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  1. G Best CC SHOP !

    fuck,5 dead card of 5 card ! 100% dead.
  2. G

    how to do it?

    how to do it?
  3. G


    checker is shit ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 08:10 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 08:09 PM ---------- good shop , but checker is shit! eat me to much money!
  4. G

    Cann't be approved,101 dumps.

    good luck ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 10:56 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 10:46 AM ---------- bro , it's credit platinum card. you mean bin is the most important? and how can i Solve the problem with your experience? thanks!
  5. G

    Cann't be approved,101 dumps.

    bro ,thanks
  6. G

    Cann't be approved,101 dumps.

    US 101 dump card. and purchased in us. i purchased $20 in MacDonald before i went to's approved by MacDonald. but declined in other stores.such as walmart . the card is alive. ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 01:13 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 01:10 PM ----------...
  7. G

    Cann't be approved,101 dumps.

    US 101 dump card. and purchased in us. i purchased $20 in MacDonald before i went to's approved by MacDonald. but declined in other stores.such as walmart . the card is alive.
  8. G

    Cann't be approved,101 dumps.

    i made a 101 dump card, it's credit card it's approved by MacDonald。 but it's declined when i purchased any goods from any other market. all declined. The card is alive. anyone know the reason? thanks so much.
  9. G

    Cann't be approved,101 dumps.

    i made a 101 dump card, it's credit card it's approved by MacDonald。 but it's declined when i purchased any goods from any other market. all declined. The card is alive. anyone know the reason? thanks so much.
  10. G

    American Express Fullz !!!!

    Hey ,bro. i have a question. are there any sms alert after i purchase a goods ? thanks very much!
  11. G

    UNICVV.RU - unique CC shop (service)

    fuck site!!!!!!too dead card!!!
  12. G

    Need TaiWan CVV with full information!!!!!!

    Need TaiWan CVV with full information!!!!!! DOB + ID ICQ:614334466 QQ:943452644
  13. G

    Need TaiWan CVV with full information!!!!!!

    Need TaiWan CVV with full information!!!!!! DOB + ID ICQ:614334466 QQ:943452644
  14. G

    buy chinese payment system - Alipay
