5 positions of perception


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● First position: "I", look with my own eyes - complete association with your own inner reality
● Second position: “other”, looking through the eyes of another person - complete association with another
● Third position: external observer, gaze from a neutral position - complete dissociation
● Fourth position: view from the point of view of the system - association with the entire system
● Fifth position: from the point of view of the universe - the adoption of multiple positions of perception with the ability to quickly switch between them

Understanding that our actions are based on three main ways of perceiving experience provides tremendous opportunities for managing states and improving communication. In NLP, we refer to these modes as the first, second, and third perception positions. When you associate yourself with your own body, you are in the first position. This allows you to see the world with your own eyes. Being in the first position of perception, you are not taking into account other people's points of view. You just think, "How does this conversation concern me?"

Second position means that you take the point of view of another person. You try to imagine what the other person will see, hear, feel in this situation. Being in the second position, you imagine yourself in his body. In this position, you imagine that you are looking at yourself through someone else's eyes. How do you look, how does your voice sound, and how do you feel from the other person's point of view? In the second position, you develop the ability to empathize. If you are involved in a conflict with someone, it is helpful to look at the situation from the second position, this will allow you to be more flexible. By being in the second perceptual position, you can gauge other people's opinions about how you talk and behave. Set the rapport before moving to the second position. As you move into the second position, watch as it deepens.

The third-zitsiya - a complete dissociation from the event or dialogue. By being in the third position of perception, you become an independent observer. The third position allows us to speak from an objective neutral point of view. Ask yourself, "How would this event look to a totally disinterested person?" Imagine yourself outside of your body, as if you were looking at yourself and your interaction partner from the outside.

In the modern literature on NLP, in addition to these three, two additional positions of perception are described - the fourth and fifth.

Fourth position of perception

Dilts (1997) detailed the fourth perceptual position in his Visionary Leadership Skills guidebook . He defined the fourth position as "We" - a view from the point of view of the system in which the person is included (organization, group, couple). In this position, we are "associated with the point of view of the whole system." To accept the fourth position, step aside and try to imagine what is happening in the system so that you can best take into account its interests. The linguistic format of this position is as follows: "If we take into account our common goals ..."

Fifth position of perception

In an unpublished manuscript entitled Five Central Ideas, Atkinson (1997) proposed another perceptual position, “universal”. It is the result of applying community quantifiers ("all", "always") to our point of view. This approach serves as a "springboard to the valuable idea of a universal perceptual position." This position is the position of the highest level and maximum latitude.

Quantifiers ob schnos-ti - synthesis characteristics of the sample to the entire population, "universality" ("everyone", "everybody", "never", "no", etc ...). A statement that ignores any exceptions.

By taking this metaposition in relation to everything, we can learn to adopt multiple perceptual positions and even quickly change them. This increases the flexibility of our consciousness, so we are not "stuck" in any one position.

The fifth position of perception can also include a "historical" view: consideration of changes over time. None of the above items has advantages over Dru-gimi . They are all equally important. A competent communicator knows how to move from one position to another if desired.

Just think about what would happen if you were "stuck" in any one position. A person "stuck" in the first position would be self-centered. Do you know anyone who lives in the first position? The life of a person "stuck" in the second position would constantly be unduly influenced by the opinions of other people. When in NLP class I (BB) explain the second position and inform that people living in the second position tend to let the state of the other person determine my state, I say: "The second position is the position of mutual dependence." Almost always at the same time, I hear several students sigh, realizing the reason why they allow other people to control their condition, and the mechanism of this phenomenon.

A person "stuck" in the third position becomes unperturbed and insensitive. The surrounding people consider such people "heartless". Indeed, I have found that those who live in third position consider themselves to be hermits. Many, but not all, also have the characteristics of an auditory-digital personality. These people become thinkers and philosophers. A detached life allows a person to objectively analyze facts.

Each person moves from one position to another. The majority of the ne-Passing on a daily basis. The ability to consciously or unconsciously change positions allows a person to act sensibly and respond appropriately. By changing your position of perception, you will make your communication brighter and get freedom of choice.

Exercise: Perception Positions

Try the following experiment. Think back to the last time you had a serious argument with someone. After seeing what you saw, hearing what you heard, and feeling what you felt, associate yourself with your body (first position). Are you experiencing the same negative emotions that you experienced then? Now imagine that you "float" out of your body and go into the body of the person with whom you were arguing (second position). Look at yourself through his eyes. Pay attention to how you looked at the height of the argument. What voice did you speak? How do you feel when you look at yourself and hear your voice? Now imagine yourself completely dissociated from the event (third position). Move aside, there, from where you can see yourself and the other person in the process of an argument. What does the dispute look like from this dissociated position? Pay attention to your reaction, your feelings, and how they differ in each position. Has your perception of the dispute changed now that you have visited all three positions? Would your reactions be different if you did this during an argument?