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The basis of any anonymity is the ability to work without traffic leaks. This feature is provided by Proxifier. With this program, you can let traffic flow through a strict flow without leaks. If your VPN, SSH tunnel, or Socks crashes, this program will block all outgoing packets and prevent you from revealing your real IP address. Instruction manual.
By the way, the proxy has one very important feature. It allows you to chain the DNS server directly from your connection. To do this, in the program settings, be sure to check the box here - "Resolve hostnames through proxy". Now you don't need to substitute DNS manually.

A very simple program for launching SSH tunnels. The model of working with it looks like this. We hook the tunnel through changing a plain text file (we enter the tunnel data there), launch a batch file that redirects our traffic to the proxy. Important! Run the batch file only in conjunction with a proxy server.

The program also allows you to conveniently connect to tunnels and redirect traffic. It has a nice interface and convenient session logging, where you can find out what is happening with the connection at the moment. It works in conjunction with a proxy server. Instruction manual.

Double SSH Tunnel Manager
The antivirus can swear, this is absolutely normal for this program.

DNS Jumper
Can change your DNS with a couple of clicks.

Linken Sphere
Universal Autonomous harvester for working on the darknet.

Vektor T13 Antidetect
The acclaimed brainchild of one of the main developers of anonymity tools in Runet.

A high-end Android emulator that was developed specifically for testing applications. As with any emulator, you need to install a basic starter pack of Android apps to get started. The program needs to be patched.

Convenient viewing of graphic files, an abundance of formats. You can view metadata by clicking the e button. The problem is that if the photo's metadata is not erased, it will be able to show on the Google map exactly where the photo under study was taken. Also, if you have a lot of PSD files under different names and you often need to run heavy photoshop that eats a lot of RAM (to see what is in the file), this program can solve this problem.

The father of all graphics programs. By learning photoshop, you will save yourself quite a lot of money, which is very important at the start. Passport photos, scans, and the production of real documents will no longer be a problem for you. There is only one universal way to learn photoshop: you type in the "photoshop tutorial" on YouTube and just repeat how people make collages and drawings from scratch.

No logging, payment with bitcoins, a choice of 9 countries.


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A set of security software
Hello everyone, today I will share with you a set of software for security and anonymity.
Let's go!

1. STZBlaster-a program for changing the PC name, host, processor ID, HDD volume, MAC-address and much more. Additionally, you can change the regional settings in the program.

2. RMOSChange.exe -the program changes the HTTP headers of popular browsers (Mozilla, IE, Mozilla (old)). The essence of the program: first, if scripts are enabled, then data is transmitted such as browser version, browser language, user-agent; secondly, if you use American or bourgeois dedik\soks\vpn, then you need to change the settings for IE, since it is the most popular browser there.

3. SMAC 2.0-the program spoofs the MAC address of the network card. You can change your MAC addresses once a month and everything will be fine.

4. Privacy Suite Main Menu-we encrypt and hide our container already created by TrueCrypt in jpg, wav files. You can also create a safe deposit box. Another indisputable advantage of this software is that it permanently destroys files. You can also encrypt it to a flash drive. We also open the encrypted container without having to re-install the program.

5. TrueCrypt - in our opinion, this is the best program for data encryption.

6. Proxyfier - a simple proxy server. You can specify the application to be soxified.

7. OpenVPN GUI - openvpn client, needed to connect to the vpn server.

8. VPSProxy - new software, you can even say that the key software in this list. The essence of the software is that we use flooded gates (network gateways) on shells/hostings/servers as sockets. The key feature of VPSProxy is that the incoming and outgoing gate is constantly changing. Use only over VPN/SSH.

9. VMware workstation is the most popular program for system virtualization. Why do I need it? Everything is very simple, again, if you have scripts enabled in your browser (which is necessary for shells), then along with ip, dns, etc., the OS language is also transmitted.

The scheme is simple: install VMware workstation (approx.NNS-varya), then buy a backdoor patch for varya or use the one in the public (if you find a patch without a virus, you're in luck). We take and throw all the gray software on Varya. If you smell something amiss, then use the Privacy Suit and format it to NTFS with some program.

10. O & O SafeErase-a program that can be trusted to permanently delete files. It has many modes of operation.

This is the minimum set of software that everyone who does dashing things, even if not very dirty, should have. We set it up once and then live in peace.