ABC on Carding CC


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Amigo, I do not promise that after reading this article you will be able to drive in trucks for iPhones, but for a general understanding of the essence of carding and some slippery moments, it will come in handy.

What do you need?

First, you need to take care of your security and freedom, and for this you need a VPN on the main machine to work. Do not use free VPNs, do not drive VPNs, do not use VPNs whose legal entity is located in the US or EU. When using a VPN, you need to understand that ANY VPN keeps logs in one form or another. If not at the VPN server level, then at the data center level where the VPN servers are located. Finding and tracking you is easy and simple with the right approach. Our job is to be like Elusive Joe. Why Elusive? Because nobody needs.

Carding machine
You can drive in the CC from anywhere, even from a computer, even from a phone / tablet. The driving process is no different from a regular purchase in an online store. There are several options - the simplest is Dedicated Server (dedik or RDP).
Dediks are quite convenient and easy to use, but good Dediks are quite expensive. Grandparents are divided into several types - homework or server.
The difference between them is in the installed OS and hardware. Naturally, it is best to take home dyes on win7, but for a beginner, ordinary server dyes are quite suitable. The price of a Dedicated Server depends on the purity of its ip, user rights and whether it is home or server.
Another option for a drive-in machine is a virtual machine with a tunnel / nose raised on it. This option is a little more difficult to use, but it has a number of advantages over Dedicated.
One of the main advantages is the ability to choose the ip closer to the zip holder, since there are much more tunnels than RDP, and therefore we have a lot to choose from. The second advantage is that we can fine-tune the system for driving in, make a mold of it and then roll back to this mold every time, raise the desired tunnel and drive in immediately. There are again more configuration options on the virtual machine, we can change the hardware on the virtual machine, change the name of the machine, the version of the OS. But this requires certain knowledge and the presence of special software.
And of course a virtual machine will cost you much less than your grandfather, since socks / tunnels are much cheaper.

Middle / drop / buyers
Several options can be used as the delivery address for a stolen product.

In the middle
The simplest and cheapest way, I think there is no need to explain - it is the same with a stick. He will be happy to block the account if the shop goes to the police.
Advice - register your account in the middle for a scan of your passport and your left name, of course, is not yours. It is advisable to choose neutral names like Alexander Kristowski - incomprehensibly Russian, Jewish or American. Although the United States is a country of migrants, therefore, Russian names can also be light.

An expensive way, they use an expensive liquid product. Kinet sooner or later)

Ideal if you need money quickly. No crap with delivery and account block in the middle. There is also a possibility of a scam.

Valid CC
Talking about where to get the mate can be long and tedious, but personally I buy it at Uni or Feshop. Where will you take - your business.
Personally, I see 2 approaches to choosing a mat to buy:

1. Buying a CC in a shop, and then selecting an ip for it, next to the holder.

- Large selection of CC for bins, fresh bases.

- May not be a clean grandfather / tunnel / sock next to the zip holder.

2. Selection of a clean grandfather / tunnel / sock, and then selection under the zip mat.

- Large selection of grandfathers / tunnels / socks.

- It may not turn out to be good, fresh valid CC.

Personally, I use the second option. I explain why - I try to take big, rich states - Florida, California, Texas, New York. Under them there is always enough of both grandfathers / tunnels / socks and SS.

A few personal tips for choosing a mat (CC):
-Take mat from fresh bases.
-Take a mat with an expiration date as late as possible, i.e. if it is 08/2018 now, then ideally take a mat with a validity period of 08/2022, for example, or even later.
-Do not take AmEx, i.e. better than VISA or MASTERCARD.
-Try to look for fatter beans, for example platinum, gold, signature. Logically, there should be more money there, but this is not always the case, of course.

From my own observations, I note that debit cards go better than credit cards. The explanation for this may be that the bank passes the debit transaction more easily, since the holder's money is there, and the bank's money is on the credit cards, which the holder can theoretically use.
- Do not check CC before carding. Since ANY check is a fraudulent operation from the bank's point of view. Those. Donald Trump decided to donate $ 1 to Wikipedia, and after 5 minutes he went to buy GoPro 6? Coincidence? I don’t think so!

What to carding?
If you decide to try your hand at driving, then you don't have to start with something expensive and liquid. The ideal way to get started would be to hammer in clothes for yourself and your chick. There are not many shops that will send the smack stuff, but there are a lot of shops that will send you clothes.
I do not advise beginners to drive in Gift, because either you will not pass the verification, or the Gift will simply be canceled.

Where to carding?
There is a mega-private scheme for finding shops that are sent to any address. I’m ready to sell it to you for a measly $ 600. Just kidding, I'm not ready. Because she's not there. And whoever says there is - that pathetic liar who wants to fuck you.
Look for the shops yourself. I recommend using for this - it's like the yellow pages, there are a lot of stores. As a rule, small local shops send much better than giants such as Walmart, Bestbuy - although they also make their way, but other costs and approach are needed.
Whether the shop is sent out or not, there is only one way to understand - to drive it into it.
The only thing I will say right away is that you should not drive the SS into the shops where the Merch Stick is.

How to carding?
Let's imagine that you bought a RDP in sunny San Francisco, bought an CC for it, waited until morning or evening came in San Francisco (I do not recommend hitting late at night and on weekends). I went to my grandfather, opened a browser (I prefer Firefox), went to Google - and write the name of the shop in the search bar. Google gave us a bunch of links, among which there will be links to shop accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media. So, I recommend that you go to the shop not from Google via a direct link, but through social networks. Those. went to Facebook, and from there to the shop.

Further, the classic story - we go to the shop, try on panties, put them in a basket, try on a coat, remove panties, put a coat in a basket, in general, we create an imitation of user activity, walked around a little - went for a smoke / ate echpochmaks. We returned to the computer, we checkout - if there is an opportunity to continue as a guest, then we continue to purchase by the guest, if you need to register an account, we register. I advise you to do mail on Gmail, yahoo.

Enter the data from the card billing in the billing field, the data in the middle / drop / buyers - in the shipping field. Of course, ideally, the holder and the drop should be in at least one state, but this is completely optional.
Personally, I always enter the phone number the one that comes with the SS data, changing only the last digit. Often, if the shop calls the buyer and cannot get through, then he writes a letter, they say they could not get through, there is a question.

ATTENTION! In the case of working with a drop / skimp, enter the holder's name in billing and shipping, since both drops and skippers will accept the pack in any name. In the case of working with the middle, the name is entered EVERYWHERE with the middle, the same Alexander Kristowski. Since if a pack arrives in the middle of someone else's name, then with a high probability the account will be blocked.
As a result, he clicks Place order / Confirm order / Pay order - in general, we confirm the payment. If we have a good grandfather / tunnel / sock and a live CC with sufficient balance, then we will see the ORDER PLACED screen or something similar, and we will receive an order confirmation email.

What's next?
And then we go about our business - feed the cat / cut the hair in the ears / fiddle with the pistrun / fucking off the btc course, along the way checking mail for letters from the shop. A shop can send us a letter that the order has been canceled, in which case we shrug our shoulders and go to beat another shop, or we'll try the same one tomorrow with another mate. There may also be letters specifying the delivery address, requests for a scan of documents required for verification (if the order is for 100 bucks, then it makes no sense to draw, since a good drawing is expensive, and a bad shop does not go away). And the best part is your order shipped.

If you have read this text to the end and thought - "Yeah, well, slag, I thought it was a private scheme", then I will disappoint you - you inattentively read the first lines of this text. Naturally, everything written here is public, but this public provides a vector for studying the details. I deliberately did not leave contacts of mat sellers, instructions for setting up a virtual machine, searching for shops, middlemen / stingy / drops. Since everyone should have their own secrets, because, as you know, everything dies from the public, except for the carding itself) All the details and subtleties can be found on the forums, all the sellers are there, and the instructions for setting up in Google.