A little about clothing carding


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I decided to write my first article on clothing carding (stuff carding).
The article is based on my personal experience and other articles about the thing.

What is clothing carding?

First of all, clothing carding is the purchase of goods in online stores based on data on a stolen credit card.

Clothing carding can be divided into two types: buying staff for a billing address, and buying staff for an address other than billing. In this article, we will look at the first option.

What do we need for clothing carding?

For clothing carding, we need:
1. Enroll - a card with online access, we need it to change the holder's address to the drop address.
You can buy Enroll, or you can make it yourself. If you chose the second option, I advise you to read the article hxxp: //csu/showthread.php? T = 29417.

2. Sox under the state (preferably city) of the card holder and VPN.
Access to socks can be bought, for example, at 5socks.net. VPN can be bought at secretsline.net.

3. Drop in the country in which you will be working (I, for example, took it from USA, since I have a USA bank enroll).
You can take the drop from the drop handlers.

4. Shop that sends staff without scans and ringing. You can buy such a shop, or you can find it yourself. To find such a shop, go to Google, drive in a query like “buy ***** online” - where ***** is what you want to buy. We open the 15th search page and there we look for any shop you like, drive in a valid credit and sprinkle the goods on the holder (at the same time, do not forget about soks for the state, vpn and English Windows). If a track has come to your soap, and a surprised holder has a product, you can safely drive it further into this shop, without fear that he will ask you to call them or send scans of documents.

5. VMware with installed English Windows.
We need English Windows in order for the shop to believe that you are a real American. Most amers use Windows XP SP2, so I advise you to install this kind of Windows.

What to do next?

So, you have found all of the above, but you do not know what to do next? Do not be upset, now I will try to explain to you.

First of all, we launch the English Windows, put on the sox and set the time zone under the state of the holder, turn on the VPN. We go to the bank's website (where the enroll is made). Find and press the Sing In button. Enter your username / password and get to the account. We admire. But there is no time to admire for a long time - we must act. Change the address of the holder (card holder) to the drop address (the drop guide should have given you the drop address). You can also change your phone, because the bank can call and clarify whether the holder really changes his place of residence. Ringing can be ordered from the dialer. You tell the dialer all the data that he will have to say, he will give you the phone number to which the bank will call. Now, again, we change the holder's phone to the dialer's phone.
That's it, the address and phone number have been changed. Now you need to wait 3-5 days for the enroll to lie down.
After 3-5 days we go to the site of the store that you are going to card (see point 4). We are looking for the product you like (for a start, the cost of the product should not exceed $ 1k). Found, click on the "add to card" button. Next, we are looking for the "Checkout" button. Choosing delivery methods: I advise you to choose a delivery time of 2-3 days so that the shop does not burn anything wrong and cancel the order. Now the most important thing is the payment for the goods. In the Billing address column we write the name of the holder, but all the other data of the drop. In the Shipping address column, we write everything the same as in the billing address (you have an enroll with a changed address, i.e. if the payment goes through, the staff will still come to your drop).
Everything is ok, we have filled in the billing and shipping addresses. We carefully enter the card number, exp date and cvv. Click Confirm Order (or something similar). If the payment went through, we see the inscription “Thank you for your order”. But it's too early to rejoice - only half of the work has been done. Now you just have to wait for the track number to your e-mail. As soon as the track arrives, we give it to the drop channel and get our money (usually 30% of the average cost of the goods on bizrate.com)

P.S. Of course, there are still a lot of nuances in the clothing item and this article only superficially describes the actions in clothing carding. In fact, in practice, everything is much more complicated ...

* holder - the owner of the card
* stuff - from the English. Stuff - product
* shop - from English. Shop - shop
* enroll - card with online access
* track - from English. Track number - by the track you can track the status of the parcel

I am sorry for the shortcomings, I have no gift to write articles
Once again, this is my first article, do not kick much, but I am ready to listen to criticism.
Thank you for the attention.

(c) exT

Attention! The article was written solely for informational purposes, the author is not responsible for your actions.