
  1. Lord777

    What is "I am a carder"?

    In my youth, when I began to think about "what am I?", A silent despair invariably crept into my soul ... ? “How easy it must be for a materialist,” I thought, “for believing that“ he ”is just his bodily shell. Or a psychologist who sees the essence of the human personality in the stream of...
  2. Lord777

    Carder skills of the XXI century

    According to experts in the future of technology from the Institute for the Future (IFTF), located in Palo Alto, California, USA, there are six main factors that will influence the changes in the world in the future: - Increased lifespan - The era of global development of computer technology...
  3. Lord777

    Be convincing carder: little tricks

    Did you know that there is a kind of Pareto rule in communication? - A person expresses 80% of what he wants to communicate, and those who listen to him perceive only 70% of this, understand - 60%, in their memory they have from 10 to 25%. Trivial advice, but you really should be talking to the...
  4. Lord777

    What do we choose when choosing a profession - carder?

    "The Fossil Language of Professions", where he proposes to abandon exhausted concepts. But I never saw how to replace these concepts. In many ways, I agree with Mikhail Kushnir, but I think that it is not worth completely abandoning the concepts of “profession” and “career guidance”. Below I...
  5. Lord777

    How to Become a Trustworthy Carder

    Let's look at some of the signs and ways that people possess are able to inspire confidence, how these signs can be adopted, at least partially. Who is a Credible Carder? How to build trust? It seems that there cannot be a single definition, even the concept itself is vague. But, for example...
  6. Lord777

    A creative carder lives in everyone: 7 exercises that will awaken the inner creator

    In this article, you will learn what exercises you need to do to develop creative muscle, as well as get general recommendations on what to do in order for the inner creator to grow and develop. Guest post. The author is Evgeny Shcherban, who is not the first to appear on Lifehacker. If you...
  7. Lord777

    10 ways to impress yourself as an intelligent carder

    While some scientists argue about whether it is possible to develop intelligence throughout life or whether our intelligence is limited by genetics, others have tackled more pressing problems. They figured out how to look, if not smarter, then at least not dumber than we really are. Here's a...
  8. Lord777

    How loneliness distorts carder consciousness

    The brain of a carder isolated from contact with other people is capable of performing strange metamorphoses with his consciousness, says Michael Bond, author of articles on the psychology of human behavior and the book The Power of Others. An ordinary girl Sarah Shurd spent about two months in...
  9. Lord777

    How to be interesting carder? 10 easy steps to change yourself.

    The artist and blogger Jessica Hague believes that anyone can be interesting, and mediocrity is the lot of the lazy. She proves this in her book How to Be Interesting: 10 Easy Steps, filled with diagrams and tried-and-true advice for those looking to develop creativity, take risks, and trust...
  10. Lord777

    What is mind and who can be called an intelligent carder

    Mind - the ability to think, the ability to find solutions to life's problems, the ability to see and predict the consequences of their actions. The opposite of mind is stupidity, lack of mind is dementia. An intelligent person is a person who knows how to think, uses his own head (not...
  11. Lord777

    ? Good Carder Personal Discipline Rules

    Every self-respecting person knows that on the way to success, self-education is the main rule. After all, without self-discipline it is impossible to achieve anything worthwhile. Discipline is what makes it possible to go forward even when there is no desire. In this article, you will learn...
  12. Lord777

    Self-development plan of a successful carder

    Awareness of the need Before starting the process of self-development, you need to figure out why you need it and whether you need it at all. At this stage, it is not so important whether you want to get rich, or learn to communicate with people more competently - it is much more important to...
  13. Lord777

    ? I am not worthy to be a carder

    If you hear the phrase “you failed” as “you are not capable of anything,” it means that you tend to devalue yourself. This interferes with living in all directions: at work, you pull everything that is charged on you and are afraid to talk about a salary increase, in a relationship you hammer on...
  14. Lord777

    ?‍♀️ Waiting for the life of a carder

    We forget about everyday life. We live at great speed, with great ambition and forget that we are living life right now. We are always aiming somewhere, waiting for something and living with this expectation - when our dreams or plans come true, when we reach some goal, when something happens...
  15. Lord777

    5 signs you are an ambivert carder

    Ambiverts are people whose personality type falls in the middle between extrovert and introvert. That is, they have traits of both types of character, and this helps a lot in life, since ambiverts better adapt to different situations. ⠀ So, you are an ambivert if: ⠀ 1. Easily make acquaintances...
  16. Lord777

    Qualities of a carder with critical thinking

    Flexibility A person with a limited mind has a negative attitude towards any new ideas, declaring: "I have always managed without this." Such a conservative approach discourages the reception of fresh ideas. In contrast, a flexible position includes a willingness to consider new options, try to...
  17. Lord777

    ? 6 signs of a stupid carder

    Let's see what exactly stupidity is manifested in and how it can interfere with enjoying life, not only for those who deal with such a person, but also for himself. ? A fool only talks about himself Any communication implies dialogue, and a mature person usually understands that this is a way...
  18. Lord777

    Cheat Sheet: Carder Character Types

    Character types came to psychology from psychiatry, so don't be intimidated by the names. We are talking about healthy people with features that are approximately typical of different personality types. Here they are - read, it will help you determine the character of your own and those of your...
  19. Lord777

    Impostor Carder Syndrome

    We have good news for you. It turns out that impostor syndrome is nothing more than an absolutely harmless and normal feeling of self-criticism, a desire to develop, which the most conscientious people have. But why is this syndrome given such a negative meaning? Yes, because you are afraid...
  20. Lord777

    Where do carder-gays come from?

    Hi are you gay? Actually, it doesn't matter, now let's talk about this, about the reasons for the manifestation of homosexuality from the point of view of science. Zero politics and subjectivity. Just the facts. Introduction To begin with, I will briefly state my position on all these...