
  1. K

    I Sell Script For Auto Transfer ETH/BNB

    Hello , i sell script for auto sending ETH/BNB from wallets with fake token , i sell script with Wallets: for price dm TELEGRAM - @Klugonet
  2. CarderPlanet

    Script for sms attacks

    MySMS v1.0 ( - a script that generates an Android application with the functionality of SMS attacks over WAN. For Kali Linux users.
  3. Hacker

    Writing a Trojan script

    Let's create it in a regular text editor built into Windows. Such a virus will be called a BAT virus. As I write the source code, I will explain what I'm talking about in curly brackets. @Echo off {disallow displaying executable commands on the screen} copy %0 c:virus.bat >nul {copy the file...
  4. C

    2021 Bank Caller ID Scam Method

    Hello brothers , Which one of you is so manly and generous to give me a method about fake bank fraud phone calls, I mean I call them from out of the bank their number and name it must be some kind of cash out, or I who can get hold of debit card / cc by sending it Cartel701 Pm me If you can...
  5. Carding 4 Carders

    Instagram Hacking Script by Bruteforce in Termux

    For hackers/spammers 1) Load up your android device. 2) Next click on your playstore app and search for “Termux” & install it. 3) Open Termux app and type: “pkg install git”. 4) To update available packages type: “pkg update”. 5) Lets install python by typing ” pkg install python” 6) We...
  6. Carder

    Shop script for selling games and keys 2020-12-29

    6 payment systems: RoboKassa Interkassa YandexCheckout Qiwi LiqPay SpryPay P.S. You can also add your own payment systems and change design of the site. 6 платёжных систем: РобоКасса Интеркасса ЯндексКасса Киви LiqPay SpryPay P.S. Так же можно добавить свои системы оплаты и изменять дизайн...
  7. Carder

    Scam shop script 2020-12-29

    Account store. You can rewrite it in a real store, or you can scam. In general, decide for yourself what to do with it. Магазин аккаунтов. Можно переписать его в действительный магазин, а можно скамить. Вобщем решайте сами что с ним делать.
  8. Carder

    Brawl Star's Scam Shop Script 2020-12-29

    For informational purposes, what to do with it - decide for yourself. The script is easy to configure. Сливаем в ознакомительных целях, что с ним делать - решайте сами. Скрипт лёгок в настройке.
  9. kseGB

    Goldsvet 7.1 MRS (Multi Room System) for casino club's (cafe version)

    Новая версия системы казино GOLDSVET / mrs. В этом выпуске казино: Вы найдете новые возможности для управления играми, и системой, объединение игровых банков, значительное увеличение производительности, и снижение нагрузки на сервер, и базу данных. Несколько новых уникальных интерфейсов казино...
  10. Carder

    Bitcoin exchanger script in Telegram - Cкрипт биткоин обменника в Телеграм I think you don't need to explain what this script can be used for. Its application is very wide - both in white and dark haze. It all depends on which hands he will be in. In short, a very useful and useful...
  11. Friend

    Mass checking of webshells on valid.

    1. If you need to check a lot of webshells on valid first you need to check them on http-code – we need to receive an answer if there are any page on this url. For doing this tasks we use bash,.c Php of course has more universal but it would take more time and you won’t be able to use it on...