
  1. Father

    Unknown keylogger found in Microsoft Exchange Server

    Malicious code collects credentials and stores them in a file accessible from the Internet. The Positive Technologies Security Expert Center (PT Expert Security Center) reported identifying a previously unknownkeyloggerthat was embedded in the main page of Microsoft Exchange Server and...
  2. Teacher

    The first ever keylogger

    • One of the world's first keyloggers appeared during the Cold War, when Soviet intelligence agents spied on American diplomats using a bug hidden in IBM Selectric typewriters. The devices were located inside 16 typewriters used from 1976 to 1984 at the U.S. Embassies in Moscow and Leningrad. *...
  3. Q

    Продам: Keylogger для слежения за компьютером

    WinLogger служебный и родительский контроль за компьютером Программа осуществляет передачу данных, о деятельности пользователя, в режиме реального времени. Тип передаваемых данных: Клавиатура - нажатые клавиши. Буфер обмена - скопированный текст. Открытые окна - запущенные программы...
  4. Brother

    Keylogger at home. We write a keylogger in C # that is not fired by antiviruses.

    Combat keyloggers with tons of features and anti-detection protection can cost tens, if not hundreds of dollars. But a keylogger is not such a complicated thing, and if you wish, you can make your own and even avoid being detected by antiviruses. In this article I will show you how to do this...
  5. Mutt

    Keylogger in C ++

    All information provided is for informational purposes only and does not call you to take actions that violate the law! Today we will analyze writing a simple KeyLogger for Windows in C ++. Include the libraries and include the std namespace: #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> using...
  6. Father

    Keylogger at home. We write a keylogger in C # that is not fired by antiviruses.

    Combat keyloggers with tons of features and anti-detection protection can cost tens, if not hundreds of dollars. But a keylogger is not such a complicated thing, and if you wish, you can make your own and even avoid being detected by antiviruses. In this article, I will show you how to do this...
  7. Hacker

    Detailed guide to creating a keylogger

    What will we need? 1. Google the name "Radium Keylogger" and download everything from the github, unpack it into a random folder. 2. Google "Python2. 7 download for free without sms in high quality" download and install with the default parameters, the only thing I would like to say is that you...
  8. Jollier

    Punto Switcher. Keylogger from a legitimate program.

    Many of us use the program to switch keyboard layouts and correct the input language Punto Switcher, but few of us know what opportunities to spy on the user it hides. In versions of the program up to the 4th, it was possible to hide the display of the tray icon. However, this feature has been...
  9. Carding


    • USB-keylogger — очень удобный в работе инструмент, особенно если есть физический доступ к ПК, поможет атакующему получить нужную информацию. • Keylogger подключается в USB-порт, после чего в него вставляется клавиатура, таким образом, можно подключиться с любого устройства и получать...
  10. CUK77

    KeySpy: клавиатурный шпион нового поколения

    Многие озабоченные собственной безопасностью пользователи некоторую информацию (прежде всего пароли) всегда держат в голове, никуда не записывают - ни в cookie, ни в реестр, - а всегда вводят с клавиатуры. В какой-то степени они поступают правильно, ведь любой более-менее продвинутый троян без...