A detailed guide to the world of scam


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Detailed guide from A to Z in the world of scam. How to get started, what to consider, and how to make your first money. Let's go.


Let's start with simple terms.

* Scam 1.0 - imitation of a seller on the trading platform, where the scammer (you) "sell" any product using remote payment. Your task is to make the mammoth click on its link and pay for your product with a guarantee that you will receive money after sending the product. But, you already understood that you get money right away, and the mammoth goes through the forest.

* Scam 2.0 - imitation of a buyer on the trading platform, where the scammer (you) "buy" any product from the seller using remote payment. Your task is to get the mammoth to click on its link so that it gets paid for its product (supposedly you bought it). The idea is that the seller does not receive money, but they are debited from his account.

* Cash out - withdrawal of funds from the mammoth card is higher than the cost of the product or complete cleaning of the wallet using the payment system tools.

* Drive-in and drive-in - enter mammoth card data for further debiting of funds. Actually, the one who performs this procedure.

* Tima-team, from the English translation. It's a shame not to know. This is basically how teams that engage in shady activities are designated.

* 3DS-enter the map data using your link as a mammoth. There is an additional concept, like a log-this is the same thing. Mammoth transmits complete data about its card (card number, expiration date, and CVV) to your system or drive-in.

* Fake data or fake balance - mammoth fucked you up, entered incorrect or invalid data from the card, or specified a non-existent balance.

* Valid and invalid - the first term denotes valid and working data that can be used, the second, respectively, the opposite.

* Checker - a special item on the page following your link, where the mammoth must specify its own card balance. There are chequers with automatic balance verification, which themselves receive data from the bank.

* Parser - special software that automates the process of collecting data from bulletin boards (or other places). There are different parsers with different functionality. Basically, they collect all the basic data from ads: the link to the ad, the seller's number, addresses, and other data that you request.

* Spammer - actually, software or a person who performs the same type of mailing of certain content. Scammer-sends out phishing links or stillers or other tools that allow you to steal data or money from those to whom the newsletter is sent.

* Mammoth - well, it's fucked not to know at all. The mammoth is the one you were able to deceive and get your own benefit from it.

* Emulator - a program or an entire ecosystem that allows you to simulate the virtual workspace of an android system. Simply put, by installing this software, you have an android smartphone on your computer that can do everything that a physical device can do.

* Support - someone who helps new students understand the subtleties of the world of being.

* TS ( technical support) - staff that processes questions and objections of mammoths in a special chat on your phishing site. In some cases, the TA can put the squeeze on your mammoth, get out some additional personal data, or process the mammoth for a refund.

* Refund - the procedure for returning funds to the mammoth. Of course, there is no refund and stupidly write off more. (for example, you started up a 3K account and they use scripts to upload things to the TA that allow you to withdraw another 3K when the mammoth thinks that they want to return the previously debited money to it).

* Card Limits - specially set limits for online transactions on the mammoth card. Withdrawals are made by calling a mammoth bank or using the bank's mobile app.

* Billing or merch-a tool that allows you to make remote or remote payments from cards of different banks.

* X's (X2, X3, X4...) - repeated debiting from the mammoth card of the amount indicated by the drive-in or payment system.

* SMS code-comes when the mammoth gets to 3DS or gives a log of its card. It is used to confirm transactions for payment. There are different codes.

* Push notification - a system notification of the banking application that notifies the account holder of deposits or debits of funds. Mammoth has received a push, so let him confirm it. You need to remember that.

* CT or red table of the domain, site-well, this is when GG, Tima leaves for repairs and stop-work. Seriously, this is when a domain or chain of domains has received a strike from the copyright holder (in rare cases, multiple strikes from ordinary users) and the host puts a sign on the site warning that the site is fraudulent.

We've reviewed the database, and now we'll go directly to the 2.0 scam, since it's easiest for a beginner to start from there.


You can work both from your computer and from your phone. We will need either an android smartphone with support for all applications, or a computer with the android system emulator installed (Memu, Knox, Bluestax).


It's simple here, friend.

Choose a service, and check for the availability of a number for your country. If you don't have a phone number, wait 10-20-30 minutes. Approximately every hour, the services fill in new (or old) numbers for non-mobile countries. Undercarriage - every 5-10 minutes. For services with numbers, see pinning


We registered an account for WhatsApp (WA), sit on the account for 10-15 minutes, do nothing with it and log out. After an hour or two, we log in again, set the avatar (always different), status, and set two-factor authentication (so that the account is not stolen). Log out of your account. After an hour or two, we go back in and ask our colleagues to unsubscribe a couple of messages to your account. We communicate and create the appearance of a living person. Within 10-15 minutes we communicate and leave votts. We wait 2-3 hours and go in, you can unsubscribe 10-15 people per hour (you can unsubscribe more every day).

If you were suddenly banned at some stage, then there are two options: votc burned you down and noticed spam activity, or just didn't have any luck with the number.


Yes, you'll need to use it frequently. You can use a simple Google translator, it does a great job.


We registered an account for WhatsApp (WA), sit on the account for 10-15 minutes, do nothing with it and log out. After an hour or two, we log in again, set the avatar (always different), status, and set two-factor authentication (so that the account is not stolen). Log out of your account. After an hour or two, we go back in and ask our colleagues to unsubscribe a couple of messages to your account. We communicate and create the appearance of a living person. Within 10-15 minutes we communicate and leave votts. We wait 2-3 hours and go in, you can unsubscribe 10-15 people per hour (you can unsubscribe more every day).

If you were suddenly banned at some stage, then there are two options: votc burned you down and noticed spam activity, or just didn't have any luck with the number.


Finding a mammoth is 30% of your job. Try your best here and increase the percentage of your profits. Mammoth is selected at the ad selection stage. Many people thoughtlessly poke and write to everyone indiscriminately, increasing the energy consumption for the search. If you do everything wisely , you will not only spend less time on the same search, but you will also be able to focus on the quality of processing the mammoth.

  1. We are looking for a seller who registered no more than 5 years ago on the site (you can also register more as an exception)
  2. Choose a seller who has less than 15-20 ads in their profile. If he has 10 items in the same category - this is a miser, you can skip this one. We are interested in ordinary sellers with ordinary products in a profile that is clearly not engaged in sales or something like that.
  3. We look at the photos. Analyzing it. We need to understand whether our mammoth is rich or sells things because it doesn't have enough to live on. There are goods for 5 euros and the balance of such a mammoth is very large, and sometimes on the contrary, 200-300 euros are goods - and the balance of a mammoth is under 3 euros.


The more time you spend sifting out ads according to the criteria that I outlined above , the higher your percentage of finding your cherished mammoth that will bring profit. Don't type to everyone in a row. See how long a person has been online in votsap (if there is a number). Check your sellers ' accounts. Don't waste too much time on people you'll never fool.


Before proceeding to the main step, we will determine whether the seller is worth spending your time on. Again, point by point:

• Your salesperson is listed in votsap. Stupid-yes, but many people don't understand it.

* The seller responds to you openly and conducts a plus or minus loyal dialogue. This is the basis of your profit. If the seller responds to you on fuck off, then here is 50-50. Either fumbles, does not want to, lazy faggot-or just busy and there is no way to fully respond. With such play on the sucker - all unsubscribed and link in person.

* The seller does not ask you to switch to the official site. site in the chat. If you want , you can just work out an objection and suddenly get lucky, but from experience I will say that such types are rummaged for fraud and are unlikely to click on your link.


Working with a salesperson and transforming from a salesperson into a mammoth is an art form. Remember, until you get a profit from the seller, he is not a mammoth. If you describe every nuance and point out every circumstance, the material from the manual will turn into a manual and psychological literature. I believe that each worker has his own style of work, his own methods. Here I will show you the main, basic ones that you can improve and refine to suit your taste and color.



And yes, this does not mean that you tell him what to do in a commanding tone (again, there are exceptions). This is a game where the salesperson thinks that he is the master of the situation, but in reality - an ordinary puppet in the hands of a skilled worker. If you correctly submit your payment method or delivery , then you have won.


A funnel in the world of scam is considered a tool that allows you to conduct a scripted dialogue prepared in advance. There are different funnels with different outcomes, but one outcome is important to us - give the link to the mammoth and the main thing is that it obediently follows it and enters the data. Creating such a funnel is not difficult. Below I've provided you with the main messages from potentially your funnel. IMPORTANT: Your funnel should have several versions of messages with the same meaning. Otherwise, the messenger will simply send you a scam and your account will be banned. We translate messages ourselves.


greeting: ...- name of your product.

*hello. I was interested in your ad for the SITE NAME. Tell me, do you still sell ...?

* Good afternoon. Found... to THE SITE NAME. Is the offer up-to-date?

* Hello there. I'm interested in your suggestion. I would like to purchase it. Are you still selling ...?

* Welcome. I found your wonderful product on the SITE NAME. ..- do you still sell?

QUESTIONS: Ask as many questions as you want. I recommend no more than 3 questions.

* Wonderful :)Tell me, is the condition like in the picture?

* Tell us how long ago you bought the product?

• Are there any hidden defects?

• I can see that everything looks very good. Why did you decide to sell?

• Did you set the final price?

• Please tell me where you are located?

* Great! How did you use it?

• I've seen many similar options. Yours is the best so far. What is the sale related to?

PURCHASE BASIS: serves as a trigger for purchasing through the site.

* Thank you for your information. Now I am in another city and buy your product as a gift for a loved one (sister, mother, father, husband, wife, daughter)

* It's good that you told everything as it is. This is important to me. I would like to purchase your product.

* Excellent. I'm happy with everything, in general. I hope my husband likes it.

* Great, I've been looking for such an option for so long and now I've found it. Thanks for the information.

BUY TRIGGER: Based on the response, you make a link or work with the seller's objection. Do not panic here, keep yourself in check. And we remember: we offer mammoth remote payment or secure payment, or secure transaction, or remote payment. We attribute delivery as a method of sending goods, and not as a basis for payment. This is not Avito, it doesn't work like that here.

• Will it be convenient for you to send the goods by delivery? I will pay for your product via secure payment on the site, get the money immediately, and send the product in any convenient way.

* I think I'm fine with that. I want to pay for your product via secure payment on the site and arrange delivery to my home. This is done simply. Let's try it with you?

• I can't personally pick up the product right now, so I'll arrange delivery. I will pay for your product via the site using remote payment. A reliable and safe method. Let's do this?

* I will buy your product using remote payment on the site and arrange delivery to my home. Delivery will be at my expense. Will it be convenient for you to ship your product today or tomorrow?

HOW PAYMENT WORKS: I wrote in the manual on the Czech Republic I will repeat here, try to explain everything in words! Use screenshots as the last argument, no more. I made more than three hundred profits and used the screenshot only a couple of times.

• The whole process looks like this:

1. I pay for your product on OKIDOKI

2. You will receive a link to receive money.

3. Follow the link and enter the account number that you can conveniently receive money to.

4. As soon as you receive the money, the checkout service will contact you and assign you a convenient delivery service. Delivery will already be paid for. They will pack and arrange everything.

* It works very simply. I pay for your product on the SITE NAME, you can use the link to confirm the transaction and receive payment. After a successful operation, the delivery service manager will contact you and assign you a convenient service. I'll pay all expenses. They provide packaging.

These are the basic scripts that have already led a dozen people to profit. If you refine them to suit your style and presentation, develop a system , and the result will not be long in coming.

Try to focus on the response from the mammoth. Sometimes you have to improvise, it's normal.


C - objection. O - the answer.

Q: I only sell for cash.

A: Why do you refuse non-cash payment? It's so simple: you received the money, gave the goods to the delivery service, and they will do everything for you.


A: What makes you reject this method? It is safe and legal, so sell and buy goods every day for 10 thousand people.

Q: Face-to-face meeting or prepayment.

A: Why these difficulties and ancient ways? We live in the modern world. Aren't you interested in simplifying things?


A: There are two payment methods per AD PLATFORM NAME: cash and non-cash. Cash is paid at a personal meeting, which I can't do now because of the quarantine. Non-cash payment is made through the site to guarantee the transaction participants maximum security of the transaction and that none of the participants in the transaction will be deceived. GUARANTOR OF THE TRANSACTION. And these two methods are legal and legal. You're offering me a dangerous way. This is illegal. Are you a fraudster? How do you guarantee that the goods will be sent to me?


A: I can buy the product from you right now. You will receive money RIGHT NOW by clicking on the link. It is safe, 10 thousand people use this method every day! No need to create difficulties for yourself and the buyer. Make a trade in 10 minutes. You collect the money, and I receive the goods the next day. Everyone is happy!


A: I will pay for your goods from a corporate account. As you know, it is illegal to transfer money directly from such an account to an ordinary person. I'm ready to buy the product right now. So I will pay for your product through the website, it will save us problems and save time. I don't see any barriers to making a deal with you.

Q: Never sent it like this, let's try another way?

A: Send a message about how the payment works. Specify the advantages by type: it is safe for both of us, it is simple and saves time, it is convenient and takes only 6 minutes to complete the transaction, it is reliable and the goods are delivered to me in just one day with a full guarantee of safety.

Q: Would you rather pay by cash on delivery?

A: I'm sorry, but this option is outdated and has a lot of disadvantages. I ran into a problem when I received such a product, I paid for it, and there were bricks in the box. I ordered dumbbells for the gym. You can't view the product there until you pay for it, and no one guarantees a refund. And here we will have a guarantor and the goods are checked before shipment. Believe me, you will enjoy it and you will be satisfied.

Q: I don't trust this site, let's do it another way.

A: The NAME of the SITE has been used for more than ten years. They have the most secure payment protocols over the Internet, they cooperate with all official banks and delivery services. Why don't you trust him?

Q: They ask for your bank card details, why?

A: You enter your card details for the bank so that the payment system can identify you online as the recipient of funds. The data is not transferred anywhere and is deleted after the transaction is completed. I also entered all my details.

Q: Some strange website, is it a scam?

A: No, of course not. This link is made by the banking system to protect the payment and ensure security. These links serve as a bank deposit box. You can safely receive payment.

Don't be afraid to ask back questions. Your task is to identify the reasons, the main pain of the seller, why he refuses your method. By identifying these needs, for example: it's not safe, it's not reliable, I don't trust you, they ask for data, etc. - you push arguments in response to CONVINCE your mammoth that everything is fine, he doesn't need to worry, and in general - you are an angel.


* If the mammoth starts to argue with you and prove its point of view - skip.

• If mammoth doesn't agree with your payment method-ask questions, but what the fuck? Identify a need - satisfy the need.

• If the mammoth doesn't go to the drive - in page, ask if it has any problems and offer help.

• If the mammoth is driving in the map, but does not drive in - see the item above.

• If the mammoth has entered a map, write to the drivers and wait for feedback. Always communicate with your mammoth.

* If the mammoth answers me to fuck off - did you even read the manual, asshole?


You have only 2 reasons why you can skip the mammoth:

* he is a ram and strongly refuses all your arguments.

* he doesn't answer you

There is a 3rd reason: you got all the money out of him. But this is no longer the cause, but the effect)


Get an objection - identify the need - satisfy the need.

Don't get me wrong, it all depends on how you correctly work out the objection from the mammoth. Yes, you are a fucking consultant in Euroset, Beeline or MTS and your task is to fuck a fucking fly on an overdrive to a stupid client. As long as the mammoth doesn't put you in an emergency, it's a potential profit. Find out why he's pissing in his underwear - and counter-argue. Imagine that tomorrow you have nothing to eat, nothing to drink, you are being evicted from your apartment, a debt of 10 thousand to your best friend, the loan terms are on fire. Imagine that the mammoth's money is your only chance for a bright future. Presented it? Now destroy the mammoth with arguments, facts. Shoot his fear and make him go to the link, make him drive in the map. MAKE THE MAMMOTH, CONVINCE HIM, BE A RAY OF HOPE FOR HIM THAT HE WILL SELL HIS GOODS!
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