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  1. Shadow Walker

    article on breaking PVV/CVV

    any further news on this ? Also very interested.
  2. Shadow Walker

    Invite Voucher for CS

    I vouch marc. Honest and discreet. Good to see you again - add me new icq, 628077021.
  3. Shadow Walker


    Member joined this month. 250 LR ... one rip covers his joining fee, plus 2 weeks rent in Russia/Ukraine/Serbia. 150% Ripper here guys... IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. IF YOU ARE REAL, VERIFY YOURSELF PROPERLY WITH NINJA, OR FUCK OFF.
  4. Shadow Walker

    Police techniques on forum stings

    The 5 Secrets of the New Age Pirates ========================== 1) Get school kid to buy you HSDPA internet (and recharge, unless you use CVV). Buy a new one each week if you can. If you are not a good carder yet, then change once a month. Never hold longer than a month if possible. 2)...
  5. Shadow Walker

    Make your own Fake ID for under $275

    The above link when you choose to download, comes up with a message that it is 'copyright infringement' and therefore file does not exist. What about trying to put it on sendspace ?
  6. Shadow Walker

    Have no fear Vents is here! Specialist in AU and USA dumps! new bases weekly!

    Ventilator: Contact me regarding AU dumps. ICQ: 648082801 Jabber: [email protected]
  7. Shadow Walker

    Make your own Fake ID for under $275

    Could you please re-upload the file: 7b6c18633a3431.html ? It is out of date and no longer available. Thank you.
  8. Shadow Walker

    ID's for sale

    Great to see someone else making UV. Are you printing with a proper UV printer or are you using oldschool method to print onto it ? I am interested in buying, I have use for it, however I need Australian DL's made, for NEW SOUTH WALES (NSW), VICTORIA (VIC) and possibly QUEENSLAND (QLD). I have...
  9. Shadow Walker

    Shadow Walker, [email protected], [email protected]

    Payment I am attaching here screenshot of my wm-center page. I wait for LR to arrive from them right now. If am sending you PM and Tompson with sender details for you to verify that transaction is in western union system. (unless it gets picked up...
  10. Shadow Walker

    Shadow Walker, [email protected], [email protected]

    Sorry had issue with wm-center wanting to verify the name because of this new "Money transfer verification" they are doing, also weekend they were not processing. I update you here.
  11. Shadow Walker

    Shadow Walker, [email protected], [email protected]

    To Tompson as well as the Admins Hello, In response to Tompson above I will say the following. Prior to our arrangement, I had an agreement with a friend of mine who had introduced me to Tompson that he would make this payment. However, he did not do this. At the time I was in financial...
  12. Shadow Walker

    628077021 (icq)

    628077021 (icq)
  13. Shadow Walker

    Carberp licence + builder

    Interested. MSG ME ICQ ... 628077021 [email protected]
  14. Shadow Walker

    [Sell] Verifone V SDK

    Read your pm.
  15. Shadow Walker

    Australian Carders?

    Yes. ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 03:09 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 02:07 PM ---------- I have set up a group known as the Australian Ring of Fraud (ARF) in the groups section. At least this is one way of staying in touch.