
  1. Jollier

    Hello darknet: how to search for information correctly in Tor 2021

    We have long been accustomed to “search engines” and cannot imagine a full-fledged work on the Internet without them. Few remember the days of the resource directories, altavista and astalavista, with their modest numbers. Now the situation is about the same with the Tor network. Today we will...
  2. Jollier

    A list of useful TOR .onion links

    STORES hydraruzxpnew4af.onion - Hydra (Yes, that's the one) the most popular platform on the darknet. It sells everything from drugs to anonymous phone numbers and scans. wayawaytcl3k66fl.onion - WayAway-a place for drug addicts and dealers to communicate. They'll sell you anything you want...
  3. Carding

    How to make money on darknet: most popular legal jobs

    Surely each of you has been on the darknet. Today, in the shadow network, you can find what is hidden from the eyes of the average user of the regular network. You can get to the deep Internet using a special TOR browser. It's easier than it sounds, and it's not just hackers who can do it. We...
  4. Carding

    Что такое Тор? Как использовать его безопасно и легально (плюс 5 альтернатив Tor)

    Мы объясняем, что такое Tor, как он работает, законен ли он и как безопасно использовать его с VPN. Мы также объясняем некоторые ограничения Tor и возможные альтернативы. ЧТО В ЭТОЙ СТАТЬЕ? Как работает Tor? Как мне начать работу с Tor? Ограничения Tor Объединение Tor с VPN На сегодняшний...
  5. Carder

    Extortion as a Service. Who and for how much offers to help with extortion on the darknet.

    Epidemics of cryptographic Trojans regularly replace one another, and their scale is growing. And behind the scenes of this problem are businessmen who offer those who want an easy way to become hackers (and with a good probability to earn a criminal record). In this article, I will talk about...
  6. Carder

    All about Darknet

    The darknet is an anonymous and uncontrolled part of the Internet that is inaccessible to ordinary search engines like Google. It operates in a decentralized manner, and is accessed through special browsers such as Tor, which route encrypted messages through multiple servers to mask the user's...
  7. Carder

    Hydra. All you need to know.

    So what is Hydra? Hydra is the largest in the CIS, and according to ChainAnalysis in the world, a darknet trading platform that sells goods and services related to the criminal world. It is called a trading platform due to the fact that the site itself does not sell anything, but is only an...
  8. Carder

    Deep Web Updated Links + Darknet Markets ?

    To access to those links Use Orbot & Orfox in android, Use TOR browser in windows , IOS People forget it ? Darknet Markets (functioning as of 03/01/2021) Empire Market http://jljn4qgzzmma7krf.onion White House Market http://auzbdiguv5qtp37xoma3n4xfch62duxtdiu4cfrrwbxgckipd4aktxid.onion/...
  9. Carder


    Nowadays no one can be surprised by the Internet and the availability of access to the World Wide Web. But few people know that this is not the only network. We are used to the fact that you can even go to Yandex, Google from the screen of your phone and find everything that we need for everyday...
  10. Carder

    Все про DarkNet

    Даркнет (англ. DarkNet, также известен как «Скрытая сеть», «Тёмная сеть», «Теневая сеть», «Тёмный веб») — скрытая сеть, соединения которой устанавливаются только между доверенными пирами, иногда именующимися как «друзья», с использованием нестандартных протоколов и портов. Анонимная сеть...
  11. Washingt0n


    PROJECT SIRIUS SHOP - Платформа для вашего бизнеса каталоги товаров из теневого - ДАРКНЕТА SIRIUS Shop Platform sale: - CREDIT CARD - DUMPS - SSN - SCAN ID, DL - LOGS BOT FULL DUMP - SHELLS. * CRM PANEL - WHM - CPANEL - ISP - DIRECTADMIN - PHPMYADMIN. * CMS PANEL - OPENCART - MAGNETO -...