
  1. Teacher

    Several signs of mobile phone wiretapping

    Hello, running in the shadows! Hello, random carders. We already had an article on IMSI catchers (see on the channel earlier). And I received questions from subscribers from the series: "How do I know that I'm being tapped?". In this article, we will try to answer at least some of them. Go...
  2. Teacher

    Protecting your phone from wiretapping

    Greetings friends! Mobile phones have long been an integral part of our personal space. However, with the growing number of cybercrimes and the popularity of third-party applications, the privacy of data stored on mobile devices is increasingly exposed to threats of various kinds. Companies...
  3. Hacker

    How wiretapping of Russians is organized

    "Not on the phone." "I'll call you back from another number." "Let's go outside, take a walk, it's better not to talk here." Such phrases are firmly embedded in the life of the Russian establishment, and even a few years ago, those who complain about wiretapping phones and offices were mistaken...
  4. Jollier

    Wiretapping calls through a bug in VoLTE technology

    I like talk about the attack on LTE and that this protocol is not as secure as previously thought. Since then, the researchers behind the LTE vulnerabilities have published a PoC code and a video demonstrating the attack. But the story doesn't end there. A few days ago, the same specialists from...
  5. Jollier

    Wiretapping and interception of SMS. Theory and practice.

    Part 1 Talk about wiretapping continues. Indeed, Big Brother is watching everything. But besides the big brother, there are also attackers who also want to listen to your conversations and read your SMS. What do they have in their arsenal? What is true and what is fiction? Let's take a look...