About carding for beginners


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Drop - the person to whose address you make a shipp. Personally, I advise you to resort to the services of a drop, in the event that the shop does not send to your country, now there are few shops that send, for example, to your country, in which case carders are looking for drops, for example, in yus and make spikes on them - this increases the likelihood that the product is successful will be sent. And if you have a store that sends to your country, then you can send calmly to yourself (as all normal people do), if you do not trust my experience, you can create a topic for discussion. You should resort to drops in your country if you work on your country, that is, you hiss from stores and on CC (but only bastards work on your country), so see for yourself. To better understand why drops are needed, consider two situations:
1. You have a USA сс + USA shop, you order the goods to Russia (the probability that the goods will be sent is small) - (although there are a lot of such shops now)
2. You have a USA сс + USA shop, you order the goods to the address of the drop who lives in the USA (the probability that the goods will be sent is high)

Now I think it became clear to you that they are looking for drops not so much for safety, but as for a successful drive). You should also know that there are two types of drops
Adjustable (a person has no idea that he works for a carder, such drops are often caught)
Non-divorced (a person knows that he accepts a carved product, observes safety measures, etc.)

How to find drops?
In general, there are special people who are called drop drivers, they have a certain amount of drops. You can work with drop lines in different ways, for example: the drop line gives you the drop address, you make a shipp on it, after which the goods are sent to you in your country (for %), the second option: this is when the drops sell the loaded goods themselves, that is, the drop line is for you right away can pay on the track or after the sale of the goods, there may be other options.
You can search for drops yourself, if you speak English, then go ahead to the forums where Americans are looking for additional earnings).
Breaking through the add credit card information.

First, a few definitions:
Issuer bank - the bank that issued the card and controls it.

Bin - the first six digits of the card number, which can be used to determine the following: bank issue, card type, card level, card brand. How to punch information and what it looks like now I'll tell you:
1. Go to the site bindb.com
2. Press SEARCH BIN (above)
3. Enter bin and captcha, after entering, click Search
after which information should come out like the following:
Bin: 421766
Card Brand: VISA
Card Type: DEBIT
Card Level: PLATINUM
Iso Country Name: UNITED STATES
Iso Country A2: US
Iso Country A3: USA
Iso Country Number: 840

Why do you need this information? Information is the most important weapon of a carder, in carding everything revolves around information, roughly speaking, the more you know, the better. Issuing Bank sometimes requires when paying, Card Level (card level) depends on the card's fatness, the higher the level, the more likely it is that the card has a large balance. In general, you can extract a lot of useful information from any information)

I think the chapter about shops is the most important. Why? I'll tell you now. The fact is that many beginners think that all carding is inadvertently hammering in. But driving it in is easy and not difficult (stupid filling in the fields). It would be safe to assume that this is all carding. In fact, there is a lot of tedious and boring work in modern-day carding. Let's figure it out. And so we have ss + Dedicated, but where to drive in? Where can I get a shop that can be easily sent? To drive into the first shops that come across is nonsense) First, let's introduce a few more concepts that you need to know before "going to the store"

1. Billing address - Billing adress (alt. Payments information) - the address of the cardholder, ie the billing address
2. Shipping address - Shiping adress (alt. Delivery information) - shipping address, ie your address or drop

Now, in fact, we will learn to identify POTENTIALLY slutty shops (that is, shops in which it makes sense to try to do it by driving). To do this, go to Google and drive in various requests (I think it is clear that in English) and browse online stores. And now a few niansevs that need to be seen in order to understand whether this shop is right for us:
1. The shop must accept a credit card for payment (if you do not see the credit card symbols in the store, such a shop can be dropped immediately)
2. The shop must be sent to a separate from the Billing adress (ie, there are shops that are sent only to the cardholder)
3. The shop must also be sent to the country we need (for example, not all shops are sent to your country)
4. Is there a delivery method to your country (it is not uncommon that your country is on the list of countries, but there is no way to deliver there).

But only when all these points satisfy your situation, only then you are already driving (through Dedicated Server (RDP), well, that's all)). But the best way to determine these nuances is to issue them by driving, that is, you stupidly go to the website of the online store: choose a product - register (all the data on the ball) - well, then go to the payment itself according to the way, looking and determining all that, which is written above. Thus, you select a certain number of shops and then you already make real drives into them)

And now ATTENTION! I repeat! And so: to find out whether the shop is sending or not is IMPOSSIBLE without driving it into it !! But this does not mean that you need to drive into the first shops that come across. For this, we first look through the shops on our computer (that is, we hang out there as an ordinary visitor - we register - we reach the payment and along the way we look at all the nuances) - what are the nuances of us interested look above! Of course, it is possible and not necessary to constantly register, because "bad shops" can be immediately identified (from pictures, etc.) - but I insist that you jerk off Claudia and your eyes, because there is no place without these nerdy skills. CARDING IS NOT A FREE SHIP.

And so we have already figured out that driving is nothing more than a regular payment (only from someone else's account) .. Now let's take a look at the small nuances that can have a positive effect on driving.
If you think that by buying a grandfather and ss (valid) you will succeed 100% - this is a delusion))

And so we will analyze the points:
1. RDP and CC should be selected necessarily from one country and preferably one region (region, state)
2. It is better to drive in before lunchtime (local time of the deed)
3. The most favorable days for driving are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
4. You cannot order several times from the store to the same address !! (Just kill the shop)
3. It is better to use 1cc for one drive (if you have not driven into one shop, you can try to drive into another, but after a successful drive, it is better not to touch the card anymore !!)
4. If you order goods to one country, but pay with a card of another country, then most likely nothing will work for large amounts. (For example, you have USA, and you order the goods to your country, in this case I advise you not to make the amount of the order more than $ 250)
5. And in general, remember: the smaller the amount - the more chances that they will be sent.
6. Payment for delivery is also included in the order amount, so you can save on it (do not choose the fastest way, choose the cheapest one)

What happens after a successful carding
And so: let's say we did all the rules, the payment in the shop went through (that is, the card was hammered in), what's next?
I will say right away that this does not mean a fig. Ie not the fact that the goods have already been sent 100%. This only means that your order has been accepted for consideration, and people will already be considering it.
All further information about our order will go to our soap (which we indicated during registration). If there are problems with English, then I advise you to use a translator. But as a rule, standard letters come to the mail.

The types of letters are as follows:
The first letter is most likely a notification and gratitude about registration on their website

The second letter is a notification that your payment has been accepted and will be reviewed shortly (this is called an order) .. If it didn’t work for you, then most likely they will also send a letter with the opposite content.

But the options for the third letter may be different:
1. A good option! You will be sent a letter that your goods have been sent or will be sent soon (this is called "hurray track given") Track is the number of the parcel, by which you can track its position in the flesh before staying in your city. By the way, a parcel can be sent to you without this track (depending on which delivery method you have chosen), as a rule, the cheapest methods are sent without a track number.
2. Semi-sad option! You will be sent a letter in which they ask you to prove the fact that you are a legal cardholder. (You may be asked for a photo of a credit card or its scan or a scan of some other document, I can also ask you to call them and confirm by phone again the fact that you are a cardholder). The forum is full of services that draw scans and receive calls.
3. Bad option! There is nothing to write here. A letter will come in which you will be sent to heaven for an asterisk.

More about parcel delivery
Here I will try to describe everything about deliveries.
Go. In general, there are three main delivery services, these are:
DHL (almost all over the world), EMS (almost all over the world), USPS (USA).
In general, in order not to paint a lot, I will say right away that I advise you to punch the track.
But here the information will start to appear if the parcel is already on the territory.

And here are other sites:
track-trace.com/post - track a parcel by order number around the world from almost anywhere in the world - 97 countries are here!
ukrposhta ...._ post? openpage Ukrposhta, track the parcel in Ukraine. For Ukraine - all parcels sent through China Post go through Russia.
emsukrain ...? name = Base.html - tracking EMS parcels by order number in Ukraine
ems.coop/ - EMS official website
ems.coop ..... l.ch/operators - links to official sites around the world of the EMS courier service
ems.com.cn/english-main.jsp EMS in China
usps.com/ - EMS in America
dhl.com.ua - DHL in Ukraine
dhl.com - DHL general site

That's basically all about delivery!

In general, guys, never get involved with activities in your country. If they catch it, it will be too late. As they say, the main and only rule of carding is not to fuck with your own people.

Thanks for reading! The material is provided for informational purposes only!


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Chapter 1. Why Carding?
Here we have to figure out why we need carding to make money? Why not just learn to be an accountant, for example, or a lawyer, and then sit in the office and receive your $ 500 a month and not bother. Someone thinks that you can easily make a lot of money in carding. If you are my, dear reader, decided to engage in carding for this reason, then I hasten to disappoint you. This does not happen. I am not joking or trying to be ironic. Carding has long ceased to be an easy job. Yes, in the 90s there was such a topic, the bourgeoisie sent any goods to anywhere in the world using the generated map tracks. But those days are long gone. Now, carding is a world with strict rules. There is always a confrontation between shops, banks, cardholders and our friends - carders. Therefore, think forty times before you, the reader, decide to do carding. Big earnings here for those who really plow from dawn to dawn and have been in the subject for a long time. There is no freebie here anymore. People make money with their will and perseverance. Remember this, reader. There is also another unpleasant side to carding. These are problems with the law. Whether you steal a lot or a little, you are a thief. And as Zheglov said, "A thief should be in prison." And the militia somehow protects and catches us. Today, news often flashes about this or that case of the capture of carders. If you are not afraid to sit down, or you are so confident in yourself, then welcome to carding. And also it is worth remembering the golden rule, do not steal from your own and everything will be all right! Therefore, we look only towards our beloved America. reader. There is also another unpleasant side to carding. These are problems with the law. Whether you steal a lot or a little, you are a thief.

And one more thing. Remember the carder is a thief. You can call it whatever you like, but the essence will not change. By becoming a carder, you become a thief. And also, think about what other aspects of carding you are attracted to besides money. For example, I like carding because I am a swindler in my life. Even in my deep youth, I broke into cars and dragged radio tape recorders and other nonsense from there. Tugged women's handbags and bred suckers into trifles. True, then I calmed down, but I realized that I could not live without it at all, so I became a carder. I like to steal. And here you, my dear reader, once again strongly advise you to think about whether I need all this. You will earn much more money by becoming an official or a politician. Bribes have not yet been canceled. And it will not cancel.
And if you are still firmly convinced that you want to become a carder. Then welcome to the second chapter.

Chapter 2. Where to start?
This question worries all beginners, without exception. Where to start in carding? From bays, rollocks, cash out, drops, ringing, drawing documents, clothes, casinos, dating? There are a lot of topics, but not all are suitable for beginners. Personally, I think that a beginner may well start off in a clothing store and start his first business there. So what is a thing? In short, it looks like this. We go to the website of the online store, choose a laptop or a gold chain as thick as a big toe, pay with data from a bourgeois card, and the ordered goods come to our mail. But as in any business, there are many nuances. One of the biggest problems is anti-fraud protection. This is such a special automatic system that tries to track the person driving the card and determine whether it is a carder or a real bourgeois. Basically, this system looks at the correspondence of the client's IP address to the country and state where he lives. That is, for example, we drive in the card of John Smith who lives in the city of Chicago, Illinois, and the IP address shows that this person is now in Russia in the north of the Urals, or on Sakhalin for example. Such tricks with an anti-fraud system will not work. She also looks at the local settings of the computer, such as the system language, time zone. After all, it is illogical that the bourgeois is sitting on a Russian Windows with a time zone of +5. Therefore, we need a well-tuned system to drive cards successfully. But we need not only her. You also need to pay attention to your safety. Imagine by some miracle that you have skipped things for 50 kilo bucks and then the uncles from the police come to you because you shone your real IP addresses everywhere and even ordered all the parcels to your home address. Yes, after reading the second chapter, I think you don't really want to get caught so stupidly. Therefore, you need to provide yourself with maximum coverage of the rear and flanks. Covering the backs and more will be our next chapter.

Chapter 3. Security
Let's start with how to protect your real IP address from being exposed. One of the most successful solutions today is a VPN. VPN is a service that will help you remain anonymous, it will help you hide your real IP address, and will not allow you to listen to traffic. Now a lot of offices provide VPN services. Look for an office with a good reputation and cheaper prices, because you need to spend your start-up capital. Next on the list are socks. In general, socks are needed not so much for security as for the anti-fraud system to think that we are leaving the state we need. And not from somewhere from Zimbabwe ...

Now let's talk about how to accept goods ordered in shops. There can be no question of taking over the goods. This is only for the most frostbitten kamikaze or emo, so it doesn't matter. And we want to live, but not in prison but in freedom. Therefore, we need to find a drop. A drop is a person who will take upon himself not only the parcel but also the visit of the cops if they arrive. Drops are adjustable and non-adjustable. Adjustable drops are those who think that they are doing everything correctly and legally and do not suspect that the goods that come to them are carzen. How can they rub it in is the second thing, but they firmly believe that I work at a real job, or that you brought a brand new plasma for my grandmother, and left for another city on business. Undivided drops are those who know that the goods you have left and that the police can come to them at any time. Making drops for yourself is quite a gemorny occupation, obviously not for beginners. Therefore, with a clear conscience, we will turn to the drop conductor. A drop driver is a person who manages drops and provides us with their drops for a certain fee. Usually this is a percentage of the sale of the product or the second item in the package (two video cameras in the package). So this is the system when paying for goods with a card, we indicate the address of the drop and the parcel is sent to him, and he already sends us half of the parcel. That is, for example, he received two laptops, he keeps one for himself the other sends you. But one way or another, this structure is quite pale because they will take the drop by the balls and he will gladly hand you over to the cops. There is a way out of this situation. Now drop carriers are also buyers in one person. Those. you send him a laptop worth 1 kilo bucks and he drops 500 bucks to your WMZ purse upon receipt. This method is many times more convenient. you do not need to take over the goods, but you can immediately sell them and get laundered money. I think that you should not even remember that you need to look for proven ones who have been in the subject for a long time, tk. there is always the possibility that you will be thrown.

Now let's talk about how to protect private information on your computer. For example, we have credit card numbers, tracks from shops and other goodies. We need to hide it somewhere far away so that it does not irritate our eyes, and so that if the cops suddenly come to us, it would be possible not to worry too much about the fact that they will find something illegal on our computer. Personally, I advise you to use a USB screw or a USB flash drive or SD \ microSD card to store important and compromising information. Personally, I use a regular SD card that my laptop successfully hawked. In order not to store data in clear text, we need to encrypt it. We will encrypt using the TrueCrypt program. So, download the program from the off site (you can also find a crack there). In the wizard, select to encrypt your device. Then we choose to create a hidden volume. The hidden volume is needed for better protection. It works like this. We create a encrypted partition disguised as a file. For example, a movie. So, if, when mounting a partition, enter the password for a regular volume, then a regular volume will open, I recommend that you stuff porn pictures in a more perverse way there. If you enter the password for the hidden volume, then the hidden volume will be mounted. The trick is that if the cops sneak about the encrypted section, then you tell them the section from the usual volume and they will see porn and not documents. You will find a more detailed help for this program on the off site. If you enter the password for the hidden volume, then the hidden volume will be mounted. The trick is that if the cops sneak about the encrypted section, then you tell them the section from the usual volume and they will see porn and not documents. You will find a more detailed help for this program on the off site. If you enter the password for the hidden volume, then the hidden volume will be mounted. The trick is that if the cops sneak about the encrypted section, then you tell them the section from the usual volume and they will see porn and not documents. en you tell them the section from the usual volume and they will see porn and not documents. You will find a more detailed help for this program on the off site.
So now the time has come for a detailed acquaintance with the process of driving in and making a bubble. But first, we need to configure the system. So welcome to the next chapter.

Chapter 4. System Configuration
So, in order to have a configured system, we need to put it somewhere. The best option for this is a virtual machine. For this situation, WMware is best suited. Downloading cook from off-server or from torrents. Then we put the English Windows on it (it is assumed that we will work with YUSA). After we have downloaded and installed Windows on the cookware (I don't give detailed instructions since there are millions of them lying around in Yandex), we need to configure the programs we need. Programs can be downloaded from the Internet and can be copied from the main OS (just click copy on the files, and then click paste in the virtual machine). So we need TrueCrypt in order to have access to our storage of important documents. There is a small note here. If your encrypted container is stored on a USB flash drive, then you just need to share access to it over the network and specify the path through the network to the container in the guest OS in TruCript. IMPORTANT! One container cannot be simultaneously mounted on the guest and host OS. To mount a container in the guest, first unmount it in the main OS and vice versa! After you set up this program, go to the sock program. Personally, I use Proxifier_2.8, you can download it from the link that I gave above. To make the programs work through the sox, run proxyfier, click options> proxy settings> add. We enter the sox there. It is also immediately possible to check the soks for survivability, the Check button is intended for this. To hide DNS, click Option> Name Resolution> uncheck Choose the mode automatically> check Remotely> OK To mount a container in the guest, first unmount it in the main OS and vice versa! After you set up this program, go to the sock program.
The system was set up, ready for driving. Welcome to the next chapter!

Chapter 5. Test drives
To begin with, I recommend that you practice on the "cats". That is, on the little things that would then be driven on a real site without any problems. So, first of all, you can scard yourself a Counterstrike. To do this, we go into our virtual machine. On the main basis we cling to the VPN, on the guest sox according to the holder's state. You can not buy credit cards for this business, but look for a fresher freebie or ask someone for a loan. On CI in freebie, I often saw credits, the main thing is to choose fresher. Then you can card Steam. Read more about the incentive in the article "Cardim KS in pictures" (on the forum is in the section for beginners).
You can also practice by hammering the card into pornics. You can buy any cheap programs. Just do not need to use all this on your computer later. Sleep.
If everything went well with the test drives, and you gained at least a little experience in driving, then go ahead to find a real job!

Chapter 6. Real drive
To start making money on real shops, you need to find these shops. We need shops that send to an address other than billing to the usual CC + CVV. This is the most difficult thing to find such shops. We enter into Google that thread like "buy asus laptop" and start following the links and looking at shops. Read in shops in fake what you need to order, if it seems to you that the shop should send, then do so, take a credit card, drive it in, and write the address of the owner of some other card for the delivery address ... THOSE. there must be a real person at the address you wrote. With a successful drive, they will collect and send the order and send a track to the mail. Track is the parcel number by which you can track on the website of the postal service where the parcel is now. Also register mail on the servers yahoo.com msn. com gmail. com, Russian mail such as mail or Yandex is bad manners. Forget it. So if the store sent you a track and the package left, congratulations! You have found a whore shop. Now go to the drop guide, he gives you the drop address. You again drive the parcel into the name and address of the drop and go! The track that the shop will give you needs to be thrown off the drop pipe. Now sit and wait for the first money from the drop guide!

Chapter 7. Conclusion
In conclusion, I would like to say that with all the badness of carding, it has its advantages. Learn to withstand the blows of fate, learn to sit at the computer for days on end, learn to force yourself to work and study, and you will succeed.
From my own perspective, I can say that I have been doing this for 5 years already, and at the moment everything is more than satisfactory to me. This is the same feeling when not a bit suffered from the growth of $ and began to live even better!