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    the truth...
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    best safe encrypted messenger

    what happened to private jabber server and OTR? is there anything more secure than that at the moment for chatting?
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    Skimming threatens debit card users, while fraud strikes 1 percent of credit card transactions

    wao thats an abusive % i can see why you turn into carding :p
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    I accidentaly reformatted my truecrypt usb drive

    from now on try to discipline yourself and make a backup of your truecrypt container weekly... it saved my life a few times already...
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    ATM skimmers: Chip and PIN Enables ‘Chip and Skim’

    there is a light at the end of the tunnel, just try to stay awake so you dont miss it... thanks for the share, respect.
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    romero $2.7k

    he is online all the time at jabber and ignoring please lets just finish this thread...
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    romero $2.7k

    Ninja just ban this lammer please, he is online right now in jabber and ignoring my messages...
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    romero $2.7k

    i am not trying to ruin nobody's reputation and i also agree that there are delays, he knows i am not kid to yell or make drama out of nothing but there is a situation here where he is online on jabber and ignoring people that sent him money... makes me think he took the cash and is not...
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    NEED MSR 206 PROGRAM LINK. ISO done with the linux comand "dd" from the CD that ships with the MSR206 unit... enjoy...
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    romero $2.7k

    logs sent to you Ninja...
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    romero $2.7k

    well, this is a very talented guy to speak the truth, i am thinking he maybe had some problems as i think somebody with such capacity has enough brain to know the benefits of working long term with people... but i might be wrong this time as many others :) ...thats why i still haven't used the...
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    romero $2.7k

    at the end it is my money as i will have to pay my friend...
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    romero $2.7k

    Last Activity: Today 01:05 AM Contacts: [email protected] [email protected] Link to profile: After a few months dealing with this guy without any problem, i decided to introduce a friend to him. My friend was looking to buy skimmer from this guy and...
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    The Story....

    find someone else to card for you and give him %...
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    Advice from expirienced carder

    number 4
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    tor broswer

    documentation about "exit nodes" should clarify my sarcasm...
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    mynetthebest ripper for 100LR...

    you first :D
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    mynetthebest ripper for 100LR...

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    220 code ?!?

    clear, precise and concise...
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    Assistance with tipping

    i had the same problem when i was a begginer and i solved it very easy, in the right part of the tipper (assuming you are in front of it and that it is a cheap china shit) there is a part where you graduate how down the tipping base will go when you pull the lever down, most of the time it just...