
  1. Man

    Interview with former carder Sergey Pavlovich

    Good day friends, for the first time on our forum an interview with such a famous and authoritative person in carding circles - Sergey Pavlovich! Many start their activities after learning about him! Many admire him, because this is a man who stole more than one million dollars from the USA! We...
  2. Man

    Interview with carder Xiao

    Today's guest is from the distant 2017, carding, money laundering. I am the Channel Admin. G - Guest. Me - Hello, how are you? Introduce yourself G - I'm fine, thanks I have been involved in money laundering and carding since 2017, widely known in the Chinese community under the nickname Xiao...
  3. Man

    Interview with the owner of ProxySoxy

    Information: • Today's guest is the creator of the ProxySoxy project, a cheap and fast proxy. • Interviewer: xsd715 • Respondent: ProxySoxy • Date of interview: 10/29/2023 Me - Hello, introduce yourself! G - Good day to everyone who is reading the interview, the owner of the largest bot for...
  4. Man

    Interview with the creator of LummaC2 Stealer

    Information: • Today's guest Creator of the LummaC2 stealer project • Interviewer: xsd715 • Respondent: LummaC2 • Interview date: 10/26/2023 Me - Hi, introduce yourself! G - Hello, I am a seller / support person for a product called LummaC2. We are one of the fastest growing MaaS projects on...
  5. Man

    Interview with the creator of Medusa Stealer

    Information: • Today's guest, the creator of the Medusa stealer, will talk about his business, his experience, and give interesting advice for beginners! Enjoy reading! • Interviewer: TalkTheScam • Respondent: MedusaSupport • Date of interview: 04/21/2024 Me - Hi, introduce yourself! G - Good...
  6. Man

    Interview with a DDos Attack Professional - Arivite (ddos4fun)

    Our interviews are educational in nature and do not encourage anything. Information: • Today's guest is a professional in the field of DDoS attacks - Arivite will talk about his business and experience, and give interesting advice for beginners! Enjoy reading! • Interviewer: TalkTheScam •...
  7. Man

    Interview with the owner of the carding market "STYXMARKET"

    Our interviews are educational in nature and do not encourage anything. Information: • Today's guest, the creator of the Medusa stealer, will talk about his business and experience, and give interesting advice for beginners! Enjoy reading! • Interviewer: TalkTheScam • Respondent: Alexa...
  8. Man

    Interview with the owner of the carding shop "BidenCash"

    Our interviews are educational in nature and do not call for anything. Information: • The owner of one of the largest shops on the market, "BidenCash", will tell you about his path and give advice to beginners. Enjoy reading! • Interviewer: TalkTheScam • Respondent: BidenCash • Date of...
  9. Friend

    Interview or cyberattack? Node.js became a weapon in the hands of Lazarus.

    A new attack method from lazarus threatens blockchain experts. The Lazarus group continues to actively develop its cyberattack campaign in 2024, using new and more sophisticated methods. As part of the "Contagious Interview" campaign, attackers inject malware into victims systems under the...
  10. Jollier

    The Mystery of Carder's Business [ Carding ]

    Carding-FAQ Any business has many complexities and nuances. Carding is no exception. Your determination alone is not enough to implement such a profitable business as clothing carding. As practice shows, in order to get out of trouble, you first need to gain experience and only then put your...
  11. Friend

    People's CyberArmy & NoName057(16) interview with ddos department

    Interview with Denis Degtyarenko and Yulia Pankratova (included in the US sanctions list) Contents 👁‍🗨: 1. The guys' reaction to being included in the US sanctions list 2. Which foreign resources their team is not going to attack 3. Cooperation between BI.ZONE and Interpol. Why this is logical...
  12. Carding Forum

    Interview with Peter Severa

    Hello everyone! First, I would like to introduce the guest. Meet Petr Severá Levashov, former owner of several botnets, "King of Spam" now a law-abiding citizen, businessman, creator of And so, on to the questions! Q. Please tell us what prompted the choice of names for your...
  13. Tomcat

    How do carders live? | Interview

    👋 Hello, gangsters, I think everyone is familiar with the field of carding or has at least ever heard this word in their lives. Today I interviewed for you a carder who earned decent amounts. 📓Interview: Host: Hello, you are on the “Shadow Blog” channel. Introduce yourself, who are you and what...
  14. Teacher

    Interview with the coder who was accepted

    The other day I talked to an accepted coder, they want to attribute 10-15 years (for organized crime). Enjoy watching! [G] - Grid Life [K] - Encoder [G] — Hi, let's get acquainted, tell us about yourself, what do you do? [K] — Hi, mostly coding, I've been studying since I was 14 and somehow...
  15. Teacher

    Shoplifting in 2024. Interview.

    Hello! We prepared a mini-interview with the shoplifter and learned a lot of interesting things. Enjoy your learning! Tell me about yourself How much maximum did you endure? What do you need to get started? What was the most unusual thing about the work? How did you get caught those 2 times...
  16. Teacher

    Interview with the owner of the drug shop "YUNGRUSSIA"

    Hello! Today I managed to talk to a novice drug owner. The store exists only recently, but this did not prevent the owner from telling a lot of interesting things. I turned to you for questions, you scribbled as many as 200 comments, ahuet, thank you)) I chose some of them. I'm thinking of...
  17. Teacher

    Interview with a coder in Europe

    Hello! Today I have a guest of a well — known coder in Europe-Belfort. As I said earlier, this person was interviewed for People PRO. Yom tov! Who are you? What are you doing? How much have you rented, what is the price of one project? Is it true that most projects are scammed for payments...
  18. Teacher

    Interview with an accepted WB carder

    Hello! Today I'm going to tell you a story about a guy who used to drive in iPhones from Wildberry's, earned it over 800,000 rubles, and as many as 4 cop cars came for him, as if for a terrorist. What proofs do you have? I can't give you much, but there is article in the city media. But there...
  19. Teacher

    Accepted because of a dropovod aka drop service (Interview)

    Hello, you thug yaytsechesy guys! Today I have a guest worker, who was accepted due to the inexperience of the dropover. Hi. Who are you? How and for what was he caught? How did your parents and classmates react? What topic did you join? How much did you earn? What did you use for security...
  20. Lord777

    Interview with a man whose life is on the federal wanted list for cybercrime

    Greetings to all, my username is Binary and I am the admin of the Legends For Carding channel. Today I have prepared for you an extremely interesting interview with a man whose life is on the federal wanted list for cybercrime. So let's get started B - Binary P - Pavel B - Hi, please introduce...