Search results

  1. baDDump £37,850 login for sale

    Selling HSBC.Co.Uk logins For balance and price add in icq. Freshly spammed. Payment wmz, wu aand ofc lr :D
  2. baDDump

    Bulletproof hosting/domains

    delete usa from ur list ;) or everyone will take u as a dumb asshole
  3. baDDump £37,850 login for sale

    price asked 500wmz / LR or wu if interested add in icq :D comes with full info + email/pass, dob & full background info :eek:
  4. baDDump

    Zeus botnet installation service

    l0OkIn u will never afford it ;) sell ur kidney for zeus bro lol lol :D :D :D
  5. baDDump

    Bulletproof hosting/domains

    im saying becos i know ok ;) SERVERS IN USA CANT BE SAID BULLET PROOF + THEY CAN NEVER BE PULLET PROOF so shut the hell up ;)
  6. baDDump

    Bulletproof hosting/domains

    server in usa = not bp at all lol u on drugs? : )))))))))))))))))
  7. baDDump

    Wholesale/Retail worldwide DUMPs trade, lowest prices.

    he should edit his topic to 'Worldwide dumps $3 each' and he will win all dump sellers in scene :) recommended!
  8. baDDump

    Looking for Vouches

    was thinking of starting a similar thread :D but i already got ppl vouching for me there now :)
  9. baDDump

    Dumps created from phishing !

    if it was possible i would be now drinking vodka and getting my dick sucked by 2 bitches ^^.. instead of maintaining bots =/
  10. baDDump


    100% ripper homepage image photoshopped on cha0's picz ;) looser
  11. baDDump

    [SELL] Configuration and Installation of Zeus [All Versions Available]

    ATTENTION ALL! Im stopping service. ICQ = don't contact. Too much noobs just hammer me on icq ;)
  12. baDDump

    dump question

    is this survey? pay me 10wmz and i fill out ur survey lol lol :D
  13. baDDump

    Can anyone recommend a good/inexpensive CC printer?

    Buy prepaid visa blank gift cards :) Card printer ~5k
  14. baDDump

    Do you people use your real name on webmoney

    If we use real name how can it be anonymous man..
  15. baDDump


    stop smoking crack and u will understand ;)
  16. baDDump

    - Cashout Service -

    Too much time. And do u do wmz --> wu lr --> wu ?? Whats fee and how much time neeeded?