Search results

  1. S

    bins that work for gas

    Anyone know any bins that work for gas a long time in canada?? any US,Eu etc...
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    ★★★★★ RoyalDumps™ ★★★★★ service

    Always good dumps from Royal...
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    pm me your icq
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    Hologram stamper
  5. S

    Hologram stamper
  6. S

    Who are Top Rated Dumps Sellers for 2013

    Anyone know any top rated vendor with good Canada dumps?
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    National Rental Promo codes

    Hey does anyone know any Promo Codes for National rental company?
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    Tutorial : How use 201 dumps in Chip Country

    No need to burn the can actually just buy blank plastics with chip embedded in them and print your own credit card with chips..a clean job
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    Where to find SSN+DL? Anyone sells?

    Anyone have any Ca Fullz which includes Dl and SIN?
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    RFID Skimming

    it only gives the credit card number and expirey date nothing else right? what can you really use that for? or is there any rfid readers that give track 2 is this even possible?
  11. S

    what type of printer should

    I dont recommend 820 only becuase the printer it self has alot of feeding problems the cards will jam and cause issues which you will get annoyed of. Best bet is if you wanna save money and not go all out is the hdp600 its cheap you could probably find it on ebay for 500$....but if your looking...
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    Funny story !!!

    when i see a cop i usually go the other way even when im not carding lol i can imagine what you went through Scaryyyy lol....
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    Bank Plastics for Canadian Carders..

    still looking for ca customers ....hit me up if you interested
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    What happen to KATE the vendor?

    Hey does anyone know what happen to kate her sites down she not replying on icq... Bought pcs from her Canada base not one worked..waitied few days to talk to her but she is nowhere to be found so posting on the forum if anyone knows whats going on with her..
  15. S

    US bins

    If you can't help don't write anything if I can find what bins are working it will also help out the vendors also when I buy... Clearly not FREE The forums are also to help out fellow carders not just the vendors to sell their dumps
  16. S

    US bins

    I work in Canada can anyone recommend US bins that work well in Canada?
  17. S its HUGE Bases, HIGH Rates, BEST Prices, USER Friendly, ONLY Dumps

    Bought 11pcs from the Ca base not one worked came home put them on checker some approved..does anyone know whats going on with Ca dumps?? if other members bought from the same Ca base please give feedbacks how it went for you
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    Discover dumps in Canada

    Any Ca carders know where I can use discover dumps what shops..I use to card Walmart with it but don't work anymore if anyone knows where I can use them please do help...peace