
  1. Tomcat

    Checking the logs for the Epic Games request

    Guide to working out logs on Epic Games! Introduction Today we will talk about how to process the Epic Games / Fortnite request in our logs. A little theory, to process logs for this request we need just a little bit of tools and knowledge. You will receive all the knowledge within the time...
  2. Tomcat

    PayPal processing from logs

    We will need: • Antidetect • RDP • VPN (SurfShark or IpVanished are great options) • Logs • Roblox account (from 2 weeks of registration, preferably with a donation before that) 1. Check the log for the presence of PayPal cookies. We go to the folder with cookies, look where the most requests...
  3. Father

    How to make money from logs?

    Good day, my dear future carders 😎 It's already starting to get into the habit of telling you not only about shady professions, but also about how you can cut down "easy money" on the web. And I will not publish methods, a la "Investing 1 ruble - you can raise a billion and build yourself a...
  4. Teacher

    Darknet ChatGPT Logs: 225,000 entries for accessing sensitive data

    Group-IB has found out why the chatbot has become a gold mine for cybercriminals. According to Group-IB, between January and October 2023, more than 225,000 logs containing compromised ChatGPT user credentials were put up for sale on the darknet. The credentials were found in the logs of the...
  5. Jessie

    I buy Facebook from logs (from 5 to 1500 $ per piece) - Скупаю Facebook с логов (от 5 до 1500$ за штуку)

    I’ll buy FB logs from the States and Europe. The main thing is to log in using cookies and have data about the country + text with passwords. I pay from 5 to 1500 $ for a valid log. P.S. (there should be a line in the logs) adsmanager.facebook or business.facebook.com My TG...
  6. C


    Hello.. We Are A Well Known Carding Group Named FRAUDMARKET.. We Sale A Variety Of Things Such As CC'S (Guranteed Valid Or Free Refund/Replacement) SSN'S (Refundable) Bank Logs And More "OUR SITE IS DOWN BUT OUR TELEGRAM GROUP WITH 2000+ Subscribers Is Up.." "IF YOU WANNA PURCHASE ANYTHING...
  7. M

    Earn from bank logs POSTBANK💸 NEW 2023

    I am posting for you a private method of Russian carders. Translated into English From bank logs you can also top up your cryptocurrency with p2p or this method https://carder.market/threads/carding-coinbase-with-bank-logs-2024.135583/ https://teletype.in/@grilia/j6-u6Nni1C-
  8. DedMoroz

    DED-BANKS service 💵 We will cash out your bank logs 💵 Обналичим Ваши банковские логи 💵

    Hello everyone! Cashed Service from Santa Claus We will cash your bank logs. We work with almost all existing US banks. Except for Chase and Wells. Also, there is a service for manual check of your logs to banks (We provide full reporting for each log.) The payment percentage is fixed - 50%...
  9. S


    The number 1 store in the log market! Why are we chosen? 💵Best price 🥇Best quality ⚙️Best value 🛠Convenient menu for finding the right product. ⚡️Responsive support (https://t.me/SP_Stan) with clear prime time. 🛡Hand-checked before sale, you get 100% valid product. ——————————————— 🏦 Bank...
  10. MiskeyMouse


    👁‍🗨MiskeyMouse.group is: BA AND INVEST LOG PROCESSING (USA) 💽💻💵💴💶💷🪙💰 ✔️ We accept almost all BA and Investment offices (USA) with Valid mail ✔️ Fast, High-quality, Private processing methods ✔️ Professional team ✔️ 24/7 Support ✔️ Individual approach to each account 📝 Transparent and timely...
  11. УгВей

    We take on all your Logs Processing - US - [ru] Берём в работу Все ваши Логи/Отработку Логов

    I’ll take all your logs/Log processing to work! - Only USA logs We take both the latest Logs and this year’s work! Please check in PM. No need to throw away all your work!!! You can get a lot more interesting things out of it!!! We do not accept logs from public clouds! We do not accept Logs...
  12. C

    I will buy Twitter ads logs/Куплю логи твиттер адс

    Дорого. Работаем через гаранта. Любое колличество Expensive. We work through a warranty service. Any number
  13. M

    Найдем все ваши линки! Логи есть Мир! Траф на ваши линки | We will find all your links! Logs are Peace! Traffic to your links.

    Найдем ваши линки, гео весь мир, но предпочтительно Юса. - Ищем только логин пароль, обновы каждый день,обьемы огромные, поэтому найдем все. - Если у вас линки требуют мыло пас и не попсовый линк. Есть решение! Если у вас линк дает хороший профит, делаете фэйк (кодеров предоставляем, если...
  14. B

    Найдeм Ваши линки в своих логах, гео - весь мир! US, UK, AU, EU | We will find your links in our logs, geo - the whole world!

    Всем привет, скопилось 27 террабайт (размер на диске )логов по разным странам, более половины за 2020, 21 годы. Можем поискать ваши линки у себя в логах (гео весь мир включая экзотику). Предоставим логины, пароли, куки к вашему линку, так же полные боты, со всем списком линков, куда заходил бот...
  15. F

    Selling functional styler

    Selling absolutely working styler. Send to telegram or discord. Full customization and preparation of the build, possible preparation of .lnk, .bat to send - then in general the styler unkillable will be. Not cheap but very high quality. Crypt of my file by my means - 100 dollars US. THE RESULT...
  16. pepepotato

    Smart decisions I can do to an Open-up PayPal Business Account

    Hi! I recently acquired an Open-up account on a particular log seller and it's a PayPal Business account. I really have zero idea how to gain benefit from this. What smart decisions and beneficial actions shall I make to ensure I could cash out from this? I wish to ensure I could provide an...
  17. LummaC2

    LummaC2 - универсальный стиллер, инструмент для профессионалов

    LummaC2 - стиллер не имеющий аналогов, средний отстук 75-85%, работает даже на чистых системах, зависимостей нет никаких (ВООБЩЕ), расшифровка лога на сервере, вес билда 150-300КБ, ворует браузеры на базе Chromium и Mozilla, отличный низкоуровневый быстрый адаптивный файлграббер, ворует и...
  18. pepepotato

    Recommended Startup Capital for pursuing Carding

    Hello! My name's Pepepotato, passionate learner & beginner carder. I would like to ask a simple question to the professionals. You see, I've been planning on formally starting my journey as a carder. however, because of my financial state, I'm currently unable to pursue it with confidence. I've...
  19. pepepotato

    My Experience So Far on PayPal Logs

    Greetings! My name is Pepepotato, a beginner carder & passionate learner. I'm here to discuss about my very first experience regarding PayPal Logs. During the moment, my keyboard wasn't working so I was using an on-screen keyboard all that time. I was filled with excitement when the transaction...
  20. Lord777

    Carding Amazon from logs

    Setting up the Socks5+waterfox browser. What we need: 1) Download the browser https://www.waterfox.net/ With the latest updates. 2) Install the extensions Webrtc, coockieBro, Canvas defender (prints optional) 911.re we put it the same way as on the skin below. (what a pit it's closed) In...