
  1. Carding Forum

    Опасности сбора данных службами VPN

    Как записанная личная информация может быть использована против вас? В мире виртуальных частных сетей (VPN), где пользователи стремятся обеспечить анонимность и безопасность, вопрос регистрации данных становится ключевым аспектом. Несмотря на то, что каждая компания, предлагающая услуги VPN...
  2. Tomcat

    Creating a secure VPN server for comfortable work

    "Any online security in our world begins with creating your own VPN" In this article we will create a VPN server using the Openvpn protocol for comfortable work on the network; for this we will need: 1) Server (Debian 10) 2) Having straight hands and following this manual STAGE 1. Server...
  3. Tomcat

    Microsoft removes DirectAccess and recommends switching to Always On VPN

    How the change will affect corporate networks and their security. Microsoft recently announced the discontinuation of NTLM development in Windows Server, and soon another network feature was added to the list. This time, the company decided to stop supporting DirectAccess. DirectAccess was...
  4. Tomcat

    Security Analysis of 100 Free VPN apps for the Android platform

    The Top10VPN publication, which reviews and verifies VPN services, tested 100 of the most popular free VPN applications for the Android platform, totaling more than 2.5 billion installations (for verification, 100 free VPN applications were taken, for which the largest number of downloads was...
  5. Tomcat

    Free VPNs Laugh at Your Security: The Dark Side of Popular Services

    Almost 90% of VPN apps threaten users privacy. According to a recent study by Top10VPN, almost all popular free VPN apps on the Google Play Store potentially threaten our privacy. Almost 90% of applications are susceptible to data leaks, more than two-thirds transmit users personal information...
  6. Tomcat

    Update Check Point VPN: Hackers steal Active Directory databases

    What do you need to know about a new actively exploited vulnerability? Check Point reported that attackers have been actively exploiting a critical vulnerability in the Check Point VPN remote access system since the end of April, which allows them to steal Active Directory data for further...
  7. Tomcat

    Check Point reports hacking attempts via Remote Access VPN

    How to protect corporate networks from attacks and unauthorized access. Check Point reported that attackers targeted Check Point Remote Access VPN devices as part of an ongoing campaign to hack corporate networks. Remote access is integrated into all Check Point network firewalls. It can be...
  8. Father

    How Microsoft Fixed Windows Updates that Break VPNs

    There is a solution to the problem of disabling a VPN, but there are some nuances. Microsoft fixed an issue that caused VPN connections to stop working on client and server platforms after installing the April Windows updates. Affected Windows versions include Windows 11, Windows 10, and...
  9. Father

    TunnelVision: No VPN service is safe anymore

    How DHCP manipulation allows hackers to intercept all encrypted traffic. Researchers at Leviathan Security discovered a major security threat affecting virtually all Virtual Private Network (VPN) applications. The attack, dubbed "TunnelVision" and identified as CVE-2024-3661 (CVSS: 7.6 out of...
  10. Father

    TOR, proxy and VPN: Okta warns about large-scale identity theft

    The company gave recommendations to users on how to protect their accounts. Okta warns about a sharp increase in the number and scale of attacks by selecting credentials aimed at online services. According to Okta, the attacks were made possible by the widespread use of resident proxy services...
  11. Father

    Cisco предупреждает о глобальном всплеске атак методом перебора, нацеленных на сервисы VPN и SSH

    Cisco предупреждает о глобальном всплеске атак методом перебора, нацеленных на различные устройства, включая сервисы виртуальной частной сети (VPN), интерфейсы аутентификации веб-приложений и сервисы SSH, по крайней мере, с 18 марта 2024 года. "Все эти атаки, по-видимому, происходят с выходных...
  12. Father

    Cisco Talos: Hackers attack VPN services around the world

    Hackers hack Cisco VPN, CheckPoint, Fortinet! International cybersecurity was under threat after experts from Cisco Talos discovered a large-scale credential matching campaign targeting VPN and SSH services of devices from companies such as Cisco, CheckPoint, Fortinet, SonicWall and Ubiquiti...
  13. Father

    State Duma deputy: VPN services can make you an accomplice in DDoS attacks

    Anton Nemkin warns about the risks of using anonymous networks. Internet users who use VPN services may unwittingly become participants in criminal schemes. This was stated by State Duma deputy Anton Nemkin. According to the MP, scammers actively exploit VPN technologies to involve users in...
  14. Father

    The State Duma warned about the dangers of using VPN services

    MOSCOW, 15 Apr-RIA Novosti. Users can be involved in criminal schemes due to the use of VPN services, in particular in DDoS attacks on state resources, said State Duma Deputy Anton Nemkin. "Fraudsters also do not stand still in the development of their schemes. So now VPNs are already actively...
  15. SpofyStore

    [AutoSell] | Personal VPN | No limit | vless x reality | 10 gb/s

    In fewer words. Best existing Vpn config (Vless x Reality) What is it good for ? 1) It is not subject to blocking 2) Supports all platforms Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS 3) The most reliable of all Also, with this VPN you can have adult fun and nothing will happen to you . There is no logging...
  16. Father

    Google's Proprietary VPN Goes to the Digital Graveyard

    What is the reason for the company's decision to bury its next service? No sooner did we tell you about the problems with Windows network adapters that were caused by the incorrect operation of Google's proprietary VPN, Dobra Corporation suddenly announced the imminent termination of this...
  17. Father

    Not a bug, but a feature: why Google's VPN service breaks network adapter settings

    The problem has been around since November, but no one seems to be planning to fix it. As you know, Google has long provided its own VPN service as part of a monthly Google One subscription. It was initially only available on mobile devices, but was later rolled out to desktop platforms as...
  18. Teacher

    Brutus attacks VPN products en masse: what are hackers trying to achieve?

    A dangerous botnet changes IP addresses like gloves, just to avoid detection by security systems. Cisco published recommendations for its customers on how to protect against password-guessing attacks targeting Remote Access VPN (RAVPN) services configured on Cisco Secure Firewall devices. The...
  19. Teacher

    Zuckerberg wanted to know everything: Facebook spied on competitors using a VPN service

    The company's MitM attack is disclosed in court documents. In 2016, Facebook launched a secret project called "Project Ghostbusters," which aimed to intercept and decrypt traffic between Snapchat users and its servers. The information came to light thanks to documents disclosed in a...
  20. Teacher

    VPN trap for Android: how apps turn smartphones into zombies

    The malicious library makes the user an accomplice in online fraud. 28 free VPN apps on Google Play used a malicious SDK, turning Android devices into resident proxies, probably used for cybercrime and bots. The HUMAN found that malicious apps used the LumiApps SDK, which contained the...