterprise. For example, I didn't pay taxes for the past quarter. One happy morning I will see that I have been debited the required amount at the request of the tax inspectorate.

It should also be noted that there is a commission fee for processing any document. The difference is only in its size. So, for example, a payment order costs from 12 to 25 rubles apiece, but it doesn't cost a penny if I pay taxes with this order. Please refer to the bank account agreement for the exact price.

5. All sorts of little things about the bank​

I tell you about the example of my Security Service of the Russian Federation
In general, working with the bank is as follows. The department for current accounts opens at 9 am. I, as a client, having a power of attorney, or being the owner of the first signature, receive such a thing as an" extract", if there is one. There is an extract if operations were performed, and an extract is made for each day with operations.

After taking the statement, I can understand who paid me and how much, since copies of the documents that accompanied the movement will be pinned to it. The only exception is a check, and I have to remember who I wrote it to and what I wrote it to.

Also, the bank accepts any documents listed in clause 4 before lunch for execution on the same day. Receipts are always accepted. So, for example, if I brought a payment order before lunch, it will be executed and processed on that day. The next day, in the morning, my recipient will see my amount (arrival) in their statement, and I will see the expense in my statement. If I brought a payment order after lunch, it will only be processed today if the recipient is in the same bank as me. It won't go to another bank until the next day.

5.1. Online banking​

Many banks offer customers the opportunity to manage their current accounts directly from the workplace. Basically, such systems are called "Client-Bank" and there are a great many of them today.

Their main advantage lies in two things:: there is no need to visit the bank and documents are imported into the program for accounting without any problems.

5.2. Additional services​

In addition to the fact that a good bank treats the client normally, you may also be provided (or may not be provided) with various additional services. For example, a bank operator can help you fill out a payment order. However, not every bank allows you to do this.

5.3. Cash register, cash discipline​

This question is a big one in itself, but I'll cover it a bit to make it clear. Every business has such a thing as a Yandex. Checkout limit. This does not apply to individuals and individual entrepreneurs. Cash limit means the maximum amount of cash that can be held in the company's cash register. If you have more money in the cash register than indicated in the limit, it must be handed over to the bank for crediting to the current account.

The cash register limit is set by the bank so that the company's cash payments can be controlled.

In addition, the bank can request the company's cash documents for verification in order to see how correctly the accounting of cash transactions is maintained.

That's probably all I wanted to tell you. Of course, many things could have been left out of the picture, so welcome to the comments.