70% of cyber specialists are on the verge of collapse, 64% are already looking for a new job


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Overwork, dissatisfaction and burnout – what else scares off employees in the information security industry?

According to a new report from Bitdefender, more than 70% of cybersecurity professionals often have to work on weekends to solve security problems in their organizations.

High workload is closely related to job dissatisfaction, which is confirmed by 64% of the 1,200 specialists surveyed. They announced their intention to look for a new job within the next 12 months.

The problem of burnout and job dissatisfaction is particularly acute among British professionals, where 81% often work on weekends, and 71% plan to change jobs. In Germany, 77.1% of professionals work on weekends, and more than three-quarters (76.6%) intend to look for a new job in the near future. In the United States, about 70% of professionals often work on weekends, and 62.2% plan to change jobs.

Cybersecurity skills remain critical, despite cuts in security teams. The report notes that 57% of organizations have experienced data leaks in the past 12 months, which is 6% more than last year.

The three main threats, according to respondents, are phishing and social engineering (33%), software vulnerabilities and 0day breaches (32.2%), and ransomware (29.3%). In addition, almost all experts (96%) expressed concern about the impact of AI on the threat landscape.

The report also highlights the challenges associated with cloud services, where 43.6% of respondents identified data breaches as the main problem. This is followed by unauthorized access to cloud services (42.7%) and incorrect storage settings (42.2%).

Key challenges in managing cloud environments include identity and access management (38.7%), maintaining cloud security (38%), and shadow IT (35.9%).

Despite these concerns, 94% of respondents are confident in their organizations ' ability to withstand threats such as ransomware, phishing, and zero-day vulnerabilities.

However, 71% of respondents believe that their security solutions did not meet expectations, up significantly from 54% last year.

We are encouraged by the fact that 93% of specialists are confident that they will soon increase investment in proactive security measures, such as risk assessment, penetration testing, and attack simulation exercises.

The Bitdefender report highlights the serious cybersecurity challenges that professionals face, including excessive workloads, high burnout rates, and job dissatisfaction.

Despite organizations awareness of the importance of cybersecurity and willingness to invest in it, existing solutions often fall short of expectations.

In order to retain qualified personnel and ensure effective protection, companies need to rethink approaches to managing the workload of cybersecurity specialists, improve working conditions, and continuously implement innovative proactive security measures.