
  1. Carding 4 Carders

    The American earned more than 300 thousand dollars on fake documents that advertised on Facebook

    A North Carolina girl sold fake social security cards, COVID-19 vaccination certificates, and a driver's license right on her Facebook page. The Charlotte Observer reports that 23-year-old Chaiya Maley-Jackson also created two websites for her company, which she called Diva Documents. According...
  2. Carding 4 Carders

    In Russia, for the first time, a sentence was passed for posting a Facebook button on the website

    According to the verdict of the Yekaterinburg court, such an act is "a public demonstration of the symbols of extremist organizations." Alexey Sokolov, a resident of Yekaterinburg, was arrested for five days after being accused of publicly displaying symbols of extremist organizations...
  3. Carding

    Platform vs. Myths: Where did Facebook fail?

    Facebook has failed to deal with misinformation about COVID-19. During the COVID-19 pandemic, disinformation was actively spread on the Internet. In this regard, many platforms announced measures to combat myths and false information. However, were these measures really effective? A study...
  4. Carding

    Вредоносная программа NodeStealer теперь нацелена на бизнес-аккаунты Facebook в нескольких браузерах

    Текущая кампания нацелена на бизнес-аккаунты Facebook с помощью поддельных сообщений для сбора учетных данных жертв с помощью варианта NodeStealer на базе Python и потенциального захвата их учетных записей для последующих вредоносных действий. "Атаки достигают жертв в основном в Южной Европе и...
  5. Carding

    Вьетнамские хакеры внедряют Stealer на основе Python через Facebook Messenger

    Новая фишинговая атака использует Facebook Messenger для распространения сообщений с вредоносными вложениями из "множества поддельных и взломанных личных аккаунтов" с конечной целью захвата бизнес-аккаунтов целей. "Эта кампания, опять же созданная вьетнамской группой, использует крошечное...
  6. Carding

    Facebook cyber session: business accounts have become a toy in the hands of Vietnamese hackers

    If your product is popular in social networks, it doesn't mean that people want to buy it. In a new report from Guardio Labs, researchers warn of a large-scale phishing campaign targeting Facebook * business accounts. Hackers send messages via Facebook Messenger, disguising them as copyright...
  7. pandateam2021

    I will work out the FaceBook logs - Отработаю логи FaceBook

    Добро пожаловать в сервис PandaTeam! ======================== Предоставляю услуги по обработке FaceBook Logs. У вас есть готовые логи FaceBook ? - Тебе к нам. У тебя есть свой трафик? Тебе к нам. Прогоним ваши логи через свой Checker. -------------------------------------- Отработаем...
  8. Tomcat

    Scammers most often imitate PayPal, Microsoft and Facebook domains

    Typesquatting is one of the common methods used by cybercriminals to create websites that imitate famous brands. In fact, this technique is a registration of domain names that are similar in spelling to the addresses of popular sites. As specialists from Palo Alto Networks found out ...
  9. Tomcat

    How Facebook (and beyond) manipulates you when choosing your privacy

    In 2010, the Electronic Frontier Foundation was fed up with Facebook's intrusive interface. The company forced people to give up their privacy more and more. The question is, what should we call this compulsion? Zuckermining? Facebaiting? Zuckerpunch? The title that eventually caught on was...
  10. Tomcat

    Apple and Facebook may mandate breaking end-to-end encryption

    US Senator Lindsey Graham has introduced the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act, which allows law enforcement and tech companies to work together to protect children. The bill applies to any company offering "interactive computing services", including...
  11. Brother

    Facebook discovered and shut down 74 groups offering goods and services for cybercriminals

    Cisco Talos experts discovered 74 cybercriminal groups on Facebook, totaling 385,000 people. It was not difficult to find such groups on the social network, given their telling names: Spam Professional, Spammer & Hacker Professional, Buy Cvv On THIS SHOP PAYMENT BY BTC, Facebook hack (Phishing)...
  12. Brother

    4 methods to get someone else's Facebook passwords

    Despite the fact that there have been numerous security incidents on Facebook over the years, many continue to use this social network. Moreover, the number of new users is constantly growing, which allows Facebook to set new records. As of December 31, 2017, the monthly audience on Facebook was...
  13. Teacher

    Facebook Bins

    546257 547343 547433 548848 548941 549430 549464 551201 552923 552933 553410 554684 555230 555290 555297 556047 558251 558604 559188 559567 560221 560223 560224 561027 564920 588951 588991
  14. Teacher

    Traffic from Facebook. The realities of the outgoing year.

    Hello everyone! Today I want to raise a discussion of such a fat and complex source of traffic as FB. Many who have come across him know that this is a difficult and difficult rival, into which billions of investments are poured every year, a large part of which goes to antifraud. Why do I...
  15. Lord777

    Facebook fan page settings and design

    In this post, we will reveal another important component in preparing an advertising campaign for Facebook - the design of the page (Fan page), on behalf of which the advertising campaign will be launched. The correct setting and design of the Fan page depends on: how successfully we will pass...
  16. Jollier

    Арбитраж трафика через Facebook под gambling вертикаль 2021-05-05

    Arbitrage traffic through Facebook under the gambling vertical (Only RUS version)
  17. Jollier

    Фарм аккаунтов Facebook 2021-05-05

    Farming Facebook accounts (Only RUS version)
  18. Lord777

    Взлом Facebook через Wireshark

    Привет, зрители, в настоящее время чаще всего ищут в Интернете статью о взломе facebook, и есть много других веб-сайтов, на которых написано, что просто предоставьте нам имя пользователя и пароль, готово! Они просто бесполезны, и я хотел предоставить вам настоящий способ взломать facebook...
  19. Lord777

    Взлом аккаунта Facebook 2021

    Возможно, вы встречали множество руководств и трюков по взлому аккаунтов Facebook, но я обещаю вам, что это совершенно другое. Я всегда получаю от людей следующие вопросы: Можете ли вы порекомендовать любого надежного хакера Facebook? Есть ли какой-нибудь онлайн-взломщик FB? Как я могу взломать...
  20. Carding

    Lecture: Work with Facebook (carding education 2021)

    Lecturer: maxwell So. Begin Moments to touch on: 1. Small dictionary 2. Getting started 3. Warming up 4. Creation of BM 5. Process of binding and filling 6. Chips 7. Verification of BM Today we'll talk about Facebook and touch on all the main nuances of working with this platform...