Earn on your telephone calls


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[email protected]
I want to talk about one subject on which he worked two years ago. I just graduated from school, a young professional who nobody wants and in the process of finding employment was thinking some money. In a smylse it looks like a small, but honest affair, but on the other hand, all our activity is to put it mildly scam and any newcomer to handle printed below.

P.S. In this mini-article I will describe their activities in a particular country and if someone does not fit the activity on the criteria, then please do not kick. All the procedures related to carding in this article before writing have been tested and it worked.

And so ...
The country in which he worked in a particular subject, compared with Russia, a very small population and a small amount.

So, despite the small number stvo population, a large percentage of citizens left / emigirovali to Europe for work - Italy, Spain and Portugal, respectively, have left here their families - children, wives, husbands, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters . As in any normal family, everyone wants to know what's up, how are their families and to use a unique invention - the telephone.

It's no secret that international negotiations is strong enough to hit the family budget, especially if frequent and long conversations over time.

And then I had an idea - why not help our people to call cheaply and at the same time to spend on international calls more time, not worrying too much about the monthly invoices.

Many will say that this is Skype. That may be true, but not everyone has a computer connected to the Internet and not everyone has the ability to communicate on your computer.

On a similar topic to work even the Soviet Union, when people call to other cities, it was necessary to order the conversation.

For the implementation of his idea, I chose Voip telephony hxxp: / / www.freecall.com (and its analogues). This service is very good opportunity to combine 2 different phone. That is, for example, A wants to talk to B. To do this, the system itself, we fit a phone number (home or mobile) and a number of B. At this time, A receives a call, and after he responds to it, and B receives the call and there is a connection. In this case, A and B can talk to as long as the money in the system will not end.

For this was an information site with an indication of tariffs (and tariff were were very low, prices were set equal to the local negotiations over a cellular connection), and advertising this service on the main portals of the country. Also been implemented SMS dispatch (base numbers were good), which was additional advertising.

For payment have been used WebMoney, LiqPay (for those who ordered the bell to LiveChat) and SMS (for those who ordered the conversation by sms).

By LiveChat or SMS I received the order, direction, and phone numbers as well as the necessary co-stvo minutes after the payment, I put together of people. Respectively, were always in the presence of the accounts hxxp: / / www.freecall.com Carding easily on a regular SS or PP, IP could be any number for verification, respectively, too (on Today, IP has to coincide with the country Holder).

I worked on this topic 3 months, making no effort at $ 40-50 per day, per month about $ 1,000 net. Then he got a permanent job and I gave up this topic because there was no time.

Of course, to repeat similar to a little sweat, but for beginners it's quite that. To do this, select a suitable method of payment, your way of attracting and communicating clients. A little imagination and you'll be in chocolate.

(c) strohys
Russian version: http://carder.market/showthread.php?t=47368


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well mine problem is when i try to card freecall.com i keep getting this error "An error 2417 has occurred" do you know how to solve it bro?