+ $ 10000 on drop verifications


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Do you want to earn 2-3k for 3-4 hours of work in a measured rhythm? Then this article is definitely for you!

What are we going to do?
Verification is a proof of identity, place of residence, that is, send a document (passport, foreign passport, rights, etc.) to the site and write your address, thus confirming your account. Probably anyone who has bet on sports betting or traded on options or Forex has come across this. But we will work with crypto exchanges and wallets.

So, we will look for drops so that they will perform this verification for us, and we, in turn, as an intermediary between the SCUP and the drop, have our share. So, for example, bunq verification costs $ 30 from the SCUP, I pay from 500 to 1000 drops and take the rest for myself. It's simple.

In order
Where and how to find drops and buyers?
Let's use the free methods. I'll show you a few.

1. In telegram chats. The simplest method. We enter in the search carts "earnings online chat", "earnings Kiev", "work Ukraine". Also enter directly in the search engines "chats work Ukraine", but in the priority of the US, UK, RU chats, look for them.

So, we found chats and write something like this:
  • "Part-time job for an hour, payment of $ 10, you need a foreign passport”
  • “Work online, $ 10 per hour, write”
  • “We need one person to register in the app, payment of $ 10, 18+”
Don't copy it completely, just adapt it for yourself.

Then people will write to you.

Then the drop agrees, and you make accounts with it.

2. Search for drops on forums. There are interesting branches like "job search" and "looking for a job".

Choosing a person.

And we write to him in the cart or directly on the forum. We search for forums in Google or Bing.

You can also find a buyer only in the job offers thread.

Nuances of work
I will list a list of nuances that you can encounter.
  1. Many people will refuse, saying that you don't want to take out a loan. Use your voice to communicate in the cart, which increases trust. You can change the drop's mind by creating a channel with reviews of those drops that have already worked out and received payments.
  2. The demand for accounts is not constant.
  3. A drop may not pass verification, and this also happens.
  4. In the case of some exchanges, you need to make a drop according to the instructions yourself, while others are made through a person who explains everything in steps, what to download, where to click.
  5. Money for the work done by the drop may not come immediately.
  6. The buyer runs out of numbers and can't take any more drops, which also happens.
  7. Drop stupidly can refuse in the process of work-to start performing, and then merge, referring to the fact that it is too painful hemorrhoids.

Additional earnings
In addition to the verification of exchanges, there is often a demand for people with different nationalities (except for US), with American visas (even expired ones will do).

In order to significantly increase the credibility of drops, you can purchase the status of a seller on the forums. In part, this will lead the search to a semi-array.

But it makes sense to spend money on such a thing only when you have already been able to earn money from this topic, so as not to waste money.

The procedure is as follows: found a forum - > contacted the admin - > > bought the seller's status - > > > put up an ad - > > > > after a successful transaction, ask for a drop to send a screen and review.

Many people ask where to find verification instructions. Here - @rabotaverif
They also ask where to start. You start by searching for scoops write, unsubscribe to them like: "Hello. What current verifications do you have?". After they drop the list, ask for payment.
Then you can already spam in the groups for earnings, job search, and search for drops. Drop instructions, they register and verify accounts.
Drop should give you an account, password, and email with a password (some scoops also need scans of their documents: passport and passport selfie).

Documents that are most often used for verification: passport, driver's license, foreign passport.

Register in the exchanges and find the "affiliate programs" section, take a referral link from there and discount it to the drops. On some accounts, fat trades will be made and you, accordingly, will have a good fuck with them.

Method for extracting traffic and drops and buyers
We do doorways, so to speak.

Do you see a channel called localbitcon accounts? You create the same one and get a few subscribers so that it finds you in the search.

You can create a bunch of such channels for different keywords. Also in Facebook, you can create groups for key queries, create subscribers, and write a text with the sale and purchase of accounts, leaving your contact.

It is not superfluous to create your own telegram channel with instructions and your own drop chat. This way, you will be able to drop new information to the drops at once, and not to each one separately.

@freedohod – take all the examples from him, write to the BOS and ask to join the group, like you want to get verification from him.

Carding 4 Carders

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Earn money on verifications without starting capital
I'm sure you're already familiar with this topic, but everything that came before is fragmented and unstructured information. It's time to fix the situation.

What is waiting for you?
Success and a comfortable future. I don't doubt it, but still, this article is a bit different. Today you will receive a structured and probably one of the most detailed manuals on earning money on verified wallets.

And if you are immediately interested in prospects - a scan and SIM card are included, such a wallet costs around $ 20, so if you spend several hours a day, make small investments and really work at the computer, and do not watch social networks, you can make 50-100K per month.

To work on an "industrial" scale, you will need:
1. SIM cards for registering wallets. Sold in bulk at a price in the region of $ 1. You can find sellers on various specialized forums in the relevant sections.

2. VPN/socks/dedics/SSH/ other for your own security. The cost of a VPN varies from $ 1 to $ 50 / month. I will not dwell on this point in detail, since this article is not about this, and there is a lot of information on how to work safely and anonymously on the Internet. I'll just point out why anonymity is needed in this topic.

First of all, you don't know exactly how the wallets purchased from you will be used, which means that it is better to worry about your own security in advance (your IP address will remain in the wallet's access history).

Secondly, it is better to open wallets under different IP addresses, so that later, when complaints are made about individual previously sold wallets, they do not block all of them at once, associating their primary owner by IP and other indirect factors (cookies, a unique "snapshot" of the operating system, etc.). Don't forget to clean your computer / OS. The best option for working, in my opinion – is to use dedics. One dedic = one wallet.

They are also sold on specialized forums. The cost of dedic, if in wholesale, in the region of 10 rubles. If you save money, you can brutalize dedics yourself, there is information about this process in the public domain. But I don't think it makes much sense, unless you're also selling dedics.

Personally, for me, the optimal security scheme for many options for working on the network that require anonymity: the "left" SIM card + Double VPN on the laptop (you can also run a virtual machine, although this is not necessary for this area of work) + dedic. That is, the IP that you will leave on the network = the IP of the Dedic through which you will exit. Nuance on dedic – since it (under the same accom) sometimes sits more than one user, for quite understandable reasons (they do not sell in one hand and cheat everyone who is not lazy), then before registering the wallet, at least clear the browser from cookies / history of previous users. It is ideal to use dediki with admin access – you can create a separate account for yourself and log in/work on dedics under it. But such dedics are slightly more expensive than usual. You will definitely feel their advantages in your work, at least at the moment that you will not be thrown out of the dedic when another user logs in under the same account. And the primary user, for whom the account was originally made, will not burn you.

3. Email address (accounts). You can register your own accounts for work or buy already registered email accounts at a price of less than $ 1 in wholesale.

In total, the cost of work for one wallet, with the right approach and the purchase of "consumables", will leave no more than $ 1 plus your work/your time.

Operating scheme
Well, now let's move on to the method itself (I'll make a reservation, I don't write anything new, everyone knows it, sees everything and it lies on the surface, but maybe just someone can't put it together in their head):

To register identified accounts, we will need divorce drops, i.e. people who will trust you with their private information and perform the actions you need, without knowing your true goals. How do I search for them? They will find you! For example, we go to any job search site and create a job advertisement there. Creating an ad that will attract people to it. The main thing is not to go too far in promises, otherwise it will look too suspicious.

Example of an ad (don't use it verbatim):

“A large European online store for the sale of electronic equipment requires responsible deliverers to receive, store and deliver orders to customers. Payment is piecework – $ 20 for delivery of one order. If you deliver only 3-4 orders a day, you can earn from $ 2000 a month!”

In the earnings field, when typing an ad, feel free to put the number 100000, for those who search and filter job offers by the amount of earnings. When I placed a similar free ad on Facebook, then in the first day I received more than 100 emails from people. And this is despite the fact that the ad was free and after adding it instantly flew down the issue. Out of 100+ emails, approximately 10% were converted to identified wallets. You can increase the "exhaust", more on this later.

So, most people, of course, were interested in what kind of online store it is, its exact address, and what are the requirements for an employee.

The next email in response to job seekers ' requests may be as follows (preferably detailed, so as not to delay the correspondence).

"Hello there! To a Swedish online store http://www. 2. international_zone responsible delivery managers are required to receive, store, and deliver orders to end customers. The local version of the site is scheduled to launch in March, and active advertising for the english-speaking audience will begin.

We need to arrange prompt delivery of orders to customers with receiving money from them when they transfer and check the ordered product. Working scheme. Once a week, the delivery person receives a parcel with a product (mini-batch) from the store and ensures the safety of this product and the delivery of individual orders to customers. No deposits or prepayments are required from the delivery service provider. When an online store receives an order, an SMS is sent to the delivery person with the buyer's address and order description (quantity, name).

The delivery person calls the buyer and agrees on the time and place of delivery of the parcel. When delivering a parcel, the delivery person, after checking the goods by the buyer, receives payment for the order, which is then transferred to the online store via the payment service, immediately deducting $ 20 for their services from the received amount. At first, once a week, you will receive small parcels (up to 10 items). When the online store is convinced of the quality and reliability of your work, the quantity of goods will increase to the extent that you are satisfied with it and you can cope.

By delivering only 3-4 orders a day, you can earn from $ 2000 a month. A contract will be signed with you as a financially responsible person responsible for the safety of the goods received from the store. Work is scheduled to start in March. However, the delivery team is being formed right now, so if you want to join the delivery team, be prompt in making a decision and sending us the information you need.

Since the store doesn't have an office in your city yet, the contract will be signed remotely. To be included in the delivery team, you need the following information::

1. Your mobile phone Number.

2. Your residential Address.

3. Color scans of your passport (main page and registration page) and a separate photo of you with your passport open in your hands (so that you can see your face and the main page of your passport with your photo and surname).

Based on the data provided, a contract will be concluded with you. You will also need to verify (identify) your identity through a special service (we will provide details about this later). These measures are necessary to ensure security and reduce the company's risks, since mini-batches of goods with a total value of 5-10 thousand euros will be transferred to the deliverer for safe storage without collateral and prepayment.

I am the Manager of this project for the development of delivery of orders in Russia, and please send me all your questions and necessary information in response to this email.

With best wishes! Vasya Pisyusyakin, chief localization Manager of the delivery service project”

Next stage
After that, a small part of people immediately receive scans, while most require various explanations. The most competent paranoids can be excluded from further processing, most likely you will only lose time. Some people just need a little more detailed (! competent) explanations about their work, explaining exactly why they need docks, and they also send scans and agree to work.

Nuance at the address of the online store in this scheme – it is better to indicate some European (not English) shop, so that it is not called and you need to explain to people about the store's desire to enter the market in a month and optimize their logistics costs/order delivery to the end customer. The shop should sell expensive but popular goods, such as tablets, iPhones, and other electronic equipment. In this case, the high reward that the deliverer receives is understandable.

Now we start the second stage of processing and respond to those who sent scans of their documents:

“Your candidacy has been approved.

All that remains is to identify you and your future account (to transfer money received from customers) in any Euroset store. Please understand that the company cannot send goods without full verification of the recipient's identity. The cost of a mini-batch of goods that you will receive from us for distribution to end customers is 5-10 thousand euros. And you will receive this product without prepayment or deposit. If you are satisfied with our terms and conditions, we will send you instructions on how to complete identification.

With best wishes! Vasily Pisyusyakin, Chief localization Manager of the delivery service project”

Another nuance – why processing in this scheme is carried out in 2 stages? Because some paranoids may immediately be scared off by identifying the account and refuse to do it. At the same time, we will still have their scans of the docks that they sent earlier, which can be sold separately. By the way, in this scheme, you can expand the list of docks and Supplement them, for example, with a scan of the INN, and to confirm the address of residence, you can request scans of utility bills. Such sets of docks are always in demand.

Moreover, you can use them yourself to open and pass various verifications in other payment systems/sites/casinos, for your own work. But if you (and your customers) don't need docks and the wallets in your scheme will be used for a short time, without the risk of getting blocked, then this scheme is simplified and the exhaust (the ratio of the number of wallets and the total number of requests) will increase, since a lot of failures occur precisely because of the need to send your scans of docks.

And identification takes place on a third – party and well – known site. That is, for those people who refuse to send documents to you, as an unknown person, offer identification without scans. In this case, you will get wallets without docks, but such wallets are no worse than wallets with docks.

Final stage
The most trusting ones, if you are convincing and, I keep repeating, competent in your answers, will send you their consent to work according to your conditions. Now you go to the Payment system site YOURSELF. and register your wallet YOURSELF.

Naturally, do not forget about your security and about what IP you will Shine/leave it in the Poison logs.
  • Choose a username – you can use "namename" in the transcription.
  • The password is a complex one, not 12345.
  • Mobile phone – take a separate SIM card from the previously purchased ones and accept SMS messages to it, confirm it by entering the received code (in the future, you will be able to unlink this number, but do not use it again when registering other wallets. money, but you can use it for QIWI or WebMoney).
Enter your drop's first and last name.

On the page, select the option "Payment to", click on the link "Fill out an application" and go to the corresponding page. Carefully fill in the drop data, use its scans, and generate the application in an HTML file. You can save this statement 6 in an html file (File/Burn menu) and send it by email to the drop for printing.

Write a letter to the drop, with the attached application file:

"Hello there! You have already been approved and signed up to the delivery team. The last step before starting work is identification.

Attached to the email is an already completed application for identification of the electronic invoice and your identity. This application must be printed out on a regular A4 sheet. You can pass identification at any salon. You will need to pay $ 1 for identification. This is a payment for the identification service provided. In the future, you will be able to return this money to yourself immediately after the first order. The whole procedure will take a few minutes. Don't forget to bring your passport! After the procedure, you will be able to transfer the received money through an identified account without limits or other problems. This procedure will help us make sure that you are the person who owns the passport scan you sent.

With best wishes! Vasily Pisyusyakin, chief localization Manager of the delivery service project”

After that, the person goes to identifies the account, and you get a wallet to sell or use it for other purposes. Just make sure that the account has been identified – the identified user icon should appear in your wallet next to the account number.

The main thing is that your drop will not have access to the wallet, because you opened the account yourself! And, in principle, when selecting candidates, during correspondence, filter out the smartest ones right away – you don't need problems in the future if they suddenly come to access their wallet (or block it) without getting the expected job.

  • They will ask about the contract/contract and its signing – explain that they will receive the contract with a copy when they receive the first batch of goods. They will need to send one copy back by mail. Of course, all this will not happen, but you need a legend, right? So that people don't get nervous and send you emails like " when do we start working?", you must immediately indicate the start of work one month later relative to the start date of correspondence and identification.
  • Change your emails. After working out – delete it completely, but after some time (in a month or two). It may be necessary to unsubscribe someone that the work, for certain reasons, is postponed for six months in advance. When communicating, also do not forget about your security (VPN/Dedic) - remember that your IP address is saved in the emails you send. Be creative and change the text of your ads and emails, topics, and even directions. Place your ads on different sites and for different regions. The further away the center is, the less paranoid people there are and the more unemployed people there are.
  • You can not only offer various high-paying jobs, but also issue an online loan through Yoomoney OR another payment service. In this case, it will be much easier to explain to people about the need to obtain various documents and expand this list as much as possible. Yes, by the way, the theme I presented is quite workable not only for Yoomoney. money, but also for identifying other wallets (WebMoney, QIWI, etc.). of Course, there will be other nuances when working, but in General it is not difficult to transfer this scheme to most different online payment services and identification/personalization.
The advantage of this identification option over other existing ones is that it is minimally expensive, accessible for beginners, you don't need to meet anyone, talk on the phone, collect a credit history, share money with employees, or get a job there, substitute yourself, etc.

In parallel, it allows you to collect scans of various docks and this is also material for sale. The set "passport scan+registration+passport photo in hand" - costs from $ 2. By selling such a set of docks separately from your wallet – you will fully recoup your security and Internet expenses! And if you expand the set of docks with additional documents (ssn, tin, utility bills, etc.), you can also make good money. A set with similar additional docks-costs from $ 5.