
  1. Tomcat

    How not to set up anti-fraud rules based on user geography

    Recently I needed to top up my Elexnet wallet from an Alfa-Bank bank card - a standard procedure that I have successfully completed several times already. As usual, after logging into the wallet and entering the card details, instead of the usual success message, I received the following error...
  2. Father

    Anti-fraud system will detect fraudulent calls in WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram

    New features will allow you to block calls from suspicious numbers 8 800 and 900. Roskomnadzor intends to significantly expand the functionality of the Antifraud information system, designed to detect cases of traffic substitution when making voice calls. According to the preliminary version of...
  3. CarderPlanet

    How anti-fraud systems protect your business from fraudsters and which one to choose

    Buyers can use different tricks to get the item, but not pay for it. Or special software to steal money from your customers' cards. In the first case, you will lose money, in the second, you will also lose your reputation. Fraudsters are stopped by anti-fraud systems: they understand that...
  4. x_mode

    Few questions about anti-fraud systems

    Hello everybody! I'm interested in a few question about anti-fraud systems. I realized that these systems are connected to publicly/private libraries or sources. But how do they get access to these resources and is it possible to trust them? For example: I know a couple of sites who analyze IP...
  5. Hacker

    How banks are protected: we disassemble the structure and principles of banking antifraud

    The content of the article Anti-fraud system architecture Relationship between the anti-fraud system and user authentication Anti-fraud system architecture How the anti-fraud system works Conclusion The anti-fraud systems used in the banking sector and guarding the interests of credit...
  6. x_mode

    How do sites protect themselves?

    Hello everybody! After studying the questions of interest to me about carding, new questions have appeared. - How sites protect themselves from carders? * What programs do sites use to protect themselves and how do they work? * What data does the site collect about us and how to change it? * How...
  7. Carder

    Anti-fraud features

    The world through the eyes of an anti-fraud Today I'll tell you why for some time now the antifraud has been looking at us not through rose-colored glasses, but through the scope. Until recently, the most popular anti-fraud system architecture was the Fraud score architecture. The Fraud score...