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  1. Badger

    [b]Badger[/b] Ripper Amex GC Plastic Service

    Yes thanks Ninja, will update you as soon as it is resolved. Thank you.
  2. Badger

    [SELL] Amex American Express Gift Card Codes

    I am here and still working. So you know I cannot reply to PM during this period until all problems are sorted for buyers so please contact on ICQ. I know some buyers are here but your name here i dont know compare to your ICQ so please dont post problems here because I cannot tell which buyer...
  3. Badger

    [b]Badger[/b] Ripper Amex GC Plastic Service

    What you said is true and I have not delivered on some orders but i am back TODAY and i am starting work again to get all fulfilled and not taking new orders until they are all done. Do not worry I know it has been a while but situation did NOT allow me to get online without putting me at risk...
  4. Badger

    [SELL] Amex American Express Gift Card Codes

    EVERYONE i am back now. had big issue with new system and being unable to get secure connection, youll even see shop has been not updated for some weeks now because i had no way to get on, not even for ICQ. I am back now feel free to ICQ me I will be on all day tomorrow and I will be working on...
  5. Badger


    Also likely that site is using java to read your OS info among other things to create a fingerprint. useragent alone will not mask this,
  6. Badger

    [SELL] Amex American Express Gift Card Codes

    back and replied all ICQ had 2 problems one was pc MBR corrupted and had to find rescue copy to get ICQ passes since i dont keep them memorized. back to work tomorrow. No new orders until all current clear.
  7. Badger

    [SELL] Amex American Express Gift Card Codes

    Yes still working don't worry guys there were some initial delays this is not end of business
  8. Badger

    taxes being slowed up

    I've heard ppl say same thing this yr tho too
  9. Badger

    Firewall needed

    Easy private firewall - turn off internet
  10. Badger

    Crooks Net Millions in Coordinated ATM Heists

    I wonder how they removed the limits? :)
  11. Badger

    taxes being slowed up

    lol y u think they push back start date? for fun?
  12. Badger

    [SELL] Amex American Express Gift Card Codes

    Yup he's still waiting on order. Due to SM was backlog thats why I said no new customer right now until I get thru all orders.
  13. Badger

    Which VPN provider and why?

    Update to add provider to blacklist.
  14. Badger


    Yeah if u make money every day why u sell? Sell = more people do it = more ATM fixed = less people ever do it that already know.
  15. Badger

    Firewall needed

    comodo firewall
  16. Badger


    I am saying A knows B and has done business, B is good and comes to the board but months later rips. A is not responsible. A does not know B well or knows him but has NOT done business and vouches blindly, the first thing B does is rip. A is responsible.
  17. Badger


    DEER status because you try and sell METHOD which is not allowed on CPRO!!!! Also this method is ove5 years old and DOES NOT WORK on new machines because they require you change the admin PIN prior to the machine working (will not go online with stock pin as before). 95% of all ATM with this...
  18. Badger


    Does not make sense. If u know person is legit and u say they are (and they are) but later they get busted/rip/leave/etc why is that fault of person who only knew good of this guy?? Now if the person rips FIRST TIME then yes, I say hold all party responsible. Otherwise is not fair and no one...
  19. Badger

    Feds: 18 charged in $200M global credit card fraud

    They were doing this since 2003. Here's indictment from DOJ hxxp:// and this article explains a little better how they do these thing: hxxp://