
  1. Carder

    Mining and working with logs. The complete cycle from A to Z.

    Written for beginners! The topic is long and extensive, so you'll have to break it down into several parts. If you are interested, I will continue. I want to say right away that everything described below is based purely on personal and practical experience. I don't give links to services, and...
  2. loadbaks

    ✔️VIDAR - A directional stealer for your work ✔️Направленный стилер для вашей работы✔️

    VIDAR - Направленный стилер для вашей работы. Скриншоты продукта: (кликни для увеличения) ВНИМАНИЕ: Тема является исключительно для отзывов данного продукта Представляем вам наш продукт, который имеет достаточно хорошую репутацию. Данный стиллер заточен для автоматизации вашего труда...
  3. Carding 4 Carders

    Cookies-stealer from USB stick

    Today we got an interesting exploit for our review that explains how to style cookies from browsers, as well as view and extract passwords. Cookies are encrypted text documents that store basic information about the user who uses the browser. This information includes browser usage statistics...
  4. Carding 4 Carders

    We disassemble the StormKitty stealer, make a fork

    In such publications, we will examine under a microscope the source codes (open, leaked, decompiled, to which hands will reach) or disassembler listings of one way or another known in our narrow circles of malware. We will peer at the general architecture of the Malvarka project, its individual...
  5. Carding 4 Carders

    Learn how to properly distribute a stealer and get logs!

    Learn how to properly distribute a styler and get logs! This article is of an educational nature, we do not urge or obligate you to anything. The information is presented for educational purposes only. Stealer First, we need the steiller itself. You can use the usual StromKitty public styler...
  6. O

    Oski Stealer Cracked + Admin Panel v9

    Oski Stealer is an extremely advanced stealer showcasing many desired features such as credit card and wallet stealing. Firstly, this stealer is completely web-based, accessible from any device and can be hosted offshore for anonymity. Secondly, the payload will self destruct after loading...
  7. Carder

    Bitcoin Stealer 4.3
  8. Carder

    How to steal Bitcoin

    Bitcoin Stealer 4.3 Table of Contents 1. Foreword 2. Justification 3. Introduction This guide is NOT for you if This guide is for you if 4. The development process of the guide 5. Awesome tutorial video 6. Keep in mind before you...
  9. Carder

    Stealer Nexus 2020-12-30

    Nexus is a new stealer with easy control from the admin panel. Through it, you can view the received data and leave your comments on the content. You can get the following data: • Unloads everything from the browser • Files for access to crypto wallets • Session files Telegram, Discord, Steam •...
  10. Carder

    UFR Stealer

    A program for grabbing passwords, files and other information using a flash drive, FTP server or gate. Tulza has a very flexible system of settings - i.e. you can pull only the files you need, has several filtering steps and many other nice and not so nice features. Setting instructions inside...
  11. Carder

    Stealer + Builder 2020-12-29

    The archive contains the Stealer builder for android. Стиллер + Билдер В архиве лежит билдер Стиллера для андройда.
  12. Carder

    Stealer Logs PayPal / CC Ebay

    As for Ebay - on this site we will be able to buy / carding the same thing or equipment (we will immediately clarify - liquidity comes in less often than illiquid stock, for example - we tried to drive in an iPhone 7+ for $ 750 - it did not give us, but trying to carding an illiquid asset "...
  13. Carder

    Crypto stealer - what and where

    So, meet - a bloody callus, a purulent abscess and a headache for everyone who works with logs, traffic and installations - a crypt file. What you will learn from this article: * What is the crypt of the file, what is included, what is not included, and what is generally from another opera. *...
  14. Carder

    Arkey private stealer

    VirusTotal: Steals cookies, passwords, e-wallets, files and many other various data without any problems. Does not create windows when opened and after collecting information, self-destructs without...
  15. Glade


    Писать только сюда Хочу представить вам стиллер, заточенный под удобную работу с логами. Собирает максимально-востребованную информацию для работы по всем направлениям. Программа писалась с учетом всех пожеланий людей профессионально занимающимися в сфере кардинга...
  16. Carding

    Залив инсталлов на собственный стиллер и работа с логами

    Небольшое Предисловие: Статья 2020 года. Файлы проверяйте на вирустотале! И так в этот раз поговорим о инсталлах и логах, и научимся без каких либо серьёзных вложений получать достаточно неплохой материал. Все что тебе осталось чтобы начать зарабатывать – это осилить эту “статью”, выложиться на...