A teenager from Vitebsk traded cryptocurrency for 460 thousand rubles


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A 16-year-old college student registered on a crypto exchange with the help of an adult acquaintance. But I did the deals myself. As a result, in two months, the turnover of the guy's crypto wallet exceeded 460 thousand rubles. The police became interested in the case.

A young Vitsebsk resident was found out during the investigation of a crime of embezzlement of money from a bank card. It turned out that the teenager, among other things, bought and sold "crypt" on the instructions of scammers who stole funds from the accounts of Belarusians.

According to the police department, a protocol on an administrative offense for illegal business activities was drawn up against the violator. He faces a large fine and withdrawal of the entire amount spent through the crypto wallet.


An illegal minor cryptocurrency user identified

Investigators for countering cybercrime of the Mogilev region Department of Internal Affairs, together with detectives from the Glussky District Department of Internal Affairs, identified a 17-year-old resident of the district center who was engaged in illegal cryptocurrency trafficking.

It is known that the college student has been assisting third parties in acquiring cryptocurrencies on specialized exchanges for a year. The teenager's profit exceeded 86 thousand rubles.

A protocol for illegal business activity has been drawn up against the violator. He faces a large fine and appeal to the state revenue of the entire amount passed through the crypto wallet.