social engineering

  1. Man

    Social Engineering. Important Concepts.

    Social engineering is a field that every self-respecting hacker must understand. Hello everyone, dear friends! Social engineering is a field that every self-respecting hacker must understand. Today we will examine the most important concepts of social engineering. What is social engineering...
  2. Man

    Suggestion and manipulation. Social engineering.

    I'm talking about how to make the victim do what we need. Greetings to all, dear friends! It doesn't matter at all whether you are a hacker or just want to avoid becoming an object of manipulation and influence - in any case, we advise you to read this article. So, let's start with the...
  3. Man

    Manual on "Social Engineering"

    Of course, SE (Social Engineering) is of great importance in our business. The lack of knowledge in this area, and sometimes a fundamentally wrong understanding of what SE is, misleads many that there are no profits and never will be. Of course, if you just spam potential mammoths via PM, you...
  4. Man

    How Social Engineering Works and How Scammers Use This

    Many people imagine a hacker as a person with a bunch of tricky devices, programs, monitors and energy drinks. In fact, the typical Internet fraudster has not hacked anyone for a long time. He collects data about a person from open sources, and then uses it to persuade him to transfer money...
  5. Man

    A Brief Introduction to Social Engineering

    Computer security is difficult (maybe even impossible), but imagine for a moment that we did it. Strong cryptography is used where necessary, security protocols work flawlessly. We have reliable hardware and reliable software. Even the network we work on is completely secure. Wonderful...
  6. Man

    Social engineering | General, cases, experience

    Introduction In this article we will talk about social engineering (hereinafter, SI). We will analyze all the most important things, in detail, with examples, detailed analysis of cases. I will tell about personal experience, I will try to make this article as interesting as possible, in a...
  7. Man

    A Diverse Arsenal of Social Engineering: Types of Attacks and How to Prevent Them

    Have you heard of such types of information attacks as Baiting, Honey Trap, Scareware, Water Holing, Quid pro Quo? In this article, we will consider them and a number of others, including various types of phishing, and also give high-profile examples of attacks and tell you about effective ways...
  8. Man

    Suggestion and social engineering

    The essence of the fundamental difference between persuasion and suggestion is as follows: the goal of persuasion is to consciously comprehend the meaning of what is said, to consciously accept a system of assessments and judgments, in agreement with another point of view. The goal of suggestion...
  9. Professor

    Social Engineering in the Digital World

    With the development of digital technologies, social engineering has become one of the most common methods of attacking the human factor. In this article, we will look at what social engineering is, what methods attackers use, and most importantly, what steps you can take to protect yourself...
  10. Friend

    Dream interview or trap? A new trend in the world of social engineering.

    No developer is immune to the persuasive methods of hackers. Recently, researchers from PolySwarm have documented several cases of sophisticated cyberattacks with social engineering techniques aimed at software developers. Scammers use fake job interviews to install malware known as DevPopper...
  11. Carding Forum

    Social Engineering. Erudition without intelligence.

    I have repeatedly encountered people in my life who read a lot, have a rich vocabulary, and know many interesting facts. But in the process of more or less close communication with them, it became clear that the cognitive abilities of these individuals are at a low level. It will not be...
  12. Tomcat

    The skill of self-disclosure - SE!

    Correct view This look can completely change your communication with a person, regardless of what gender they are. You will immediately make it clear that you came here for a specific purpose and will not leave until you achieve your goal. The decision here is made only by you and no one else...
  13. Tomcat

    Social engineering in action

    In this article I will tell you how social engineering is used in action, as well as other subtleties. This will be visual information that is used by some sellers. The information provided in this article is presented for educational purposes only. It is very important to understand that one...
  14. Tomcat

    10 Basic Rules of Social Engineering

    Here are ten basic rules of social engineering. Read them and you will be able to communicate confidently, correctly and, most importantly, effectively with everyone. So: Rule 1: Don't pressure the victim Some of the people you deal with are not stupid vegetables. They don't just want you to...
  15. Tomcat

    Social engineering of a successful carder

    #1 – Self-confidence If you are not confident in yourself, you don't even have to come here, it's immediately noticeable, just remember your own or someone else's performances, when people look insecure, you don't even want to listen to them. It's like the foundation of everything. #2 -...
  16. Father

    Social engineering as an attack method

    "Only for fun" - this is the motto we often used when attacking any systems. Over a fairly short period of its activity, a large amount of material has accumulated. I was faced with the task of how to organize it. The purpose of this article is not to teach hacking. These are just stories that...
  17. Father

    5 old and 4 new social engineering tricks that Employees fall for

    Blame it on pandemic fatigue, remote work, or simply too much information, but employees seem to be letting their guard down when it comes to spotting social engineering tricks. According to Proofpoint, attackers were more successful in their social engineering schemes last year than a year...
  18. Father

    Trick me if you can: what is social engineering?

    The number of cyber attacks on individuals in Russia is growing every year. In 93% of cases, scammers use social engineering methods. Such data for 2022 provided by Positive Technologies analysts. What is social engineering and how is it evolving? Which of its technologies are particularly...
  19. Father

    Social engineering - cybercrime or not?

    Social engineering is an insidious and manipulative art that can penetrate the most protected areas of our lives. However, how justified is it to call it a cybercrime? On the one hand, social engineers use psychological techniques and deception to gain access to confidential information and...
  20. Teacher

    Social engineering. Programming of consciousness by distraction.

    Hello! We were all kids and we know how cool it was to catch the moment when mom / dad is watching TV. You can ask anything you want and get the cherished " yes " as an answer. How did we manage to do this so easily? Here we are talking about the redistribution of resources of the brain, which...