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  1. M

    Mastodon - Offering my Services

    Those who think they know what there talking about, post comments like yours... ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 05:44 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 05:43 PM ---------- I have the knowledge, I am using it in a way to earn money as well...Why would I teach a noob for...
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    Need web developer for a spoof site of a bank

    I believe he is looking for a site that can actually grab the data from the real bank, and display it on his scam page so that he can check balances. It's a GET and GIVE command query that is actually quite advanced. Good Luck mate.
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    Mastodon - Offering my Services

    Hallo, I am here to help community. My main focus is computer anonymity, carding, and training. I have been in carding for 7 years now but only have been using forums for about 4-5 months. I am here to offer my skills to you people. In return for a funds of course as I am running low. I can...
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    4433785000298880^01/2013^042^71874^Micky OR Melih^Onvural^115 Stillman Street^San Francisco^CA^94107^9197498672^USA| ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 09:39 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 09:38 AM ---------- 377272598961019^02^2013^6293^74137^Melissa^Muehlfeld^2138 Beach...
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    Looking for Vouches

    OFFT: Your right about me not currently having LR. But that doesn't mean I turn into a Ripper. Your accusations are much of a child because an adult would have a business mind and understand that not everyone starts out with money smart ass. ONT: Good Day I received my two vouches, does that...
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    Looking for Vouches

  7. M

    Looking for Vouches

    hello, I am mastodon, a us carder of 3 years now. Looking to gain access to the forums for future deals and knowledge with my skills. I am mostly in the cashing out side of carding, this is strong area of my skills. I am also into online carding and in-store pick ups. I found out about