Search results

  1. usa144

    Selling moneypak

    Where is the feedbacks from your so called sold codes? Looks like you're only talking to yourself. Have this, ok now its sold, have this again .. That kind of thing lol.
  2. usa144

    Selling moneypak

    What are you, a voodoo doll now?
  3. usa144

    Beware this member is a ripper. Deal with extreme precaution and only via official forum escrow...

    Beware this member is a ripper. Deal with extreme precaution and only via official forum escrow. Don't rush to be cried later, this is a very cunning person with ripping in mind.
  4. usa144

    Help with IRS pin

    Yeah like we give a shit you ripper.
  5. usa144

    Selling moneypak

    Ofcourse not, now he is nowhere to be seen lol.
  6. usa144

    Bank drops

    Do you accept to put % in escrow in advance?
  7. usa144


    Idiots like him have to be removed asap.
  8. usa144

    Looking for Vouches

    Copied context. Wrong section. Complete fail.
  9. usa144

    How one become verified for atm cashout service )

    One has to pay $5000 advertisement fee, and I doubt anyone will use you or your friend's service.
  10. usa144

    My team ready to cashout USA Dumps

    He is talking of dumps not d+p, and why don't you refund your victims instead of spam the forum with your useless messages?
  11. usa144

    Selling moneypak

    I'm simply fed up to my neck with moneypak rippers like you on this forum, its people like you who make legit carders hard to do business. Joined in 2013 and already selling moneypak. Biggest boldest red flag. And weren't you calling me a cop just now? And you offer your bogus code to me now...
  12. usa144

    Selling moneypak

    If you doing fraud, have honor among thiefs, if you can't do that, go work at your local mcdonalds. Sorry for blowing away your balloon.
  13. usa144

    Selling moneypak

    Moneypak is a top niche targeted by rippers like you. GLWS without going first kiddo. Cop strategy to what what what?? Hahahaha you crack my balls ripper. Thanks for the laugh, you just made my entire day better.
  14. usa144

    Selling moneypak

    I think the only ripper here is you. Oh and btw, speaking of clones, if the person who PM'd you didn't have rep, then why is his so called clones have rep and the account which PM'd you asking for the code didn't have rep? Your theory is weak.
  15. usa144

    Selling moneypak

    Clone of who?
  16. usa144

    Selling moneypak

    No thank you young man.
  17. usa144


    I vouch for moneybox, very talented and trustworthy person.
  18. usa144


    There are so many services, one of which I love is
  19. usa144


    Cool tracks :rocks