a breif instore carding overview


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hey this is a faq i threw together as i find the other ones can be quite outdated.

Now carding, esp instore carding has many different views so i don't expect a worldwide consensus on what im saying or my views/methods.

now this will probably overlap with many other tutorials but hopefully be the most helpful.

Ok so you say i have wmz i wanna buy dumps and card card card!!!!

what you need.

msr206 is a must, unless u trust ur plastic supplier enough to encode ur dumps and u want ur place clean (no equip). very simple to use generally, if u logged into this board im sure u can use it. generating track1 with a program like pckit is easy, i prefer it when i am batch makin many cards. I will include a link later.

Now what i highly suggest is a false identity, and make it worth ur while to invest in this. I have lost many id's instore before, but mainly because i cheaped out on them from the start. A solid ID should always pass every store, unless we are talking very hot stores for very high swipes. Even out of state / province Id's are good if the quality is there and u can talk a good game.

Plastic. Many people at the start will not invest in plastic, instead reencoding their own cards, friends cards and buying visa gift cards. I have to suggest investing in good plastic from good vendors, buy in bulk so you dont have to worry for awhile. You do not want ur plastic being the issue when you are instore. Shitty plastic wont get you much more than burgers and pizza and maybe a toilet at walmart. Matching the faces with the bin number (having a CITI bin have a CITI plastic)can be important for large purchases, but generally is fine.

Embosser/tipper. This is something you really should invest in, unless you are getting your plastic supplier to tip / emboss your cards. I waited a long while before investing in said machinery, but i wish i had sooner. The ability to basically make cards on demand cannot be overlooked and also they are not very hard to figure out. This may be a big investment, but ull make it back by paying for blanks instead of tipped/embossed cards. Now many people may not want any equip near them ever and instead just order tipped/embossed cards in batches, which has its merits as well.

You really shouldnt slack on this area, and start making random non matching cards where the digits on the card are different then the track data in the mag strip, you are basically pointlessly playing russian roulette. Alot of last 4 checks are done manual by cashiers. Meaning that after a transaction has gone through the receipt will print the last 4 digits of the cc, and they will compare it to the front of the card to see if they match randommly or when they have suspicion. Even walllllllllmart does this, altho most cashiers there just dont care.

This again is under the assumption you are a one man carding machine, which is another debatable subject. Many prefer to have orders, workers, insiders at stores and work it much more like a large business. While others prefer to take a trip just themselves and shop, again could debate forever which is better.

Now most dumps you will buy from vendors on online boards will be track2 only, meaning that you will get a dump like this


First 6 digits are the bin,in this case a cibc infinite from canada, you can use pckit (altho i find their bin checker shit) or other apps / sites to check the bin to find out the bank, the limit, and the area (not always). After the = sign is the expiration in reverse order. So this dump expires 06/10. After that is the service code. 101/201 is mainly what you will deal with. 101 is a non chipped card, 201 is chipped. 101 Will pass anywhere just swipin, but for 201 all the new POS with EMV will ask you to insert the chip card if a 201 track was to be passed through it. All american dumps are 101, most of eu/canada is slowly becoming 201, but many stores are not updated for chipped cards worldwide. now finding good stores / bins is where the "skill" comes in. Finding a bin that works well in your area, for certain amounts ect. Im not going to bore you with how to gen track1, just use pckit or read another tut on it.

Now interesting note about 201. I have on numerous occasions talked my way out of a problem with a 201 card asking for chip to be entered by saying you just have to put it in teh chip reader and have it fail, its a new card but i didnt get the updated one ect. I have only ever done this for sub 500$ swipes. After a few fails (the amount depends on the POS) it will revert to mag strip. Some know this trick, but it can be risky for high amounts in hot areas.

So now we are to write the track2 and track1 with our false identities name both embossed and written in the track1 so it prints on the receipt. Now time to shoppppp.

Everyone knows the joys of "dressing the part". You own the card, its yours. Always ask questions about items, make a joke with the salesman. Wear obviously nice clothes, check your watch (if its nice haha) often, wear a bluetooth, take control of the sale. Prey on small young girls, in a good way....Bring a stack of cash with you and try and decide how your going to pay at the cash when the total is given to you and then say "hmmm i guess ill try this one, please be nice to me visa/mastercard". Use your imagination and logic to make the sale seem as legit as possible, if you happen to be black... get a white friend to shop looool.

Insiders are a good way to safely do 1k+ swipes. Friends who work in stores and allow you to pass.

Carding, especially at the start can give you a feeling of invicibility. Watch yourself closely with this. Sometimes you will just figure you can buy anything anytime anywhere and in any situation. I have seen people on their first runs go from being scared to buy a hamburger at mcdonalds, to carding 2K hotel rooms in 10 hours. hotel rooms and other things where there is a timespan in which the bank can make a call or the owner of the card can are dangerous, even if a card has done multiple swipes. I have seen a 4K swipe for jewllery, 10 minutes later the owner of the card called the store and told them what happened and that it wasnt her/him. If this had been a club / hotel ect. during that time you could be caught. I have heard instances of travelling groups doing carding get caught after they card a hotel room and wake up to police next morning.

now how to use the dumps is interesting as well. Try to stay away from doing sub $200 swipes, as the more swipes you do generally the quicker a card dies (again very dependant on the bin). shopping for pizzas and groceries and haircuts can be fun cause you dont pay, but if a dump/plastic is costing you 50-150$ then it doesnt make much sense to kill a 150$ card on 50$ of pizza. U wanna get groceries, buy 400$ worth ect. Anyways this is something you would eventually realize anyways as cards died. now many cards will go for days and days if you arent killing them and are within your area. Ive seen many bins go 20+ days doing sub 1k/day, this can be dangerous. during this time the cardholder / bank can realize or place a call in either direction and put a "REPORTED STOLEN" msg on ur dump which is the hardest to talk your way out of. what i usually do if i have a dump going and going, is daily or before each big swipe i go buy a coke or something similar from mcdees or anything near. most of their POS just show decline /approval anyways and its not such a heatscore if you come up as reported stolen. this is no guarantee that its not dead for the next swipe, but a bit of an insurance.

Now sometimes you will get the dreaded "CALL FOR AUTH" msg when shopping. If you have given the "im not sure if i have it on this card" line you can continue it in saying that "oh i must be over my limit, try this one" and give another track, or "yeah dont call them, i will, i guess im over my limit" and either make a sly exit on a fake phone call, or say you are going to get cash from a friend / car. you MUST take control on teh conversation / sale. This is something that is learned as you become more comfortable carding in different situations. Remember its insanely hard for a cashier to all of a sudden claim fraud even on a CALL FOR AUTH, if you are acting and dressing the part.

This is all i could think of and i wrote it in about 5 minutes while i was high, so maybe ill update this version as i read over it.

Until then happy carding ^.^