10 signs that you are a leader, even if you are not aware of it


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Usually people think that you have to be born a leader or work hard to achieve a leading position. But rarely is anyone a leader from birth. If we wanted to understand under the influence of what factors a person becomes a leader, then, most likely, it would be a combination of perseverance and a good combination of circumstances.

However, there are many hidden leaders among us who influence the behavior of other people, sometimes without even realizing it. It may well happen that you are one of them!

You are unbiased and always ready to listen to someone else's opinion.
If people are drawn to you because of your openness, you are a leader.

You are always ready to give good advice.
If people often ask you for advice, then your point of view has value in the eyes of others. If you help people lead the way, then you are a leader.

People are counting on you.
If people rely on you, then you know how to keep your word. If you demonstrate responsibility day after day, then those around you trust you, and therefore you are a leader.

You are a good listener and people trust you with their secrets.
Listening to other people who confide in you their secrets without fear of using what you hear against them is a sign of strong leadership, not to mention that it is a sign of a decent person. If you understand that listening is more important than speaking, and if people know they can trust you, you are a leader.

Others follow your lead.
The most powerful form of leadership is not persuasion or coercion, but personal example. People can tell the difference between a slacker and someone who works tirelessly. If that person is you, others naturally follow you - and you are the leader.

You are pursuing perfection.
Aristotle also said: “We are what we do repeatedly. Perfection, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. "When you strive to achieve perfection yourself and call others to it, you seem to be telling them that you prefer to act rather than speak and promise. If you are not looking for excuses, but maintaining a high standard of quality, you are a leader.

You have a positive attitude.
Positive, optimistic people make those around them happier. A positive outlook on the world does not mean that you close your eyes to problems, but allows you to find something good in almost any situation and know that things will work out in the end. If you have inspiration that sows optimism and motivates others, then you are a leader.

You treat people with respect.
Knowledge can give you strength, intelligence can give you an edge, but by treating others with respect, you always get respect in return. If you look for the good side of everyone and respect them for who they are, people value you highly - and you are a leader.

You genuinely care about others.
If you share knowledge with others, giving them the opportunity to achieve success; if you care about their well-being and do whatever you can to help them reach their own heights, you are a leader.

You are confident and enthusiastic.
Most people look at each other to figure out how to behave. Being confident means moving towards your goal and not letting obstacles get in your way. If you work hard in the right direction and anticipate results, you are a leader.

Did you consider yourself an ordinary person? Reevaluate yourself in light of the above. Perhaps you have always been a leader without realizing it!


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Be a leader.
Salute, carders, here is a motivated post on how to be a leader in everything.

Further from the author's words:

Leadership qualities can be called one of the elements on the way to the development of a person's personality as an individual in society. Leadership formation begins with the fact that a person must be able to control the thoughts that come to mind, emotions that need to be able to restrain and behavior that can form a wrong opinion about our personality.

It is you who must improve, stand out from the crowd, be the first everywhere, be the LEADER.
So how do you set yourself on this path?
Change for the better. There are many options for developing your personality.

1. Be a leader everywhere..

In your company, in the circle of strangers, with new friends, in the family. Be a leader, and everyone will follow you, because you will guide them and tell them what to do.
If you want to become more successful and influential, you must not only develop certain life values, but also implement them through good habits and constant practice.
Become a leader who will be followed voluntarily-even if you don't have a title or position.
Leaders always lead others. They do not stand still. If there is no momentum, then there is no leadership.

How to become one?
  • Read the right books on leadership, personal development.
  • See politicians ( for example: Vladimir Solovyov's lecture on the art of oratory ),
  • Read black rhetoric.
  • Watch your gestures and facial expressions.
  • Learn verbal and non-verbal tricks.
  • Be smart, communicate with those with whom it is profitable.
  • Smile, it's very important.
  • Be able to listen

Even the smell of perfume is important.
And all these little things, subtleties, you can find in any book on public speaking, leadership. For example: Black rhetoric, tough negotiations…
Search the Internet, and on the Flibust website, you can download any book for free.
Everything comes from the smallest details. From the mood, how you woke up today, what kind of day you will have today, heavy, or it's a holiday.

Learn new things, be a polymath, and get inspired. Watch the TV series Sherlock Holmes, it inspired me personally, do not stand still. Find something that will make you blaze with energy.

All the great speakers also started this way, they also did not succeed, this is normal, this is practice. Each time there will be fewer mistakes, you will manage, manipulate, communicate, get better and better. If you want it, you will definitely do it, you will definitely get what you want.

Many people think that there is a secret recipe. That's not so. You saw that someone managed to easily become a millionaire, while he told his way, as they do in BM, in a gathering of fools and charlatans, people who have noodles on their ears fall for it all their lives. Having done exactly as he did, it is not a fact that you will succeed as well.

Develop a psychology of achievement.

If that's what you want, please do it. No matter how hard or difficult it is for you. I don't care about all the difficulties, you will overcome them, no matter what. Why did you set this goal then? If you can't implement it. Apparently you are not very eager. Or it's just your wishlist. Completely different goals, learn to type blindly and buy a new iPhone. Printing is the goal. iPhone is a wishlist. You have to distinguish between them.