
  1. CarderPlanet

    Creation of a cryptor. An essential tool for the job!

    Eh, how I missed this material in the beginning ... Required: Knowledge of C / C ++ Knowledge of WinAPI and its documentation Knowledge of basic cryptology Knowing the structure of the PE file Knowledge of Windows (virtual) memory Knowledge of processes and threads. The two sides of...
  2. Hacker

    What is Cryptor?

    Cryptor (from the English word "Cryptor" - cryptographer) is the name of one of the types of software products that are used by virus programmers in order to hide the malicious essence of the software they write from antivirus programs. Cryptor, using encryption of a program containing a virus...
  3. Carder

    Cryptor 2020-12-29

    A cryptor is software designed to hide Trojans, bots and other evil spirits from being detected by antiviruses. Криптор - это софт, который предназначен для скрытия троянов, ботов и прочей нечисти от детектирования антивирусами.