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  1. S

    Obtaining bank drop for paypal transfer

    I need to get a bank account with atm card that i control but it seems difficult. is it best to open the account yourself? is it really as easy as getting ssn and registering? or would it be best to buy from vendor
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    Drops in suburbia?

    I have a list of a bunch of empty houses in my area, but most of them (around 9/10ths) are in suburban areas with lots of other people around. While this might act to make the house less conspicuous to a mailman, I've thought you shouldn't attempt to have anything delivered there since...
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    BIN selection in the USA

    I'd be the first to admit i'm still noob but how do you know which BINs to select if you don't know from experience which ones work? I've cross-referenced sellers binlists to bin databases like the mars one, but sellers never have any of the listed bins for my state/next closest few. Most of...
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    Bin discusion

    Have you tried any visas or mastercards? Or just disco
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    Questions about receiving plastic at drops & BINs

    First, if I ordered around ~10 cards, what kind of box could I expect them to come in? Could I order it to a drop and expect the postal worker to put it in the mailbox, or is it typically packed with lots of fluff to avoid suspicion? I'm thinking about ordering from caliber and he apparently has...
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    Instore AVS?

    I too would like an answer to this since I haven't read anything about AVS instore before and it seems like this could be a big issue.
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    Instore without matching last 4

    What's the best way to do this? I feel that the dynamic is a lot different from with matching last 4 since if anyone is trained enough to notice they'll most likely be trained enough to realize it's stolen. My current best idea is this: Lift a bunch of prepaid credit cards and encode dumps on...
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    What's the best way to receive a package from a drop?

    since I don't want there to be a record of me owning one should I get caught for whatever reason. I don't have/can't think of any legal reason for having one
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    What's the best way to receive a package from a drop?

    I'm about to order an msr off of to a house that's for sale that I've found. I've never done this before, so I'm not sure that I have everything that I need - I don't have a nov, so what's the chance that I'll be asked for ID past just signing for it? I'm not going to wu him the money...
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    What to go into with a limited amount of money? ($700)

    I got laid off about a week ago and it doesn't look like it's going to pick back up. I was considering buying an order of dumps + plastic, but if I get ripped or they're all duds I'm pretty much fucked. I desperately need money within about a week, so would I be better off VPNing up and trying...
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    What is the best way to check a card before you use it?

    All that I've heard is that some vendors have a way to test a dump for you but it sometimes kills the card. Another way is to try the card out with a small purchase in a small store before actually taking anything big off it. What's the best way and how often would it kill your card? Ideally...
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    At what point would running like hell be my best option? (in-store carding)

    Thanks for taking the time to school me guys, I wouldn't have thought of the bathroom trick. donanda, you make an excellent point and that's a good idea. Would you mind sharing your method of observing cashiers? I'm having a hard time thinking of a way that wouldn't make me look too strange.
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    Giftcards question

    Ordering them to your house can be safe given the circumstances (your ability to hide the illegal origin of the purchase, which isn't hard), but it's risky to the point where it's recommended to go ahead and put in the time to find empty houses to order to. An investigation of yourself is...
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    At what point would running like hell be my best option? (in-store carding)

    Let's say I get really unlucky one time: Something bad like "stolen card" or "call for authorization" pops up at the register when I swipe. The shy looking 16 year old girl I've taken my stuff to decides not to give me my card back. I explain that all that happened is my girlfriend lost her...