Search results

  1. RealIn

    почте - из ру в юк

    етот раз нэможет дп отправить , другоя тема .
  2. RealIn

    почте - из ру в юк

    Подскажите, каким способом по почте можно переслать карту из ру в юк . Пересылка карт почтой из ру запрещена! Что можно сделать и какой службой? Благодарю за ответы
  3. RealIn

    [Sell] - Neteller

    работал с ним . хорошие человек когда работает.
  4. RealIn

    bank DROPS in UK , fast , reliable cleaning of drop account in 20 minutes !

    now you provide drops ? before som litl time you was look for drops! lol
  5. RealIn

    Choice of your webinject, take it free !! ;-)

    77 seven is lucky nummber :D
  6. RealIn

    police / reputation / dangerous

    thats is that excatly abouth what i am talking true
  7. RealIn

    give me your icq , i wana buy united kingdom passport

    give me your icq , i wana buy united kingdom passport
  8. RealIn

    united kingdom shop

    Can somebody share for me in pm som easy cardable shop in uk ? I am not looking / tallking here abouth electronic goods or expensive items .. just shop from wich is easy to card someting just to learn how everyting work . for you i can give som few bins wich work for me withouth vbv . P.S just...
  9. RealIn

    Продаю Neteller

    что за игнор ?
  10. RealIn

    нетеллер ехпресс заливи

    я нэ англичиские .. я от балтие
  11. RealIn

    Work with dumps in United Kingdom

    but how you see Necks sad me , need only T2
  12. RealIn

    Work with dumps in United Kingdom

    do you know exapmle som uk shops wich accept swipe cards ? so i can make Driving Licence like Peter Gery and all the time on all dumps inside plastics use the same Driving Licence ? I will be happy if in start i can buy someting cheap , start new fraud is hard , so for begining i will be happy...
  13. RealIn

    Work with dumps in United Kingdom

    i trust you , you are right abouth fraud zone . but has 10% off bins left wich work here. after time can get them but i wana know all princip how everyting work . offcurse i understand , take msr , plastics ,t1 t2 , whrite , go shop but exatly , what i need in shop say .. how you are doing...
  14. RealIn

    Work with dumps in United Kingdom

    Hi . I never work with dumps inside United Kingdom. But i read and hear inside forum abouth dumps buisnes . Buy dumps and msr with plastics , thats not expensive. But from my side if i understand corect , on each dump need make Driving Licence / Passport , like proof f ID , but fake Driving...
  15. RealIn

    if u need uk drops let me know

    if u need uk drops let me know
  16. RealIn

    moneybookers drops.

    still looking
  17. RealIn

    Liberty Reserve Problems - Is it time to switch ?

    always i recive verification pin in minute . now starting problems.
  18. RealIn

    Liberty Reserve Problems - Is it time to switch ?

    They still dont send to my email VERIFICATION PIN . so LR is still down.