
  1. Tomcat

    DNS resolvers – a new front line: Google, Cloudflare and Cisco should block pirated broadcasts

    The court ordered Google, Cloudflare and Cisco to block access to pirated sports sites. A French court has ruled that Google, Cloudflare and Cisco must interfere with their DNS resolvers to prevent circumvention of blockages targeting about 117 pirated sports sites. This is another step in the...
  2. Tomcat

    SecShow: Chinese monster attacks DNS

    What is the purpose of hackers and why do they use such unusual methods? Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered the activities of a Chinese group codenamed SecShow, which has been conducting global attacks through the domain name System (DNS) since June 2023. According to Infoblox experts...
  3. Tomcat

    Китайский актер SecShow проводит масштабное зондирование DNS в глобальном масштабе

    Исследователи кибербезопасности пролили больше света на китайского актера под кодовым названием SecShow, который, как было замечено, внедряет Систему доменных имен (DNS) в глобальном масштабе как минимум с июня 2023 года. Злоумышленник, по словам исследователей безопасности Infoblox доктора...
  4. Tomcat


    По мере роста использования Интернета растут и атаки на онлайн-бизнес. Это печальный побочный продукт технологии. К счастью, есть решения этой проблемы. Одним из таких методов являются фильтры GeoIP компании Constellix. Этот блог представляет собой тематическое исследование того, как один из...
  5. Father

    What is a DNS leak and how to fix it

    Article content: What is a DNS leak and what is the danger How to check for a DNS leak on your device Reasons and how to protect yourself from DNS leaks Incorrect proxy server configuration Using untrusted DNS servers Viruses or using unsafe apps Using a transparent proxy Top 3 Secure DNS...
  6. Father

    Features of the Windows 10 DNS Resolver and DNS Leak

    TL; DR: The DNS resolver in Windows 10 sends requests to all DNS server addresses known to the system in parallel, binding the request to the interface, and uses the response that came faster. If you use a DNS server from a local segment, this behavior allows your ISP or an attacker with a Wi-Fi...
  7. Father

    How hackers substitute DNS queries with the help of "poisoning" the cache

    Domain Name Server spoofing (DNS) is a cyberattack where an attacker directs the victim's traffic to a malicious site (instead of a legitimate IP address). Attackers use the method of" poisoning " the DNS cache to intercept Internet traffic and steal credentials or confidential information. DNS...
  8. Father

    DNS spying: Hackers actively monitor you over the Internet

    How did an ordinary network tool gradually turn into a powerful cyber weapon? Recently, hackers are increasingly using the DNS tunneling method to track when victims open phishing emails and click on malicious links, as well as to scan networks for vulnerabilities. DNS tunneling consists of...
  9. Father

    Kill Switch doesn't work: Android users are exposed to DNS query leaks

    The security of the "green robot" failed in a critical scenario. Android users experienced DNS query leaks when changing VPN servers, despite the "Always On VPN" and "Block Connections Without VPN"features enabled. The problem was detected in the latest version of the Android 14 operating...
  10. Father

    Связанный с Китаем "Muddling Meerkat" перехватывает DNS для отображения Интернета в глобальном масштабе

    С октября 2019 года было замечено, что ранее недокументированная киберугроза, получившая название Muddling Meerkat, предпринимает сложные действия в системе доменных имен (DNS) в вероятной попытке обойти меры безопасности и провести разведку сетей по всему миру. Компания по облачной...
  11. Father

    Muddling Meerkat: hackers from the Middle Kingdom take DNS under their control

    How did the Great Firewall of China become a weapon in the hands of cybercriminals? The hacker group, dubbed Muddling Meerkat by security researchers, has been using sophisticated domain name system (DNS) techniques to conduct intelligence activities on networks around the world since October...
  12. Teacher

    Microsoft introduces DNS tunneling by default in WSL 2.2.1

    This option allows you to bypass DNS packet blocking and improve network compatibility. The Microsoft released an update for the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The new version 2.2.1 includes DNS tunneling by default, which should improve network compatibility. Previously, DNS tunneling was...
  13. Brother

    PolarDNS: a new free DNS server for vulnerability research and pentest

    Will the tool play on the hackers side? Oryxlabs has developed a new free Python 3.x DNS server for cybersecurity and pentesting research, called PolarDNS. The server allows you to generate fully customizable DNS responses for testing various aspects of the DNS protocol, including server-side...
  14. Carding 4 Carders

    Microsoft introduces DNR: a feature designed to simplify the use of encrypted DNS protocols

    Insiders will be the first to appreciate the new feature, but it will soon be deployed to regular builds as well. Microsoft actively testing support for the Discovery of Network-designed Resolvers (DNR) standard in the latest insider builds of Windows 11. This Internet standard allows you to...
  15. Carding

    DNS in Danger: New 'MaginotDNS' Attack Threatens the Entire Internet

    Researchers have discovered an effective way to compromise top-level domains. A team of researchers from the University of California, Irvine and Tsinghua University has developed a powerful new cache poisoning attack called "MaginotDNS" that targets conditional DNS (CDNS) resolvers and can...
  16. Ajay9835

    What Is A Dns Leak And Why It Matters. [EXPLAINED]

    1) When using an anonymity or privacy service, it is extremely important that all traffic originating from your computer is routed through the anonymity network. 2) If any traffic flows outside of a secure connection to the network, any adversary controlling your traffic will be able to...
  17. B

    How to Change DNS?

    First of all we should understand WTF is this DNS ? DNS, or domain name system, is the internet protocol that turns human readable website names (such as into machine readable numeric addresses. In some cases, you can improve browsing speed and/or improve your security by...
  18. Brother

    DNS cache poisoning. Description of technology, examples and method of protection.

    Despite the fact that DNS is one of the oldest protocols that is the mainstay of the entire Internet, it still does not use encryption and validation of records and responses. During DNS spoofing, records on the DNS server are changed in order to redirect traffic. DNS spoofing can be performed...
  19. Tomcat

    DNS Query Anonymity: Caching and Encryption

    Anyone who thinks about anonymity on the Internet knows a great way to hide their IP address on the Internet - this is a VPN service. However, even with a VPN connection, queries to the DNS server are often left unsecured, and you can easily track where your DNS queries are going. This is also...
  20. CarderPlanet

    Hackers hacked BlackWallet's DNS server and stole $ 400,000 in cryptocurrency

    Last weekend, unknown attackers compromised the BlackWallet DNS wallet ( domain), which is used to work with the Stellar Lumen (XLM) cryptocurrency. The problem was noticed not only by service operators, but also by well-known information security specialist Kevin Beaumont...