
  1. Teacher

    RCS on iPhone: who won and who lost?

    Insiders revealed the true reason why Apple took the path of unification. Recently, it became known that Apple implement the RCS protocol in the standard Messages app was caused not by international pressure or criticism from Google, but by new Chinese regulatory requirements . It turns out...
  2. Teacher

    GoldPickaxe Trojan Steals iPhone Owners Faces to Access Bank Accounts

    Biometrics has become a truly valuable resource for cybercriminals. Cybercriminals have begun attacking iPhone owners with malware that steals 3D scans of individuals for unauthorized access to bank accounts. This became known from a study of the company Group-IB, which deals with...
  3. Teacher

    Шпионская программа Pegasus нацелилась на iPhone журналистов и активистов в Иордании

    Согласно совместным выводам Access Now и Citizen Lab, iPhone, принадлежащие почти трем десяткам журналистов, активистов, адвокатов по правам человека и членов гражданского общества в Иордании, были нацелены на шпионское ПО Pegasus от NSO Group. Было публично подтверждено, что целью были девять...
  4. Brother

    Apple defeated NSO Group: the court supported the corporation in the case of iPhone spyware infection

    Is the NSO Group to blame for developing a covert surveillance exploit? A US court has rejected a motion by the Israeli company NSO Group, developer of the Pegasus spyware software, to dismiss a lawsuit filed by Apple. The corporation accuses NSO of violating laws on computer fraud and other...
  5. Brother

    Apple выпустила исправление для критического нулевого дня в iPhone, Mac - обновить сейчас

    Apple в понедельник выпустила обновления для системы безопасности для iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS и веб-браузера Safari, чтобы устранить недостаток "нулевого дня", который активно используется в дикой природе. Проблема, отслеживаемая как CVE-2024-23222, представляет собой ошибку путаницы типов в...
  6. Brother

    Самый изощренный взлом iPhone, когда-либо использовавший скрытую аппаратную функцию Apple

    В шпионских атаках Operation Triangulation, нацеленных на устройства Apple iOS, использовались невиданные ранее эксплойты, которые позволяли обходить даже основные аппаратные средства защиты, установленные компанией. Российская компания по кибербезопасности Kaspersky, которая обнаружила...
  7. Brother

    "Reverse Triangulation": mysterious vulnerability in the iPhone remains unsolved

    The company is close to understanding all aspects of the attack, but one vulnerability raises many questions. In early summer, Kaspersky Lab experts discovered a large-scale cyber operation aimed at infecting the iPhone of Russian users. This operation is called "Operation Triangulation"...
  8. Brother

    Hackers hack iPhone through keyloggers in virtual keyboard

    What you need to know about protecting your device. Recently, it was discovered that hackers found a way to bypass the iPhone's security systems using third-party keyboards. According to a report by Russell Kent-Payne of Certo Software, attackers use these keyboards to record personal messages...
  9. Lord777

    How to make a hacker iPhone or iPad (Pentest on iOS)

    Content 1 How to make a hacker iPhone or iPad 1.1 iOS Jailbreak 1.2 Cydia 1.3 MobSF 1.4 Frida 1.5 Objection 1.6 Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 1.7 Grapefruit 2 Conclusion We told you how to make a hacker smartphone using Termux and Kali Linux. That article was about Android. Today I'll show...
  10. Lord777

    Apple is looking for IT engineers to crack the iPhone 15s

    What is the main feature of the new model and why is it so important to make sure that it is safe? Apple hires IT engineers who can crack the latest iPhone 15s smartphone. The goal is to identify vulnerabilities and possible threats that need to be addressed before mass sales start. The new...
  11. Carding 4 Carders

    iPhone three years merged the MAC address due to a defective privacy feature

    Recently, Apple released a patch for a vulnerability in iOS that provokes tracking of mobile devices by MAC address. The problem arose due to an incorrect implementation of the privacy feature that appeared in the iPhone three years ago. This mechanism is designed to prevent such surveillance...
  12. Carding 4 Carders

    Утечка: новый эксплойт Safari влияет на Apple iPhone и Mac с процессорами серий A и M

    Группа ученых разработала новую атаку по побочному каналу, получившую название iLeakage, которая использует слабые места в процессорах серий A и M, работающих на устройствах Apple iOS, iPadOS и macOS, позволяя извлекать конфиденциальную информацию из веб-браузера Safari. "Злоумышленник может...
  13. Carding 4 Carders

    Apple releases security updates for older iPhone and iPad models

    Active support six years after the release — keep it up, Cupertino. Apple has released security updates for older versions of the iPhone and iPad to add patches released earlier to fix two zero-day vulnerabilities exploited in real-world attacks. In an official statement, Apple said: "Apple is...
  14. CarderPlanet

    iPhone security on the verge: a new 0day vulnerability caused massive attacks on users

    Apple urgently fixes a bug that allows you to take control of the device. Apple has released emergency security updates to address a new zero-day vulnerability that was exploited in attacks on iPhone and iPad users. In an official statement, Apple said that it is aware of the active...
  15. B

    Carding tools for Jailbroken iphone?

    I am looking for apps for jailbroken iphone which are used for carding like changing useragent,webrtc etc. Currently i have app for fake GPS,jailbreak hider app.
  16. Carding

    Apple спешит исправить ошибки нулевого дня, используемые для шпионских программ Pegasus на iPhone

    Apple в четверг выпустила экстренные обновления безопасности для iOS, iPadOS, macOS и watchOS, чтобы устранить две ошибки нулевого дня, которые были использованы в дикой природе для доставки шпионского ПО NSO группы Pegasus mercenary. Проблемы описаны ниже - CVE-2023-41061 - Проблема с...
  17. Carding

    iPhone российского журналиста взломан шпионским ПО Zero-Click от NSO Group

    iPhone, принадлежащий Галине Тимченко, известной российской журналистке и критику правительства, был взломан шпионским ПО Pegasus от NSO Group, показало новое совместное расследование, проведенное Access Now и Citizen Lab. Предположительно, проникновение произошло примерно 10 февраля 2023 года...
  18. Carding

    The latest iPhone can be hacked by any student using Raspberry Pi for $70

    Due to the peculiarities of iOS and the Bluetooth protocol, iPhone smartphones can be hacked using a cheap device based on the Raspberry Pi, which even a person without experience in electronics can assemble. Such a gadget sends out fake notifications requiring you to enter your Apple ID...
  19. CarderPlanet

    What is currently relevant on the iPhone in Apple Wallet

    In Apple Wallet, it was possible to attach bank cards for further payment of goods via Apple Pay. Currently, users can store coupons, bonus cards, and tickets. It is very comfortable. Especially for those who want to keep everything in one place. Namely, on an iPhone or in an Apple Watch...
  20. J

    iPhones sceme

    I have multiple people who work at wal mart premium wireless and run applications for ATT and Verizon. I need good profiles (Name,DOB,SSN,Drivers license/State ID#) to run so we can get iPhones. I also have ATT accounts for sale or trade. This is the real, no scam or bullshit. Text me so we can...