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  1. kimagure

    Kimagure = RIPPER

    Ninja, I'm currently dealing with Darkoja, you can ask him what my terms were since the first time we spoke. Not trying to be a smart ass, unless being smart ass means protecting your investments. As for prices in Thailand, well, I'm here for more than 7 years. If you have a connection that...
  2. kimagure

    Kimagure = RIPPER

    Ninja, I do have people working with me, but unfortunately they are not from this forum or any other forum on the internet. They are people I know personally or got recommended by the people I know and now I'm starting to think there is a reason I can never get anything done properly with...
  3. kimagure

    Kimagure = RIPPER

    True, no logs, unfortunately. We first started doing business when he said he has Australian dumps. We agreed on 50/50, sent me a dump, cashed it out in less then 1 hour since he gave me the data. Sent him his share and after that promised me constant dumps for cashout...all I got was 2 other...
  4. kimagure

    Kimagure = RIPPER

    Sorry, Ninja, I have deleted him from my contacts already and I can't find the logs. If you have any idea on how to recover them I'll be glad to show everything. We were using ICQ through Pidgin with OTR
  5. kimagure

    Only for Romanian ))

    Daca gasesti treaba asta, de restul pot sa ma ocup si eu, prea bine chiar ;). Am o combinatie pentru Australia, da-mi un PM daca vrei si vorbim
  6. kimagure

    Kimagure = RIPPER

    Me neither
  7. kimagure

    Kimagure = RIPPER

    Talk to your buddy, I specifically said that I don't want transfers under $9000 US, you can read what all this is about on the first page of this thread. Stop wasting people's time
  8. kimagure

    Kimagure = RIPPER

    Go bark somewhere else. I bet you that $2400 was all you managed to come up with all year after promising people hundreds of thousands. Guys like you are 2 cents a dozen, lucky there's other people out there that really mean business and live up to their promises, cause with dumb little clitters...
  9. kimagure

    Socks Service - [ru] (ПЕРЕЗАПУЩЕН) RS-Socks - новый сервис с новым возможностями.

    Yes, I know, this is not the first time, but this time is taking too long, almost 8 hours already and I have a lot of shit to do today :mad:
  10. kimagure

    ValidShop.Su Best US/CA quilty CVV

    Dude, just sent u a pm. I can't login to ur shop. Please reply
  11. kimagure

    Only for Romanian ))

    Daaaa, s-o fii demodat coxu :)
  12. kimagure

    Only for Romanian ))

    Latra ce vrei, si tu si restul profesionistilor care mai sunt pe aici
  13. kimagure

    Only for Romanian ))

    Si eu cu contul ducandu-se pe pula pt 5300 cand eu am bagat 4000 de euro sa-l fac
  14. kimagure

    Only for Romanian ))

    Cam subtire azi prezenta pe aici...sper sa nu fie nici unul dintre noi...nici macar DollarGreed...
  15. kimagure

    Only for Romanian ))

    In brigada care s-a ridicat in RO si CZ erau infiltrati 3 agenti SRI, pustani care fumau iarba si isi faceau cafeaua cu restu brigazii si care stateau si puneau pe craigs si pe plm, timp de 3 luni...focus mare e pe brigazi si bine inteles ca se ridica si aia de se duc cu vecinu la WU sa ridice...
  16. kimagure

    Only for Romanian ))

    Si tot iti cautai drop pe ca fac eu pe desteptu, da eu singuru drop care l-am avut in ro a fost pprimu, cand m-am apucat de treaba si asta era acu vreo 11 ani. Cand am ajuns acasa cu primii bani si mi-am dat seama ce belea poate sa iasa, n-am dormit 2 nopti. Si alea erau vremuri ducli...
  17. kimagure

    Only for Romanian ))

    Nu stiu daca ne sug pula, dar de coaie ne iau sigur daca pun mana pe noi. Dovezi oricum nu au fost in stare sa gaseasca niciodata, dar are cineva timp si bani de avocati si de procese si tot setul pe vremurile astea? Multe cuvinte care tocmai s-au folosit sunt cuvinte cheie, nu facm nimic...
  18. kimagure

    Kimagure = RIPPER

    Who said we agreed on more small transfers? Where? Show me exactly where we agreed on "more small transfers". Whatever, this is my last reply. Tired of wasting my time with this shit... For me, cashing out is mathematical. 50% of 3x10k transfers is more than 100% of 1x10k transfer. It's basic...
  19. kimagure

    Only for Romanian ))

    Eu personal sunt mai mult decat precaut, nu stiu restul, dar parerea mea e ca daca ne cauata garda pe aici, ar fii cazul sa cerem ne stearga conturile, sa radem tot dupa calculatoare, sa ne schimbam vpn, adrese de email, etc etc etc, pentru ca daca doar inchizi threadul, nu rezolvam nimic, e de...