$ 10000 in less than a week in Instagram


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Today I would like to introduce you to a fairly good case that came to us directly from the United States. In it, a very smart arbitrageur MD Tanvir will tell you how to make $ 10000 of net profit in a week, and at the same time advance exclusively in free ways!

A few words before
Instagram is one of the best platforms for promoting your online store and getting sales. And you don't need millions of subscribers, or money for advertising, or opinion leaders to do this. Just a couple hundred loyal followers are enough.

Below is an example of promoting an Instagram account from 12 to 5000+ subscribers and earning $ 10,296.95 on it. After spending on the product and other minor expenses, the net profit was about 80% - $10,037. 56 put the webmaster in his pocket. All this was implemented organically in 6 days, using methods that you will also read about below.

Everything was originally done exclusively as an experiment. So you can see for yourself what works and how it works.

Tanvir has been involved in Internet marketing for quite some time and noticed that most webmasters are used to relying on paid advertising on Facebook or Google for the e-commerce niche. A similar story can be traced in Instagram, where advertising dominates in the feed or in stories.

The author himself likes free promotion methods. Yes, this approach will require you to spend more time and effort when scaling. But it's free, so you're more likely to have a micro-level impact, especially when building a brand for the future.

Instagram is still one of the best social platforms for free organic traffic. And when the methods mentioned below are used correctly, you can quickly see great results.

Disclaimer: Tanvir has been doing this for years and knew exactly what He was doing. If you implement the strategy described in this article and are patient, you won't have to spend years trying to gain similar experience and start getting results.

Case study

The cat niche was chosen for the case, as it is simple and everyone knows about it. The market is huge. Many skeptics say that there is nothing to catch here, the competition is off the scale and all that. But if you present yourself correctly, you will have millions of potential buyers.

First of all, it was decided to focus on human emotions, so the page was created for charity. If you're going to do the same thing, you'd better not go back on your words. Write that you are donating money – donate it in reality. Do not fall into small scams, do not deceive people.

In the case study, 25% of the money was given to charities and cat shelters. If you don't want to go down this route, consider how you can emotionally activate your niche audience to engage people.

For example, if your niche is Golf, you can say that after every 99 orders, the 100th gets tickets to the US open and a new set of Golf clubs. Let's say you sell Golf kits to your audience.

A regular ticket to the US Open costs $ 30, and a new Golf kit costs $ 200. By the time you've made 100 sales, you'll have a lot more money to give away to your customers as freebies. Ask the winner of the draw to take a photo with their new Golf set and share this photo on their IG account. This way you can increase your conversion rate even more. Sometimes you need to give something away first, only to get twice as much later. This way, you can reach a warmed-up audience from different angles.

In the cat case, people buy something because they love cats and want to please their Pets, while realizing that they are doing a good thing for the benefit of other animals. This is a key point in building an audience that will become your regular customers.

In this case, 6 promotion methods were used.


1. the Viral method

Repost viral content from the trending page in your niche, and get further interactions from similar accounts to get to this page.

2. boost Subscriptions

Subscribe to interesting profiles from your niche (up to 1,000) and don't cancel your subscription. These accounts will serve as the initial push for viral content that you need to get to the trending page. Just make sure that the pages match your theme.

3. Welcome

Tanvir sent a greeting message with a 10% discount promo code: "PurfectIG10" to each subscriber who responded in kind. You can subscribe to the page yourself and see what it looks like.

4. Interaction Groups in Telegram

As soon as the page started receiving traffic, the author was added to several interaction groups in Telegram to collect likes and comments under posts. Then he began to write in PM to those who wrote to him, followed, commented or liked his content. After all, the main goal is to start building relationships in the community as soon as possible. Participating in private conversations on Instagram seriously increases the credibility of the social network. Your content is starting to rank better.

5. NatySocial

On about the fourth day, in order to make this method also free, the webmaster posted his profile in the online service natysocial.com. He used their free three-day trial to launch a mass-view account that can view up to 400,000 stories a day without restrictions.

This gets you a lot of profile visits, and @catpurfectx currently has over 80,000 profile visits per week, but only 1,000+ followers. In this case, we are not particularly interested in the number of subscribers. We want at least 5 people from this pile of pageviews to buy products in the store. You can also use NatySocial to send welcome messages. But that's all I'd use it for.

It is better to abandon the rest of automation. Subscriptions, unsubscriptions, likes, and comments should be made manually. Otherwise, Insta may block your profile. Yes, mass viewing of stories and sending automatic messages to Yandex. direct to new subscribers is also automation. But the level of restrictions on performing these actions is not so serious yet, compared to subscriptions/unsubscribes and comments.

Automation on Instagram is still working, but not at The same level as before.

6. Reposts (coin exchange)

This is an app that you can find on Google Play or the App Store under different names. Here you will have to spend a little time searching. This is an application where you can earn coins for subscribing or liking other people's photos, and then spend them to buy likes, views, or subscribers. This will not help you get into the trends. Tanveer only used this app for his first nine posts to make the page look active. After all, the case originally intended to use only free tools.


Be sure to use another account here to receive coins and do not provide the password for the main account to the system. And send your likes to your main profile.

Setting up an Instagram account
  1. Choose a thematic name that will make it easy to find you on social networks.
  2. Find the logo. Go to Google, enter "free * niche name* logo", select.
  3. A clean profile with an emotional call to action. This is new age marketing: sell emotions, not the product.
  4. Post 9 photos from your niche to give the page a complete look.
  5. Set the link to the store.


Setting up a store.

  1. Take the 14-day free trial of Shopify.
  2. The author of the case took about an hour to create the store. You need it to work as soon as possible. First of all, there is marketing. Everything else comes later. So just insert your logo and choose a free template.
  3. Choose as simple a theme as possible. In the example, there are only 3 colors: white, black, and pink.
  4. Set up the main pages: "Contacts", "About us", "delivery" (the most important one). "Refunds", "Privacy Policy", "Terms of use" – all of this can be found in Shopify templates.
  5. To get started, you only need 3 apps: Loox for reviews, Oberlo for orders, and Quantity Breaks for upsells.
  6. When setting up the delivery system, specify one option for your country and the second option for the rest of the world. Delivery must be free of charge. Plus, add the option to stand at the front of the queue for $2.99 to increase the average check.

Product search
MD Tanvir found all the products for his store on AliExpress, and using the Oberlo app, imported them to Shopify. I only selected products sent from his country.

The author chose one of the main products, a tower with balloons for cats, based on the following criteria:
  • Wow effect – when watching a video about a product, you are very surprised.
  • Hard to reach – you probably won't find it in your local store.
  • Passion-cat owners love receiving gifts related to their Pets.
  • Problem solving – when a cat owner leaves the house, he is sure that his furry friend is having fun.
  • You can make at least a three-fold mark-up the purchase price of the tower is $ 4, and the sale price in the store is $ 19.95.
Fill your store with 5-10 other products and price them in the range of $ 30 to $ 50 to highlight the main product. Plus, if someone buys one of the other products, it will increase your average check and make you happy.

Here's a quick rundown of how a simple webmaster created an IG account and earned $ 10,296.95 in six days.

Once again, I urge you to scroll to the top of the page and click on the links of your Instagram profile and store. See how everything is set up, what posts were published on the social network, what products are posted in the store, and everything else.

The author writes that if he was going to further develop the project, he would use the money he earned to launch retargeting, and gradually scale the scheme, while maintaining the level of profit and building a separate brand. In this format, he created several profiles for 100,000 + subscribers. The key point to remember and build on is to sell your emotions.

If it doesn't work out, don't worry. Tanveer did not achieve this small victory overnight. Keep working hard if you're passionate about what you're doing. And soon it will be much easier for you.

I hope that everyone will find something interesting in this case.


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Instagram cash out manual
Hello everyone, right now I'll show you how to cash out money directly on Instagram

Then we make a shop out of it, we call it "everything for 50%" and so on. Then we wind about 2-3k subscribers there.

Now we need fake reviews and screenshots of purchases. We go to the channel by the type of cash-in / drive-in and so on. And we ask in the chat to throw screenshots of what they drove. And we throw it on our page, having previously covered up the track. And we write from the left pages a fake review under the post. (You can also wind up likes for the post)

We will drive traffic from YouTube.
We go under any video and write our advertising text. What's good about YouTube, there are no mutations and bans for spam.
You can also come up with your own way of transferring traffic. Or buy advertising for money.
Now we just wait for customers and drive their goods to them for 50%