7 personality carders types to avoid


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When you see something cute and quirky, they see it as strange and unattractive. If you think someone is talented and promising, they think they're stupid and talentless. They constantly need to argue with someone, they believe that their opinion is the only correct one, and those who disagree with it are considered fools.

Why they are dangerous: They try to remake the whole world for themselves and start with those around them. These people do not understand that the world is so interesting, that all people are different and everyone has their own opinion. They feed on negative emotions that they receive in endless arguments.

These are people with a heightened sense of self-importance who are used to thinking that the world revolves around them. They are not as cunning as manipulators, but they also try to adjust the people around them for themselves. Usually such people want to say: “You are not the center of the universe!”.

Why they are dangerous: They are self-absorbed and focused solely on their needs. They are completely indifferent to your interests. They use you in the complete confidence that this is the order of things, because everyone around them is obliged to sacrifice themselves for their sake.

These people do not appreciate the good things in their lives. If you tell them: “Today is a great sunny day!”, They will answer that tomorrow they promise rain and a cold snap. If you share the joy that your favorite football team reached the final, you will immediately hear in response: “But they will definitely lose in the final.”

Why they are dangerous: These people steal the joy of others. They look at the world with negativity, which they infect everyone around. Communicating with such people, you yourself begin to see everything in gray.

These people are experts in manipulation. Manipulators are good at identifying the weak points of a person and know which lever must be pulled in order to force others to do what is beneficial to them.

Why they are dangerous: Dealing with these people negatively affects your belief system and self-esteem. They find ways to force you to do things you don't want to do, and that destroys you as a person. You begin to live by the priorities and beliefs of these people, not your own.

Dream killers
Every time you have ideas, these people tell you that their implementation is impossible. When you try to achieve something, they drag you down. When you dream about something, they are the first to tell you that your dreams are unrealizable.

Why they are dangerous: They are fixated on what is now, completely denying what could have been. They can easily destroy your self-esteem and self-confidence. Progress and self-development are possible only when a person is ready for something new.

These are people who constantly breathe insincerity. When you tell a funny story, you hear polite laughter from them in response, even though you can see that they are not really funny. They say to their eyes that they love you, and behind the eyes they tell common acquaintances what a stupid and unpleasant person you are.

Why they are dangerous: Relationships with such people are insincere and superficial. When you feel the need for their support, they will not be there. Their warm attitude towards you is only an appearance.

These are people who have a habit of doing everything at the most inopportune moment and in the most inappropriate way. They do not disdain anything. It is often a shame for such people.

Why they are dangerous: These people do not know any boundaries or boundaries. They do not respect the feelings of other people and can easily insult you at any time.