
  1. M

    Credit Karma Debit Card Account TakeOver and Cashout 🔥

    Check out our Bot for Premium tutorials: Channel updates: Check the attached pdf for free premium guide
  2. KeepTrying

    Carding: Where Do I Start? Tips & Exercises (Never-Before-Seen Guide) Кардинг: С чего начать? Советы и упражнения (Никогда не виденное руководство)

    Carding: Where Do I Start? Tips & Exercises (Never-Before-Seen Guide) Are you still confused about carding? Facing issues? When we first start playing poker, we might not know all the rules or we might know some but not really understand what to do. The same goes for carding. If you only read...
  3. Brother

    A Successful Carder's Guide to Bypassing Antifraud in 2024

    In this lecture we will look at the concept of antifraud, everyone has heard of it, but not many understand what it is and how to work with it. Why, with seemingly the same parameters, some are able to place an order and others cannot, why, with an identical sequence of your actions, with clean...
  4. Carding Forum

    Guide to plastic cards: what types are there?

    There are many different types of plastic cards. They differ in appearance, shape, functionality and even the tasks they perform. Today we will tell you about the types of plastic cards and how they differ. Types of plastic cards are distinguished depending on the task they perform. There are...
  5. D

    Guide: How to clone a smart card with an EMV chip

    Full cloning tutorial 1. First jcop english #2. Inserted your “Java Card J2A040” in your reader #3. Pressed “Delete JCOP Files” (it deletes the files) #4. Under “Script Type” select “Debit” #5. As a final step click on “Format JCOP Chip” (it formates it) #6. Once done take out the “Java...
  6. Tomcat


    A set of sensitive information on the magnetic stripe of a credit card is known as DUMP. It can be stolen through a number of ways that include hacking and stealing. Hackers infect a malware in the payment terminal (also known as the point of sale) that capture all the details of the card as...
  7. Tomcat

    Complete guide to scam Europe 2.0

    📀 INTRODUCTION Hello. This manual will be useful for both scam beginners and experienced killer sharks. Many, at some point in their dark career, have problems finding, processing and finishing mammoths. Don't worry, this is temporary and you can fight it by increasing your skill and experience...
  8. Tomcat

    Guide: Cucumber + Java

    Unfortunately, there is no magic formula for developing high-quality software, but it is clear that testing improves the quality of software, and test automation improves the quality of testing itself. In this article we will look at one of the most popular frameworks for test automation using...
  9. Tomcat

    🔰Guide Some DarkNet Tips For New Members, Short, And Simple🔰

    1. Set security slide to safest. Disable javascript too at about:config, search javascript.enabled, it will say true so click it to say false. That will disable JS for you. 2. Don't use windows or mobile devices, because windows and mobile devices both track you and can be backdoored easily...
  10. Tomcat


    💻SETTING UP LAPTOP FOR CARDING🔐 This carding laptop should only be used for carding purposes, never log in with real profiles like Facebook, Instagram etc. It is advisable to have an extra laptop or computer for the carding scene, personal data should be backed up separately from illegal data...
  11. Tomcat

    Guide: Setup Firefox Privacy

    I choose Mozilla Firefox because it is the browser with the most customizations that you can design completely for yourself. You can read many privacy settings and decriptions. Open Firefox and type about:config in url. privacy.firstparty.isolate This feature is a mechanism for prohibiting the...
  12. Father

    Detailed guide to carding PayPal in 2024

    Start 1. The gist We will hack PayPal accounts to properly work them out . You can get accounts for testing as you want . You can take a stiller from your traffic or buy it yourself . It is extremely important not to buy the akki themselves, because no one will sell good material for testing ...
  13. Father

    Mini-guide to encoding

    Encoding – what is it and why do we need these devices? Encoding is another area of real carding. It is a logical continuation of skimming – after all, if you managed to get the data, then you need to use it somehow. In this article, I will talk about encoding and give you basic tips on what to...
  14. Father

    Mini guide to carding in a product

    Driving in goods in our field means buying goods in an online store at the expense of kh. Let me remind you that CH is a card holder (first and last name of the cardholder). You can enter the product via 2DS or with cc+otp (sms). In other words, all of the above: We find a 2d shop (a shop that...
  15. Father

    The Coolest Dating Scam Guide

    This is not a scheme, this is a manual and experience! Introductory part. What are we going to do? We will "ask" for money (and not only) from fairly well-off (or not so well-off) men. Of course, after this phrase, your first thought is " divorce to top up your mobile phone, put money on the...
  16. Father

    A detailed guide to the world of scam

    Detailed guide from A to Z in the world of scam. How to get started, what to consider, and how to make your first money. Let's go. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Let's start with simple terms. * Scam 1.0 - imitation of a seller on the trading platform, where the scammer (you) "sell" any product using...
  17. Lord777

    Free guide to German scams

    Part_1 Detailed ebay manual-kleinanzeigen by NN WORK 1. Scam 1.0 on ebay-kleinanzeigen Our project offers you everything you need to start earning from $2k per month, even if you don't know anything about scams and are here for the first time. 2. Introduction * The essence of the work is to...
  18. Teacher

    The Complete Guide to Phishing

    Why Another Phishing Guide? I was recently able to get my hands dirty with phishing and witness real phishing campaigns thanks to the incredibly talented people in my workplace. To satisfy my curiosity, I tried to run a small phishing campaign against myself and realized that there doesn't seem...
  19. Mutt

    Guide on "STEAM" Scam

    Greetings fam, this is a guide on how you can breed (scam) victim$ from steam to Crypto. Indeed, everything is very simple and logical. Many will say it's not but is simple to get individuals to purchase coins, however I will disclose to you that nearly everybody will, except they hardly heard...
  20. Mutt

    Demining mail. A simple guide to identifying phishing.

    Phishing is one of the most common attack vectors and one of the most popular areas of social engineering. Not surprisingly, we use e-mail every day. In this article, I'll walk through specific examples of phishing emails and show you how to look for surprises in them. ANALYSIS HEADER An email...