23-year-old coder banished the ghosts that took possession of Firefox more than 20 years ago

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At the beginning of last month, changes were made to the Firefox code responsible for link tooltips to fix a bug known since 2002. The fix is included in build 119 of the browser, which is scheduled for release on October 24.

The problem, which was assigned ID 148624, was registered in Bugzilla by user Juneappal (Adam Price), the owner of a macOS computer with the Mozilla browser installed. Price got tired of tooltip hints that appeared when the cursor hovered over a bookmark and hung up when switching to a different application window.


You could get rid of them only by moving the cursor and returning to the browser. Subsequently, other Firefox users tried to register the same bug; sometimes it also appeared on Windows and Linux platforms.

Since the phantom prompts didn't break Firefox, but only caused annoyance, the solution to the problem was postponed every time. When a 23-year-old Stanford graduate and Yifan Zhu came across her, it turned out that they were almost the same age.

The young man was intrigued and decided to try to fix the situation, since it was summer and there was a lot of free time ahead. Zhu was trained in programming, but had never dealt with projects as complex as Firefox.

The first pancake turned out to be a lump, although the novice enthusiast was helped to detail the patch and make a commit. The second attempt, also with outside participation, was more successful. Zhu's proposal was accepted, and the corresponding fixes were made to the Firefox 119 code, which is currently undergoing beta testing.

There were rave reviews in social networks about this. Some started making jokes like "Bugzilla will be older than the bug, it turned 25 in August" and "fix took away the loot from bots that were going to remove an uncorrected bug for a long time." One commenter described the life path of a fighter for code purity as follows:

"He probably encountered the bug when he was still a kid. This struck a chord with him, he went to university to learn programming, graduated, created an account and fixed everything. The purpose of life is exhausted."[/TD]
