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    getNetworkTools ccs Market

    nu nihuja sibie... total govno
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    Why nobody's buying any cards from there? It's strange, I logged in after 6 days to my account in Vault Market shop and only 18cards were bought in these 6 days... Something's wrong with that :( I prefer to use pp24, even if the registration is 50$
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    PayPal + Ebay Service

    Best seller I've ever seen :) Pay 50$ to him and get an account in his shop, you won't be disapointed! VERY VERY GOOD QUALITY OF UK/USA PAYPALS, EU CVV'S !!!!!!! Love this shop :P
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    Alexeu cc selling services US/EU/ASIA

    Invested 50$ on it, got crap info, some bullshit shop.....
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    WWW.FE-ACC18.RU - Sell CC + CVV! Легендарный сервис по продаже СС!

    What the hell????? You have to pay 30$ for registration? I would better go on other trusted shop and pay 50$ and not loose anything, who know's maybe you don't have a bin numbers which i need, so why you put registration FEE - 30$ ???????? Some crap
  6. B - Online cvv shop 95 % valid rate (US/CA/UK/EU)

    I told that before, i bought some UK's for 7$ and I couldn't check coz there are no refunds for this, its so bullshit, and this guy had left negative feedback for no reason for me, but admin deleted -1 feedback from me. Cunt shop. Anyone who wants to loose their money, go ahead :D
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    Online carding Investigation

    Don't do shit in your own country where you are right now, and don't use same country paypals/card's :) Simple.. And if you living for example in UK, dont use UK shops, coz police comes 99% to your drops after 2-4months, so be careful :) Uk agents are the best in all world, they taking them...
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    Возьму базы СС & PP на реализацию.

    Вы покупаете его, или вы хотите работать?
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    Buying: clothes, sport equipment, sport nutrition, ...

    Whahahaa. I've got some room full of animal pump's, pak's, and bsn No Xplode 2. If you interested, I would sell even 1 bottle but you pay for shipping from UKR. spasiba
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    Are ya crazy? :D Posting somebody's dead cvv's dudezzz
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    selling ongame/party/ipoker accounts. 40% of loaded balance. chipdumping method explained. escrow accepted

    I could do it on any poker i guess, let me know which poker's you got money on :)
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    [Sell] ~* PayPal Accounts *~

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    PayPal + Ebay Service

    This guy's shop is very good ! I live quality of UK Cvv's + UK paypals !!!!!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH BRO ! He's doing updates every 2-5 days, I love it :D
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    A little tutorial on using trojans for real profit

    thanks for this tutorial
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    Flooding phones

    nice brav :)
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    Cashout CVV to Moneygram Method! NEW

    I don't think that it works still :D
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    PayPal Message

    I think you can only use 1 card on 1 paypal account, isn't ? Unless you going thru Guest Checkout in paypal, so u can use that card to pay without logging in to account.
  18. B

    [Sell] ~* PayPal Accounts *~

  19. B - Online cvv shop 95 % valid rate (US/CA/UK/EU)

    Worst shop i ever seen in my hole life !!! I wouldn't suggest you to spend your money on this shop and get nothing
  20. B - Online cvv shop 95 % valid rate (US/CA/UK/EU)

    Listen, i wrote what im thinking about your shop, why you leaving -1 Negative feedback for me ????? You must be little c*unt to do that !!!!! I hate your shop, cvv's quality is shit and you dont give refunds when i pay 7$ for one UK cvv???? I can buy good quality cards in other service for less...