Search results

  1. C

    ATM Skimmers in the Wild

    @Templar if you have the resources to use them, much better indeed. @the dream, sounds a lil far fetched, right? :)
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    DIEBOLD Opteva ATM Skimmer question

    yes, double adhesive tape or instant glue. both are relatively easy to manage, one obviously being more convinient and less stable than the other. alot of pple use both. keep in mind weather conditions often cause problems for the glue(pretty cold where im living right now). either way there...
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    Zeus botnet - banking formgrabber. Get banklogins yourself!

    atig87, when I was a newbie u were learning the alphabet :) whats strange thou is that u seem to have an understanding of punctuation unlike most pple round here, yet u dont have manners nor show common courtesy... oh well who cares anyway? what type of lab testing have you done to be so...
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    Test your anonymity online's currently the best (disable flash if using socks)
  5. C

    Cashout Services.- READ.

    and ur % on mb? also min amount?
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    infinity,xo, u do realize this is an open registration forum, so _everyone_ could see this?
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    why would u post this here?
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    @BrokeNoise, what do you know about RFID?! and how the heck is that comparable in anyway with amex's remarks? huh...
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    lockerz invites

    u must be kidding, right? lol