
  1. Carding 4 Carders

    From Chile to Argentina: Ransomware virus threatens Latin American telecommunications

    First the Chilean army, then the GTD operator. Are these incidents related and what are the hackers trying to achieve? Grupo GTD, a Chilean telecommunications company that provides services to customers across Latin America, has been hit by a massive cyberattack. The incident disrupted the...
  2. Carding 4 Carders

    Skype and Teams clients get ready: a virus is in every message you send

    Check if your Skype and Teams correspondence is already compromised. Researchers at Trend Micro discovered a new malware campaign in which cybercriminals use hacked Skype and Microsoft Teams accounts to spread DarkGate malware that can steal information, log keystrokes, mine cryptocurrency, and...
  3. Carding

    Didn't get paid? And in vain: the new Venomrat virus threatens WinRAR users.

    A hacker's bad joke can turn into a problem for more than 500 million WinRAR users. According to a study by Palo Alto Networks, a cybercriminal known as "whalersplonk" took advantage of the Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in WinRAR (CVE-2023-40477), which was made public in August...
  4. Carding

    Darius Pankov pleaded guilty: what awaits the creator of the famous NLBrute virus?

    We understand the details of the scandalous case. Russian citizen Dariy Pankov, known on the Internet under the pseudonym dpxaker, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit fraud. 28-year-old Darius Pankov, the author of the NLBrute malware, was extradited to the United States from Georgia. In...
  5. luciferxfiles

    Xfiles - Stealer

  6. J

    looking for people to spread botnet/job offer

    hello, im looking for someone who can install a botnet on pcs, the method is not important as long as you get logs, i will give encrypted fud botnet for work, payment is discussed in pm or on telegram @fanebad . you dont need to have experience, you dont need to invest nothing but your time,and...
  7. Brother

    Do not fall! How virus writers are calculated.

    Someone believes in brownies and poltergeists, someone in Bigfoot, someone in the fact that the developer of malware and other illegal software can guarantee his own anonymity by simply covering the binary with a packer or obfuscating the code. Some individuals are convinced that the competent...
  8. BigBeast

    How To Hide Virus/Stealer in a Picture

    Greetings to all readers! Today we will consider one of the simplest ways to disguise malware, and with the help of it, stealers, keyloggers and other nasty things are still masked. 1. Create a folder and drag our picture and virus there. 2. Go to iconvertcom and create an icon for our picture...
  9. Mutt

    We hide the virus in a file of ANY format

    This material is provided for educational purposes only and was created as part of the study of information security. The author did not publish material for malicious purposes. If someone uses the information for personal gain, then the author is not responsible for any harm or damage caused...
  10. Mutt

    Virus safety

    This article is for informational purposes only! The basis of security can be called work through virtual machines. Since we work with viruses, there is a chance, inadvertently, to launch it. The worst thing here is not that the data will get to the server after the virus has been processed...
  11. Father

    How to remove any virus from your device

    Let's get started: 1. Run the command prompt as an Administrator. 2. Enter the command: attrib • If you see files with the extension "exe" / "inf", then delete the file with the following command: del "File" 3. Enter the command: cd C:\Windows\System32 and then: attrib • This section...
  12. Hacker

    Writing a simple virus in 15 minutes

    The malware will be written in visual basic script. Then compiled into "exe" format. Let's get started: First, you need to be able to change the file extension, and that's where we'll start. There are many ways, but I like it. Everyone should have a regular archiver,so we'll use it. So...
  13. Lord777

    Virus samples with source code

    Finding a collection of current viruses, and even more so with a description and source code, is not an easy task. We have already told you where to download viruses for analysis and study. Today I will tell you about one more source where you can find and download virus samples, but this time...
  14. Jollier

    Basic virus analysis

    Hello young hacker, in this article we will look at such a sub-area of hacking as malware analysis. In this article, you will find out: How to intercept and analyze the traffic of a virus How to analyze the system for changes. How to study the malware code. Reverse engineering. Traffic...
  15. Carding 4 Carders


    1> edit ur new file 2> and then put ur sh3ll code into the new file 3> and click save. upload and extract your scampage by your shell 4>
  16. Carder

    How to create a virus in Termux apk

    How to create a android virus in termux app so lets get started. 1. You need to download termux app from play store if yo want so i give the link for this app. Link: 2. After download and install you need to install vbug tool in termux for installing vbug tool u want...
  17. D


    Hello... I am currently looking for help with botnets. Please i will like help from good and trusted members of this community. Thanks in advance for help. I need help in: 1. Where to get good botnet. 2. Make virus fullyundetectable. 3. How to spread the virus 4. And security measures to...
  18. D

    custom web, software, hacking, hardware, and MORE

    LIMITED TIME ONLY!!! 75% off or buy one get one free, for the next serious buyer. i have 2 open projects left so any new customers are welcome or i can put you on a list!! Friends, I'm a verified vendor on many other forms, public and private, and that is my goal here. don't worry, no...