
  1. Father

    Not a bug, but a feature: why Google's VPN service breaks network adapter settings

    The problem has been around since November, but no one seems to be planning to fix it. As you know, Google has long provided its own VPN service as part of a monthly Google One subscription. It was initially only available on mobile devices, but was later rolled out to desktop platforms as...
  2. Father

    0day at Pixel: Google closes data access loopholes

    Vulnerabilities CVE-2024-29745 and CVE-2024-29748 were actively exploited by digital forensics. Google fixed two critical zero-day vulnerabilities in its Pixel smartphones that allowed companies specializing in forensic analysis to unlock users ' phones without using a PIN code and gain access...
  3. Father

    Cookies are no longer stolen: a new feature of Google Chrome has destroyed the business of hackers

    DBSC makes cookies useless for hacking. The new Google Chrome update adds a new security feature aimed at combating the theft of user credentials. The Device Bound Session Credentials ( DBSC) technology promises to significantly complicate the task of attackers seeking to steal cookies to...
  4. Father

    Google удалит миллиарды записей о просмотренных страницах в рамках урегулирования иска о конфиденциальности в "режиме инкогнито"

    Google согласилась удалить миллиарды записей данных, отражающих действия пользователей в Интернете, чтобы урегулировать коллективный иск, в котором утверждалось, что поисковый гигант отслеживал их без их ведома или согласия в своем браузере Chrome. В коллективном иске, поданном в 2020 году...
  5. Father

    Google: "C++ is in the past, Rust is our future"

    The company described the experience of its developers in migrating projects as extremely positive. At the recent Rust Nation UK conference in London, Lars Bergstrom, Director of Engineering at Google, spoke about the company's positive experience in migrating projects written in Go and C++ to...
  6. Father

    Google vs phishing: the company changes the rules for sending emails

    The new standards are designed to strengthen protection against spam and phishing. Google is taking new steps to strengthen the protection of Gmail users from spam and phishing attacks, tightening requirements for senders of mass mailings. Recently, the company has started automatically...
  7. Father

    Google Ads Infected with Infostealer: New Campaign Preys on Crypto Investors Funds

    Don't agree to an interview if you don't want to lose your cryptocurrency. Jamf Threat Labs discovered a new wave of attacks using malicious ads and fake websites on Apple macOS users in order to steal confidential data. One of the attack options is aimed at users who search for the Arc...
  8. Father

    Google DeepMind introduces SAFE: The Future of Fact-checking

    A new AI system saves the world from fakes and misinformation. Google DeepMind has developed an AI system called SAFE, designed for fact-checking the results of large language models. LLM models like ChatGPT have learned to write scientific papers, answer questions, and even solve mathematical...
  9. Teacher

    Google Photos as a tool for waging war

    How did the Israeli army adapt the popular media service to its needs? According to The New York Times, Israel's military intelligence is actively using the publicly available Google Photos service in the Gaza Strip as an alternative to the existing professional facial recognition system...
  10. Teacher

    Google, Apple, Meta and Amazon may lose 10% of turnover: EC threatens fines for DMA violation

    IT giants vs. EC: Who will win the battle for justice in digital markets? The European Commission has announced the launch of investigations against the largest technology companies — Alphabet (the parent company of Google), Apple, Meta* and Amazon-on suspicion of violating the Digital Markets...
  11. Teacher

    VLOGGER: Google's new AI brings people to life in photos

    The company introduced a system for instantly creating videos with talking people. Google introduced the BLOGGER AI model, which allows you to generate videos with talking people based on a single image of a person and an audio file. The new method was made possible by the use of generative...
  12. Teacher

    Google Firebase disclosed confidential data of 125 million users

    Make sure that your Google Firebase is properly configured to avoid leaking personal information. Due to an error in the Google Firebase configuration, sensitive data from at least 900 sites, including users ' personal information, became publicly available on the Internet. In total, at least...
  13. Teacher

    AZORult Trojan turns Google Docs into a hotbed of viruses

    AZORult adapts to modern defenses with a clever campaign. Netskope Threat Labs has revealed a new campaign that uses Google Sites phishing pages to distribute the AZORult infostiler. The phishing campaign is not yet associated with any specific attacker or group, but is aimed at collecting...
  14. Teacher

    Хакеры, использующие скрытую контрабанду HTML для доставки вредоносного ПО через поддельные сайты Google

    Исследователи кибербезопасности обнаружили новую вредоносную кампанию, которая использует поддельные страницы сайтов Google и контрабанду HTML для распространения коммерческого вредоносного ПО под названием AZORult, чтобы облегчить кражу информации. "Он использует неортодоксальную технику...
  15. Teacher

    Google: Chrome's "Safe Browsing" is now 25% more efficient

    Enhanced digital protection is already available to users of the most popular browser. Google introduced an innovation for the Chrome browser, aimed at improving user privacy in real time. The added security feature allows you to hide the URLs of visited sites from prying eyes, including Google...
  16. Teacher

    Google вводит улучшенную защиту URL-адресов в режиме реального времени для пользователей Chrome

    Google в четверг анонсировала улучшенную версию Safe Browsing, которая обеспечивает защиту URL-адресов в режиме реального времени с сохранением конфиденциальности и защищает пользователей от посещения потенциально вредоносных сайтов. "Стандартный режим защиты для Chrome на настольных...
  17. Teacher

    Jailbreak for Gemini: how to hack Google's big language model?

    Researchers have identified fatal security flaws that allow you to abuse the capabilities of a popular AI solution. In a recent report by HiddenLayer, researchers identified a number of vulnerabilities in Google's large Gemini language model. Vulnerabilities pose a very real security risk and...
  18. Teacher

    Исследователи подчеркивают восприимчивость искусственного интеллекта Google Gemini к угрозам LLM

    Большая языковая модель (LLM) Google Gemini подвержена угрозам безопасности, которые могут привести к разглашению системных подсказок, созданию вредоносного контента и проведению непрямых инъекционных атак. Выводы получены от HiddenLayer, в котором говорится, что проблемы затрагивают...
  19. Teacher

    Google could not cope with Wi-Fi on its own campus

    Why do employees of a large IT company have to suffer from problems with their Internet connection? Google, a company known for its Internet technology innovations, encountered an unexpected problem at one of its campuses located in Mountain View, California. At the opening of the Bay View...
  20. Teacher

    Следите за поддельными сайтами Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, распространяющими вредоносное ПО

    С декабря 2023 года злоумышленники используют поддельные веб-сайты, рекламирующие популярное программное обеспечение для видеоконференцсвязи, такое как Google Meet, Skype и Zoom, для распространения различных вредоносных программ, нацеленных как на пользователей Android, так и на Windows...