A resident of the Amur region transferred 4 million rubles to crypto scammers


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A resident of Blagoveshchensk fell for the tricks of cryptocurrency scammers - she transferred 4 million rubles to an “investment account”, and when she realized that she had been deceived, she lost another 40 million rubles.

Now employees of the Blagoveshchenskoye Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are trying to find out all the details of what happened and establish the identities of the scammers. Two criminal cases were initiated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud on an especially large scale”).

Last September, a 63-year-old woman received a call from an unknown man. He introduced himself as a financial expert in the field of cryptocurrency and promised significant income. The victim registered on the specified website, opened an investment account and transferred more than 4 million rubles to it. She was subsequently unable to withdraw funds.

The woman realized that she had been deceived, but did not contact the police. Instead, she found an advertisement on the Internet for legal assistance and left a request. Then a representative of the company contacted her, who promised to return the stolen funds, since a criminal case had already been opened against the scammers. This, of course, required additional funds.

As a result, the Amur resident took out loans from several banks and borrowed 15 million rubles from friends. In total, over 3 months, she transferred about 40 million rubles to the scammers. Thus, the victim lost 44 million rubles - she transferred 4 million rubles to cryptocurrency scammers and gave 40 million rubles for “legal assistance.”

Only after this did she contact law enforcement agencies.