
  1. Forum Library

    Security Blueprints of Many Companies Leaked in Hack of Swedish Firm Gunnebo

    In March 2020, KrebsOnSecurity alerted Swedish security giant Gunnebo Group that hackers had broken into its network and sold the access to a criminal group which specializes in deploying ransomware. In August, Gunnebo said it had successfully thwarted a ransomware attack, but this week it...
  2. nevertheless

    Linken Sphere - the most safety and user friendly antidetect in the world - Безопасный браузер!

    Приветствуем, друзья! Мы рады представить наш новый продукт - наиболее безопасный и дружелюбный браузер антидетект, работающий в мультипоточном режиме. Уверены, что благодаря этому продукту Ваши возможности выйдут на совершенно новый уровень, и Вы уже не сможете представить, каково это было -...
  3. R

    tools and tips for security wake up!!

    Privacy is an issue that is never taken seriously enough, but for which our tool is the pc should be taken very seriously because our evidence and could be a long holiday in college "jail" so brings a pair of tools that can reduce risk. DNS Cache: Every time you load a web page in your...
  4. P

    Gun against privacy and our security

    Big brother wana more information against us. This soft can tell in future whe you gona be , who is your best friends , wher you like more etc watch video:
  5. T

    REQUEST: telephony (IN)security literature

    Any resource about telephony (IN)security? landline & mobile (GSM)? :confused: